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By Michael Crichton
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    ER Season one episodes 7 and 8
    By Mellopas

    Chapter 7
    The police enquiry

    “Anything coming in nurse?” asked Mulder.
    “Nothing it’s the first quite day we’ve had in years.” Replied the nurse.
    Mulder then walks out of the ER and he sees a police car stopping somebody. Mulder goes to the café and sits down and orders a coffee to go. He walks outside and walks back to the ER.
    He over hears Randy taking to the police officer “That’s him.” Randy said.
    “Your Dr. Fox Mulder right.” Asks a police officer.
    “Yeah that’s right?” replies the Mulder.
    “Can we go somewhere private.” Asks the officer. They walk to the locker rooms. “I have some very bad news for you.” Say’s the officer in a very sad mood. “All family has died. I’m sorry.”
    “Oh my god.” Say’s a sad Mulder.
    “We found blood of your brother at your house. How could that of got there?” asks the officer.
    “I stayed at a hotel over night, I gave my brother my keys he was wanting to have a party.” Replies Mulder.
    Then a nurse walks in and say’s to Mulder “a teenage girl attempted suicide is coming in now.” Mulder walks outside and the ambulance door are pulled open. He can see a girl how has cuts all over her face and body.
    “Take her to trauma 2.” Orders Mulder. They take her to the trauma room. “What is your name?”
    “My name is Rachel Potaki.” Say’s the girl.
    “Why did you cut your self Rachel? What is your age?” Asks Mulder.
    “I’m thirteen. I cut myself because I’m pregnant. I don’t want a baby.” Replies Rachel. “ I did take some Ecstasy as well doctor.”
    “Do you have anyone we can call?” asks Mulder.
    “My mum.” Replies Rachel.
    “Ok I’ll get a nurse to call her ok.” Asks Mulder. “Someone call her mum.” A nurse walks out of the trauma room. “I need a blood gas, EEG, gastric lavage, epi, slow IV push, KUB and I’ll intubate.” Mulder manages to intubate.
    “Mulder this is her mum.” Say’s a Nurse. Mulder walks outside the trauma room.
    “Hi. I’m Dr. Mulder. Your daughter came in today because she has attempted suicide and she told me that she has took some Ecstasy do you know where she could of got that?” asks Mulder.
    “I don’t know where she got that. Why would she have attempted suicide?” replies Mrs Potaki.
    “I have reason to believe she was pregnant.” Replies Mulder. “Sit down in chairs and I’ll get you if there’s a change.”
    “Mulder she’s walking up.” Shouts a nurse.
    “Send her up to ICU.” Replies Mulder. “The nurse will take her up to the intensive care unit, they’ll take care of her.”
    “Thanks Dr. Mulder.” Says Mrs Potaki.
    Mulder looks at his watch it reads “09.58.” He walks toward the reception. He sees Dr. Trew and Mulder say’s to him “I’m off. Ok I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    “Bye Mulder.” Replies DR. Trew. Mulder then walks to the locker room and gets his coat on.
    He walks outside the ER where he sees Carter and Abby heading in the ER he over hears Abby taking to Carter “look I think we have to tell Mark today about him.”
    The Carter Replies back to her “So do I.“
    Mulder walks slowly to ward the Café.

    Chapter 8
    Getting found out

    Mulder is walking from the café to The ER. He opens the doors and he sees a new receptionist.
    “Hey what’s your name?” asks Mulder.
    “My name is milt.” Replies The Receptionist in a German accent.
    “I’m Mulder by the way.” Say’s Mulder. Mulder walks to the locker room where he sees 5 people sitting down.
    He recognizes 4 of them, a man walks in and locks the door and say’s “I’m Dr. Sav. You’ve met Drs. Mark Green and John Carter, you’ve worked with our new med student Yvonne Nelly and our great nurse Abby is that correct?”
    “That is correct.” Replies Mulder
    “Abby saw you administer 10 migs to a patent two days ago but in the chart it says you ordered fifty migs. Where did the other forty migs go to?” asked Dr. Sav.
    “I put them in my pocket and then flushed them down the toilet ok.” Replies Mulder.
    “Well you do know that it is illegal to do that right?” Asked Mark.
    “I’m sorry.” Replies Mulder.
    “Good we want you to check up on all your old patients and make sure there alright. What I don’t want you to do is see any patients today.” Orders Dr. Trew.
    “I’ll do that.” Yells Mulder. Then a nurse knocks at the locked door. Then Mark walks up to it and unlocks the door.
    “Multi-trauma coming in ETA any minute.” Shouts the Nurse.
    “I mean that Mulder no patients today.” Yells Dr. Sav. Mulder walks toward the reception.
    “Milt can you give me the phone number for the ICU.” Asks Mulder.
    “I’m new I don’t know where anything is ok.” Replies Milt.
    “Ok fine I’ll walk up there.” Say’s Mulder angrily.
    Mulder then walks toward the lifts and sees Carter ordering Abby to do something on a patient “Abby I want you to call surgery.” The lift opens in front of him, he walks inside.
    He gets out and walks to the ICU.
    “Excuse me I am looking for Mrs Potaki?” Asked Mulder.
    “Who are you?” asked a Nurse.
    “I’m Dr. Fox Mulder.” Replied Mulder.
    “I’ll get her.” Say’s the nurse.
    The nurse returns to Mulder with Mrs Potaki. “Dr. Mulder.” Mrs Potaki.
    “They wont tell me if Rachel’s ok.” Cries Mrs Potaki.
    “I’ll see if I can talk to the doctor here.” Say’s Mulder.
    A doctor walks towards Mulder and asks “Can you read this EEG to Mrs Potaki?”
    “Sure is there a place we can go.” Replied Mulder. They walk to a small room and Mulder sits down first, then Mrs Potaki sits down, then the doctor locks the door. “I’m sorry about your daughter Mrs Potaki, she will be just fine, her baby is still alive inside her, the baby will have several defects, and it will have downs syndrome.” Say’s a sad Mulder.
    Then there is a knock at the door it is a police man he tries to open it but he cant he then barges through the door and yells “fox Mulder I’m arresting you.”
    Mulder runs outside of the room where five policemen are standing there. He fights on of the policemen. One policeman punches him.
    “Where am I?” asked Mulder. As he wakes up in a cold, dark cellar.
    “In prison.” Replied someone in the next cell.
    “Come on Dr. Mulder.” Say’s a policeman. They walk to a small room. In the room he sees a large mirror.
    “So tell me something Mulder. Did you kill your brother?” say’s the policeman.
    “I killed him ok.” Shouts and cries Mulder.
    “I’m arresting you for killing your family, a Taxi Driver, for giving wrong information and for taking Drugs”. Say’s the policeman.


    The phone is ringing Milt answers it. “Hello ER I’ll tell him.” Asks milt. ”Where Dr. Trew?”
    “I’m here.” Replies Trew.
    “DR. Mulder has been will be in prison for six months.” Said Milt. “I have this mail it has your name on it.”
    “I’ll open it.” Say’s Trew.
    When he opens it he sees a soft powder and a little letter that says, “this is the best powder to fight disease in the skin put it on.”
    Dr. Trew puts on the powder and he sees another letter he opens it and it say’s “DON’T PUT ON ANY POWDER SENT THROUGH THE MAIL AS IT MAY HOLD ANTHRAX.” Dr. Trew runs to the toilet and wash’s his hands very throughout.

    To be continued……………

    10/11/2002 2:38:35 PM

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