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    The Japanese businessmen running from the rex in the San Diego sequence of TLW are saying 'I left Tokyo to get away from this!' in their native language.
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    The Lost Wallet (chapter 4 thru ending)
    By Malcolm


    Grant and company emerge from the jungle and enters into the compound overgrown parking lot, which is littered with abandoned vehicles; some lying on their sides, while others are overturned completely.
    Chucky Sims looks around and peers at one vehicle, its windshield was partially caved in, like some giant head butted the glass. “What is this place?” Chucky said to himself.

    The group finally approaches the front door of an enormous building, and heads up the front steps. They find themselves in what appears to have been a lobby which the jungle has once again claimed, roots and ivy poke through the flooring and walls. Against one of the walls was a sofa, its cushions have been gnawed at and pulled apart. In front of the sofa was a coffee table, on top of it was a lone mug; held down by spider webs.

    They walked farther into the building, a couple of vending machines stood at the end of a long hallway, all covered with vines. Paul notices them and pulls out some change from his pockets. “Let’s see here,” Paul said. “I’ve got about seventy-five cents. How about you guys?”

    Grant walks up to one of the vending machines, its front has been kicked in, glass pieces surrounded it on the floor. He reached in and pulled out some candy bars and a bag of chips. He tosses a candy bar to Chucky.

    Dr. Grant and Chucky continue down the hallway, as Paul grabs a few bags of chips from the vending machine.

    Paul starts to walk away, then suddenly stops, looking at the ground he sees something. He quickly kneels down to get a closer look: covered in a light dust, was a wallet. “I found it!” Paul shouted with joy. “I’ve found my lost wallet!”
    Grant turns to face Paul Kirby, “You found it?” Grant asked. Thank God, he thought.
    Paul turns and hugs and kisses Amanda. “I found my wallet. My wallet is no longer lost! I found my wallet!”

    Grant pushes through a set of doors, revealing a cavernous hatchery facility. The group walks down a ramp and onto the floor, they once again begin to absorb the incredible array of technology: enormous cryonic freezer. their plugs pulled years ago; empty incubators; tanks of formaldehyde with dinosaur fetuses and body parts.

    Machines with intricate tubing and swing arms stand beside conveyer belts crisscrossing the room at different levels.

    Chucky looks around, in awe. “So this is where they made the dinosaurs?” he asked.
    “No. This is where they played God.” Grant answered.

    Amanda is passing a large cylindrical tank with a half-formed embryo floating in formaldehyde, a genetic experiment gone awry. She pauses, staring at it she asks, “Dr. Grant what is that?”
    Grant comes over to take a look. After a few moments he answers, “Looks like an Apatosaurus,” Alan Grant said.
    Walking to the next tank. Amanda says, “What about this one?”
    “You see those V-shaped crests on top of its skull?” Grant asked. “Dilophosaurus wetherill. I did not actually see the Dilophosaur while touring Jurassic Park, but according to a tape recorded voice, it turns out this medium sized creature actually spits a poisonous venom at its adversary, which causes blindness and eventually paralysis, allowing this carnivore to eat at its leisure.”
    Chucky Sims looks at the third tank in the line up. “And this one?” Chucky asked.
    Dr. Alan Grant walks up to the tank, looking at the almost completely formed embryonic creature. Its legs, from what Grant could see, had very strong muscles, prefect for running at high speeds. Its body slim, and very bird-like. “Gallimimus bullatus,” Grant finally replied.

    Paul and Amanda continue on to the last tank, in which a gigantic raptor head appears to be floating in the tank. All at once, one of the eyes on the raptor head blinks.

    Catching Amanda’s attention she bends forward, getting very close to the glass. She peers right into the eyes of this nightmarish creature. The head moves, it was an actual raptor behind the glass tank; it lunges at her from behind the tank.

    Amanda screams. Fortunately the raptor can’t get between the closely spaced tanks. Amanda rums back towards the group.

    “Amanda!” Paul shouted.
    “Get back, get back,” Grant shouted.

    The Velociratpor runs along the tanks, trying to find a way through. One of the tanks is broken out, making a large gap between the tanks, the raptor jumps through and gives chase to the hero’s.

    Paul Kirby leads the way racing down the hallway of the lab, checking every door for a possible escape or hiding place. But approaching them at high speeds was the raptor.
    They group quickly rounds a corner, bolting for the closest door. “In here,” Paul yelled.

    The group enters into the room and quickly slams the door shut behind them. There are several rows of oversized steel cages on both sides of a narrow aisle, apparently used for containing young dinosaurs. Many of the cage doors lay open.

    The group races down the long aisle, but close behind the raptor bursts into the room.

    Grant, Paul, and Amanda duck into one of the open cages, slamming the door behind them.

    Chucky Sims ducks into another. But before he could swing the cage door shut behind, the raptor slams into it, driving the door into the cage; forcing him back against a chain-link wall; trapped in a small triangle of space by the advancing door. The raptor roared, looked at Chucky, who is just inches away through the cage door.

    Then, suddenly, the raptor looks up, gazing to the top of the triangle enclosure is wide open. The eager raptor begins to climb up the chainlink door. Chucky stares at the raptor as it continues to climb, then down at the ground. Suddenly he pushes with all his strength against the door, swinging it with the raptor open, trapping the raptor on the other side. Chucky slides the door bolt through the chainlink wall, temporarily trapping the dinosaurs.

    The Velociratpor strangles desperately to get free. Growling and snarling at Chucky, but the cage door seems to be holding.
    Chucky rushes to the others. All of the sudden the raptor begins to make a low, haunting moan. As the others head for the door, Grant lingers a step and listens to the raptors melodic cry. “My God,” Grant said in disbielf, “This is the same damn scene from Jurassic Park 3 with the same damn corny lines.”
    Paul runs back to Grant and says, “Let’s go.”

    * * * *

    The group hurries out of the rear of the lab building and finds themselves in a large equipment yard. They could still hear the raptor cries, as they ran towards an open field. To the group’s dismay, they soon find themselves virtually surrounded by raptor cries both distant and near.

    Grant looks around, searching for any signs of the raptors, as he and the rest of the group race into the field.

    Up ahead, a herd of Parasaurolophus were feeding, along side a lone Stegosaurus. Farther in, a small cluster of Pachycephalosaurus also lazily feed on the local plant life.

    Suddenly the grazing Parasaurs began to run across the open space. Chucky took a quick glance back, in the distance behind the herd a pack of raptors just emerged from the jungle, coming their way.

    Seeing the hadrosaurs running in confusion, Grant looks and sees the approaching raptors, flying across the open field right at them. “Head for the trees!” he yelled, as be began to run.

    The raptor pack moves into a hunting formation. One Alpha male raptor, slightly larger than the others, leads the charging pack up the middle.

    Grant risks a look back again, but doesn’t stop running. “This way,” Grant said. In an effort to escape the oncoming raptors, Grant leads the group right into the stampeding hadrosaurs. Suddenly all hell breaks loose. The Parasaurolophus herd races past them, splitting up our group. Grant looks back, to his dismay the raptors are ignoring the Parasaurs, instead the pack weaves their way through the herd, the raptors only want them.

    “Dr. Grant!” Chucky shouts out.
    “Keep going!” Grant yelled back.

    They lose sight of each other.

    The hadrosaurs race for the forrest edge, splitting apart our four characters. Paul fell to the ground hard, as a young Parasaur flew by him. He just stayed still, watching the herd. A large raptor was sprinting after the young hadrosaurs, while the rest of the pack continued the chase after our heroes.

    Paul Kirby watched in horror as the raptor leapt into the air towards the dinosaur; its two hind legs raised in a pounce. The Parasaurolophus was shoved to the ground hard; as the raptor landed on the animal’s back, its claws digging into its flesh.

    The raptor snapped its jaws around the juveniles neck neck, pulling away chucks of flesh. The Parasaur bellowed in pain.

    The group is almost to the forest. “Head for the trees,” Grant shouts.

    Paul Kirby gets back up and starts running past the raptor as it feeds on the young Parasaurolophus.

    The raptor pack are now less than a yard away from the characters of the film. When abruptly the pack stops dead in their tracks. Amanda looks back, and sees the pack just standing there. The Alpha male raptor takes a hesitant step forward, and begins to sniff the still air. The Alpha looked back at the rest of its pack and barked.

    Amanda watched. “Dr. Grant,” she said, “What’s going on?” Amanda asked.
    “I’m not quiet sure,” Grant replied. Something was wrong, this wasn’t right. Why are the raptors just standing there? Grant thought to himself.

    One of the raptors growled, snapping its jaws: open and closed. The Alpha howled again, this time in a more rhythm like cry. Grant listens to the howl. “It means, ‘There’s something in the forrest’, doesn’t it?” Grant said to himself “Or does it just mean ‘Danger’.”

    All at once, the raptor pack starts running away from the forrest edge. A hooting cry floated out from the underbrush. The group listened, they heard a crashing sound coming from the underbrush. The it was silent again. They waited, and they herd it again. Something was moving in the jungle, coming towards them. Something big. Something was near. A big dinosaur.

    A medium sized dinosaur jumped out from dark jungle. The dinosaur stood less than twenty feet away from the characters. The dinosaur was at least ten-feet-tall, its body was yellow with black tiger stripe pattern on its back. On top of it head were pair of flaming red V-shaped crests.

    The dinosaur hooted again.

    Grant knew what this creature was: it was a Dilophosaurus. Quickly Paul, Chucky, and Grant ran for some trees and began climbing up. Amanda just stood still, looking at the animal. The dinosaur didn’t move, just stared back at her. “Amanda,” Paul shouted from a tree, “Get away from that dinosaur!”
    “It’s okay,” she said, “remember no Jurassic Park dinosaur can kill or injury a female.”
    Paul looks over at Grant, “She does have a point.”

    Suddenly the dinosaur snapped its head ina single swift motion. Amanda Kirby felt something smack wetly against her chest. She looked down and saw a dipping glob of foam. Curiously, Amanda touched it. It was spit.

    The dinosaur just spit on her. Gross, Amanda thought to herself. That's disgusting.

    She looked back at the dinosaur just in time to see its head snap again, and immediately felt another wet smack against her neck, just above the shirt collar.

    The skin on her neck began to tingle and burn. Her hand was burning too, like the feeling like she had just touched acid.
    “Oh my God,” Chucky shouted. “the first woman in a Jurassic Park movie is about to die. This is great.”

    Amanda Kirby dropped to her knees in pain. Her skin continued to burn. Holding her face in your hands, she felt a new pain. She felt excruciating pain on the back of her skull, a stabbing like spikes, pierced the back of her head. The animal had her skull in its mouth.

    Amanda tried to break the grip away from this monster. Trying to stand up, the dinosaur pulled her back down. The dinosaur let go.

    She looked up at the dinosaur, just as a glob of foam shot towards her, and smacked right in her eyes. Her eyes began to burn. She couldn’t see.

    All of a sudden she felt a new, searing pain, like a knife had just sliced open her lower torso. Blindly Amanda began to rub her hands over her lower body, when she felt something warm and wet. She took hold of the thick, slippery mass that seemed to becoming from inside her.

    The dinosaur had torn her open. Her gut had fallen out.

    The pair grew worse, the dinosaur took her head in its jaws and bit down.


    Paul looked over at Grant and asked, “What is that dinosaur? Spitosaurus rex?”
    Grant looks at Paul. “No. It’s a Dilophosaurus that was given a cameo in this film.”

    Chucky looks down at the Dilophosaurus, it grabbed Amanda’s corpses and began dragging it back into the jungle. “There goes that theory no women die in a Jurassic film,” Chucky said to himself.

    Paul, Grant, and Chucky climb out of their trees and start walking along side the dark jungle.

    Up head they see another large structure, at the edge of a cliff.

    The three remaining men entered into the structure, across the room are giant windows which were designed to look down into the canyon beyond, but all they see is a thick fog. In the center of the room, they see a spiral strairecase that leads to the lower level.

    Grant approaches the stairs and peers down the circular opening in the floor. After a few moments, Grant starts walking down the rusty spiral staircase, heading to the lower level of the observation room. Paul and Chucky quickly follow.

    Grant takes the final step down into a room filled with a thick fog. Like the room above, there was a large window on all sides. He walks to the window and looks down: below he can see the river. Just about a mile down stream Grant spots a small boat, that is parked on the bank of the river.

    Still looking out the window, Grant says, “We climb down into the canyon, there is a boat not that far away. And we take the boat to the ocean.”
    “Then we can go home?” Chucky asked.
    “Yes. Then we go home,” Grant said.

    Grant begins walking down a long ramp, that connects to a catwalk that seems to lead down to the river’s bank. There is a flight of stairs continuing down along the canyon wall. Grant, followed by the others start down the stairs.

    Grant stops for a moment, trying to get a sense of there they are. Above he sees some large support beans that are braced high on the arched walls of steel mesh. It’s obvious they are inside a vast construction.

    Dr. Alan Grant slowly walks forward across the narrow catwalk, his hands on the railing. A few inches ahead, on the right railing, is a white hardened substance. “Oh, my God,” Grant says.
    “What?” Chucky asked.
    “We’re in a bird cage,” Grant answered.

    All of a sudden, Grant sees a large shape emerge out from the fog, flying along the caged walkway. It’s a Pteranadon.

    The three men start to run. As they round a corner, they notice there is a large gap in the catwalk and hovering the gap is another Pteranadon. The Pteranadon snapped its beak at them.

    The Pteranadon lands on the walk way’s ledge, its massive weight is too much, and the entire section of the catwalk breaks free from the canyon wall, flipping over laterally, it falls to the raging river below. Grant, Paul, and chucky fall down into the river.

    Grant and Paul quickly emerge from the water by a canyon wall. But there are no signs of Chucky.

    Farther downstream, they finally see Chucky surface. He stands up and waves at Grant and Paul and then begins to swim towards them. Paul smiles. But quickly fades away, flying towards Chucky is a large Pteranadon.

    “Chucky, look out!” Paul shouted, pointing up towards the Pteranadon.
    Chucky glances back. Not looking where he was going, he starts to run fast. But it is too late the Pteranadon strikes, causing Chucky to lose balance and fall.

    Chucky gets up, and the Pteranadon knocks him over again. “What the hell you trying to do,” Chucky shouted at the Pterandon. He quickly dives into the water, and swims quickly to the the bank.

    Standing on the bank, are Dr. Grant and Paul Kirby. Chucky Sims is quickly swimming towards them. The Pterandon seems to have given up, whatever Chucky had yelled at it, sure did work.

    Two hundred feet downstream was the boat. They ran towards it.

    * * * *

    Grant, Paul, and Chucky push the small boat back into the river, and get in and the current takes the craft downstream.
    Paul Kirby yanks the starter rope, getting the engine to turn over. Grant gets behind the wheel and guides the craft down the river.

    The sun is setting, illuminating the water, up ahead coming out of the river were a herd of armored Ankylosaurs. Farther in the valley they see a herd of duck billed hadrosaurs, and a family of Stegosaurs. Grant watches the creatures , awestruck. Drinking from the river, around another curve was a large Brachiosaur.

    All of a sudden, a herd of Pachycephalosaurus’ charge into the valley. There is a man riding on top of one of the dinosaurs. The animal was green, with light brown stripes, about five-feet-tall, it had a big domed skull, that had a butch of little horns.

    Chucky looks at the herd, and sees the man. “Isn’t that the man who was on the bicycle?”

    “Whoa!” the man said, holding on to the dinosaurs neck. The dinosaur kept on bucking, and threw the man off; landing on the ground hard. The man jumped to his feet, and ran after the dinosaur shouting, “Get back here. I wasn’t finished with you yet.” The herd of Pachycephalosaurus run around the valley, the man following behind them.

    * * * *

    Paul Kirby has taken the wheel, while Grant went to sit on the edge of the boat. The river has gotten very narrow, he had to be cautious to make sure to avoid the banks.

    Grant looks into the dark sky, a large full moon hung over head. The sky was cloudless. As the boat began to round another bend, Grant hears something from something right on the edge of the bank. Its a high pitched ringing, like those on sat-phones. Grant gets to his feet as he says, “Stop the boat.” He jumps off the boat into the knee deep water, and heads for the source of the sound. The sound seem to be coming from one of seven mounds of dinosaur dung, at the edge of the forest.

    The Paul and Chucky exchange looks, and jump off the boat and follow Dr. Grant. “Find it before it stops ringing!” Grant said. Holding his breath, Grant plunges his arm into on of the mounds, feeling for the sat-phone. Paul goes to another mound and does the same. The phone is still ringing.

    Chucky stares at it. “That’s one big pile of shit,” he said.
    “Come on Chucky,” Grant said. “Help us find the phone.”
    “Oh no, not me,” Chucky said. “I am not going to dig around in that dino shit. I wont do it.”

    * * * *

    From off the set, the director Tiffany Taira calls out, “Cut.” She walks onto the set. Turning to Tom Green (Chucky Sims) she continues, “What’s the problem Tom? You will have a mouse in your mouth in Road Trip, but you wont dig around in some dino dung? Do you really think we would use real dinosaur droppings in this film? Of course not.”
    “What is it then?” Tom Green asked.
    “The dinosaur dung is made of oatmeal with a touch of chocolate syrup for color,” Tiffany answered.
    “So your saying we could actually eat this,” Tom asked in disbelief.
    “Yes,” Tiffany answered, she reached down and grabbed a hand full of the oatmeal. Turned to face Sam Neill, “Sammy here,” she tosses' the oatmeal at him, “try some.”
    Sam Neill, takes a bite of the oatmeal. “Taste pretty damn good I must say.”
    Tiffany Taira turns back to Tom Green. “Now can we finish this scene?”
    “Yeah, okay,” he answered.

    Tiffany walks off set and gets back in her directors chair. “Three....two....one....action!” Tiffany said.

    * * * *

    Chucky Sims plunges is hands into the dung. After a few moments of search he says, “I’ve got something. I think I’ve got something!”
    They all turn to Chucky who is cleaning off what he found. He holds it up, its a beeper. The phone continues to ring.

    They all return to their task, shoveling the dung away with their arms, searching for the satphone. After a few more minutes, Grant finally finds the ringing sat-phone, he quickly cleans off the mouth piece and presses a button. “You too can enjoy a beautiful tour of Jurassic Park starting this month,” a recorded voice said from the phone. “When your not out in the park, you can enjoy a meal at our four star restaurant. Or just relax in our modern hotel rooms.”

    Chucky looks up at Grant, “If we survive this you wanna go?”

    Grant doesn’t answer, he shuts the phone off.

    In all the excitement of finding the phone, no one notices a fierce horned Ceratsaurus is standing behind them. The dinosaur bends down and smells them. Even a dinosaur wont eat something covered in shit. Chucky turns and sees the dinosaur. “Um, guys,” he said. “We got company. Hey wait a minute, according to the shooting script wasn’t the dinosaur suppose to have been a Carnotaurus? That dinosaur is a Ceratsaurus.”
    After a minute the Ceratsaurus walks away. Paul says, “I can’t speak for you guys, but I can’t help to be a little offended here.”

    The three men head back to the boat, as they walk Grant is cleaning off the satphone. He sees the battery level is pretty low.

    Paul looks over, “Whatever you do, don’t call the U.S. Embassy. Didn’t do a goddamn thing in Jurassic Park 3.”
    “I recall you telling me that in the film,” Grant said. “Also as you can tell I don’t have a Costa Rican phone book on me, so it will have to be someone in the States. Someone we can absolutely trust.
    Chucky looks at Paul. “Joe Johnston?”
    “I wouldn’t trust that cheesy director with my life,” Paul said. “He would kill us all.”
    “So who you going to calling Dr. Grant?” Chucky asked.

    Grant ignores the question. Ring. Ring.
    “Pick up,” Grant said. “Pick up.”

    Chucky Sims walks to the edge of the boat, and sits. Staring into the murky water he sees hundreds of fish quickly swim by. All at once, a gigantic fin bursts out of the water, just a twenty yards away from the boat. It’s heading straight for them, and fast.

    Dr. Grant, notices the call has been cut off. As he is about to re-dial, he felt something large slam into the boat, causing him to almost fall into the water. Grant looks over and sees the large fin, as the creature rises out of the river. It is the Spinosaurus.

    Paul Kirby, who is standing in the wheel house, sees the dinosaur. The Spinosaurus lets out an ear splitting roar. He quickly runs to the edge of the boat and dives off, and swims to the shore. Dr. Grant follows.

    Chucky Sims is about to do the same, when suddenly the Spinosaurus lowers its massive head down, staring at him; it let’s out a growl. It lunges at Chucky with gaping jaws, barely missing him. Chucky dives into the river.

    He starts to swimming hard. From the bank, Paul shouts, “You can do it Chucky! Keep it up!”

    The Spinosaurus starts to swim after Chucky. No place to go, no place to hide Chucky Sims dives deep into the river and just swims hard.

    Chucky resurfaces a few yards down river, breathing hard. He takes a breath and goes back under, heading for the shore.

    Suddenly the Spinosaur submerged under the water, its sail only showing. And it began chasing Chucky. The creature was closing in on him at great speed.

    Grant looks at Paul, “Should we try to save the kid?” he asked.
    “Nah,” they both said in unison.

    They watch as the Spinosaur lunges its powerful jaws down upon Chuck Sims’ leg; the creature stands up, pulling up Chucky. The Spinosaur tosses Chucky Sims’ corpses into the air, and catches it in its jaws, crushing down on him with its dagger like fangs.

    The Spinosaur lets out a deafening roar.

    We hear a different roar coming from the jungle. The trees begin to shake as something very large plows through the jungle, come towards them. Coming out of the dark jungle is a bull Tyrannosaurus.

    Dr. Grant and Paul both freeze. The Tyrannosaur looks around, and lets out a violent roar. The Tyrannosaur lunges forward, its powerful jaws opening and closing.
    The Spinosaur emerges out of the water, twenty yards from the Tyrannosaur. It roars. The Tyrannosaurus takes a few steps forward, opening its jaws, showing its dagger like fangs.

    The Spinosaurus lunges forward, its powerful jaws open wide. The Tyrannosaurus sidesteps the assault, its tail knocking down a small tree as it spins out of the way. The rex presses on the attack, slamming its tail into the flank of its adversary. The Spinosaur is knocked back, and struggles to regain its balance, the Tyrannosaur drives forward its jaws open, trying to get hold of its throat.

    The Tyrannosaur pushes the battle closer to the waters edge, eventually getting the Spinosaur back into the river. The Spinosaurus slashes at the rex with its long arms and razor sharp claws.
    The rex staggers back a bit, blood drips from its side. The Tyrannosaur growls.

    The Tyrannosaur lunges for the Spinosaurus with gaping jaws and manages to topple the Spinosaur off its feet, sending the flailing dinosaur into water. The Tyrannosaur grips hard on its neck, and submerges itself underwater, pulling the Spinosaur down also.

    The Spinosaur frantically tries to get free, but is thrown back down as the Tyrannosaur latches onto its throat once again, pulling it back under.

    The Tyrannosaurus bursts out of the water, roaring in victory.

    * * * *

    Dr. Grant and Paul run farther into the jungle. The jungle slowly thins out, reviewing a white sandy beach. They keep on walking, when Grant notices something rammed against the rocks ahead. It’s a speedboat, its hull ripped from the impact.
    “Something left over from the previous film?” Paul asked.
    “Most likely,” Grant answered, as he heads for the boat. “This is the boat that brought your son to the island in Jurassic Park 3. Did they ever figure out what killed the crewmen?”
    “Only speculation,” Paul said. “Some think it was the Spinosaurus, while others say the Pteranadon. And some even believe InGen cloned sea dinosaurs.”

    Grant looks in: the cabin is pretty much still intact, just lots of dries blood. The driver seat has three large gashes in it. He quickly measure their spacing with his fingers. Grant looks on the wet sand surrounding the boat, and finds a trail of three-toed tracks. Raptor tracks.

    Have the raptors learned to swim? Grant wasn’t sure. There was no evidence for this in the fossil record. Paul walks up to him, looking at the tracks. Paul looks up, in the far horizon he sees two helicopters. Paul shouts with joy, waving his arms widely. They’re saved! “Over here,” Paul shouted. Turn to Grant, “We’re safe.”
    “No Kirby, we are not,” Grant said.

    The first chopper flew right overhead, and hovers above the forest. The second helicopter starts to land.

    Grant waving his arms pointing towards the trees. “Get back. Stay back! They’re in the trees!”

    At the tree line, the upper branches begin shaking as a large Pterandon jumps out of the tree and flies towards the first chopper. Its pilot veers away, but its not enough, the Pterandon is already on him. It smashes its beak through the window, perching on the skids of the helicopter, causing it to flip on its side. The Pterandon sticks its head up too high, suddenly the blade decapitates the Pterandon.

    The second helicopter touches down on the beach, quickly Dr. Grant and Paul load in.

    Meanwhile another Pteranadon tries to bring down the craft. The helicopter suddenly tips to its side and begins free falling, crashing down onto the trees. Creating a massive fireball.

    The second helicopter quickly takes off, heading over the water. Paul Kirby looks out the open cabin door, he sees: a flock of Pteranadons following them at great speed. Paul turns to face Grant. “Thanks for helping me find my lost wallet,” Paul said.
    Before Grant could respond he sees a dark shape appear behind Paul, at the open side door of the helicopter. The chopper begins to shake.

    It’s a Pteranadon, and it’s trying to climb inside.

    The Pteranadon snaps its massive toothy beak onto Paul’s shoulder. He cries out in pain.

    Sitting across from them is a gunman, Grant looks at him and says, “Shoot it. Shoot it!”

    The gunman fires, missing the Pteranadon completely, hitting Paul Kirby in the chest. The gunman looks at Grant, and says, “God he was annoying.”
    “Oh my God, you just killed Paul!” Grant said. “Oh well, there goes his chance to be in anymore Jurassic films.”

    Paul Kirby’s body falls out of the chopper, and the Pteranadon with it. Another Pteranadon swoops down and grabs Kirby’s corpse and flies back to the beach. While the other begins to circles and flies out away, but not back to ISLA SORNA. After a few moments the Pteranadon is joined by four others.

    The helicopter skirts the coastline of ISLA SORNA, Grant looks out the window and sees a herd of dinosaurs grazing peacefully in a large, open valley. Off in the distance, we hear a roar as the screen darkens and the credits begin to play.






    (Dr. Alan Grant)

    (Paul Kirby)

    (Amanda Kirby)

    (David Wells)

    (Chucky Sims)

    (The man on the bicycle)

    Becky Wilson Dan Taylor
    Daniel “the anonymous”
    EDITOR Richard Arnold
    Tiffany Taira
    Jon Sattelberger
    Justin Strauss
    Stan Winston

    * * *

    Steven Spielberg and Michael Crichton are standing on the sandy beach, watching the waves roll ashore. “Have you been working on anything exciting lately?” Crichton asked.
    “Yeah,” Spielberg replied, “It’s a movie about dinosaurs.”
    Michael Crichton suddenly got excited, “What’s the film about?”
    “How this millionaire who has geneticaly engineered some dinosaurs and placed them in a zoo-like setting on an island off the coast of Costa Rica. But the power somehow get’s turned off while some people are touring the island and the dinosaurs break free from their paddocks.”
    Crichton says to himself, “Jurassic Park.”
    Not hearing him Spieberg asked, “Say that again?”
    “You should call that movie Jurassic Park.”

    5/23/2002 11:23:42 PM
    (Updated: 5/23/2002 11:24:15 PM)
    (Updated: 5/23/2002 11:27:21 PM)
    (Updated: 5/23/2002 11:49:06 PM)

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    While every effort is made to verify informa tion before it is published, as usual: Don't believe everything you see on televis...er, the Internet.
    Oh, and one more thing: All your base are belong to us.