Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    If you look carefully (and know something about guns), you can see that Muldoon's gun is not cocked and has the safety on right before he's killed in JP. Poor Muldoon. (From: Rexy!)
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    Sponge Bog goes to Jurassic Park chp2
    By Maester_Seymour

    "Oh wow..." Sponge Bob's eyes sparkle with joy as the car drives to the command center
    "Oh Wow....." Patrick's eyes sparkle with joy as he stares at his hand

    John Hammond walks out and greets Ms.Puff and Squidward.

    "Welcome, welcome! Kids... Welcome to Jurassic Park!" Hammond spreads his arms in welcome

    "I'm going to kick your butt!" Flat says to Hammond

    Hammond runs away.

    "Flat! You scared him!" Sponge Bob says "He was just welcoming us to the park of JOY!!!"

    "I'm going to kick your butt!" Flat says to Sponge Bob

    "Noo! Don't kick my butt! Ms.Puff! Ms.Puff!" Sponge Bob runs crying to Ms.Puff

    "Oh cannit you oversized Sponge!" Ms.Puff shakes Sponge Bob off her

    They all enter the building. As they ride by the incubation room Sponge Bob throws spit balls at Squidward. The tour ends and then they go back in the cars to start the island tour. A velociraptor looks at Sponge Bob with puppy eyes...devilish puppy eyes.

    "Patrick! Patrick! Look! Isn't it cute!" Sponge Bob calls over Patrick
    "I think it's ugly! Damn plants!" Patrick says looking at the plants behind Sponge Bob
    "No Patrick! That animal! Look!" Sponge Bob turns Patrick
    "Oh! I guess it is! Here...Bob! Here Bob!" Patrick squeezes Sponge Bob's cheeks
    "No not me Patrick! In the bushes!" Sponge Bob slaps Patrick around to see
    "Oh! Come here Donald! Here Donald!" Patrick whistles to the raptor like a stupid fat kid
    "Donald?" Sponge Bob asks
    "He needs a name Sponge Bob! Duh!" Patrick walks up to the raptor " Can we keep him?" The Raptor grins evilly and then leaps out of the fencing

    Squidward walks over calling out to Sponge Bob and Patrick.

    "Where were you two-Ah! What the heck is that? What did you two do!" Squidward jumps when he sees "Donald" the velociraptor "We need to get that Hammond guy! HAMMOND !!! HAMMOND!!!"

    "No Squidward! Mr.Hammond smells like ass! And besides.. Donald woulden't hurt a fly!" Sponge Bob hugs Donald

    Donald jumps up and rips apart one of the students. and then sneaks back without the three seeing.

    "See... He's perfectly harmless Squidward!" Patrick says picking his belly button "I was wondering where that went for 3 years! Hehe..!" Patrick grins clumsily as he eats the gum from his belly button

    (Chapter 3 soon)

    7/1/2002 8:14:26 PM

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