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    When Hammond visits Grant and Ellie in the trailer, pay attention to some of the newspaper clippings next to the fridge: Among them are "Space Aliens Stole My Face" and "Dinosaurs on Mars!". (From: Patrick)
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    Hellbreaker II: Vengeance
    By Maester_Seymour

    "Dark Hunter!" French Dan yells "Plant a bomb in Dan's site! and ... kill anyone who tries to stop you."

    "Yes sir." Dark Hunter grabs the explosive and walks away

    Max stands in front of Dan's site and suddenly, smoke fills the air as a part of the site blows up.

    "Hahaha!" Max runs away

    "Dan! The training center blew up! Help!" Carnotaur3 calls out

    The Crow and Dan run to the room and find ashed and fire. Matrix and Yvonne lay lifeless across the bleechers. Alan Malcolm punches Dark Hunter and drags him to Dan. With one word "Max..." said from Dark Hunter, Tyrannorex shoots Dark Hunter dead. Dan runs out to the feild where Max awaits. Several flooders arrive, but are killed by a man, Kint the Flooder Slayer. Max uppercuts Kint and Kint falls near Dan. Seymour appears behind Max, an invisible shell is formed, and Seymour starts using multiple Firagga attacks. They scatter across the sky as Kint and Dan try to dodge them.

    "I'm Buffy and your--" A fireball hits Buffy in the head and she falls down a well.

    "We will rage a war Dan!" Seymour's voice echo's like a wave of destruction, destroying the glass in the site. "Mwahaha!"

    They disappear into the air. Dan trips over his shoe laces and Kint tries to run after him down the hill.

    "You didn't kill him?" French Dan screams
    "No... but we told him we will rage war!" Max says
    "I need you to do what Sgd could not! We need to take over Dan's Dome Sanctuary!"
    "But we already have UFXN and Star Wars site!" Dark Element interferes

    French Dan kicks Dark Element. IngenRaptor walks in and bows infront of French Dan.

    "This is Maester Seymour Guado. He is a high EVIL maester!" IngenRaptor introduces

    "Hello!" Seymour says softly with a smirk

    "Get away from me you sicko!" SexyBish slaps Thade and runs out of the room

    "Dammit!" Thade bangs his head against his Buffy poster

    Rancor,Panos,Spinoboy11, and Bob Klein walk into the room. Rancor sits on Thade's Buffy beanbag chair. As Spinoboy11 goes to touch the Buffy poster, Thade throws him out the broken window.

    "My Buffy!" Thade yells as Spinoboy11 whimpers

    "I know why you suck wit dah uh ladies!" Panos rambles "You are ah ah losah!" Rancor pushes out Panos

    Panos kicks the door and runs down the halls screaming French and Spanish swears.

    Kint and Beno-Yo shoot Neo_Blade with their virus guns and steal his money, and run away laughing.

    "Thade... shutup! We have to get ready for this big fight against the flooders!" Rancor smacks Thade across the face

    "I guess... But still! ... Fine. I will protect and serve our Dan!" Thade announces with pride

    Alan Malcolm walks by, holding hands with V-Girl and Thade screams.

    A sword slashes through the thick,dense vines and bush, as The Crow looks for Darth Seth, warrior of the sites. A black stallion runs by, suddenly The Crow is pulls ontop of and facing it's butt. The horse farts in The Crows face before it stops throwing The Crow face first into Horse dung.

    "Shit!" The Crow spits out horse crap

    "Exactly!" Darth Seth puts a dagger to The Crow's throat "Why are you here?"

    "Ah! ..No... Dan asked me to search for you. We need your help against Max and Seymour!" The Crow gasps

    "Get up!" Darth Seth whips the dagger, landing 2 inches from The Crow's head.

    The Crow gets up, but falls back down when Darth Seth whips an apple at his ...mid section. Darth Seth pulls The Crow onto the back of the horse and then he too jumps on. The horse rides through out the misty night.

    "I'm only doing this because I hate them damn flooders! I helped against Sgd... I guess I must help with Max." Darth Seth yells over the russling of the bushes

    "ohhh.... my balls!" The Crow moans

    "ahaha!" Darth Seth laughs, accidently elbowing the Crow in the face

    Tyrannorex shoots bullets into practice targets. Flooder, Manonthemoon jumps through the window and starts to shoot at Tyrannorex. Tyrannorex shoots Manonthemoon in the balls and then kicks the two front teeth out of the flooder's mouth.

    "Shit!" Manonthemoon drops dead

    "Thats right, bitch! I'm Tyrannorex... The Flooder Shooter!" Tyrannorex stands tall and proud as the Dan's National anthem plays, only to be scratched out by Dino-Snore and Vader. "Hey! I was listening to that!"

    "Sorry man, but Dan needs you to help him with this war." Vader reports

    Andy Dick runs by screaming as Raptor Hiss tries to shoot him with a pistol.

    "Don't rape my girlfriend bitch!" RaptorHiss screams as she chases Andy Dick "Bitch, come here!"

    "Oh my god! It's Ozzy!" Beno-Yo joins up with Vader

    "Hey.. umm...uh.. We're the freakin stage?" Ozzy asks, carrying a basket of baked bat cookies

    "Ozzy, Ozzy, Ozzy!" Vader and Ozzy scream as they march to the sound stage

    "Why do we need Dark Element? I am a maester, I alone can destroy this planet!" Seymour complains

    With one blink of the eye, French Dan twists Dark Elements head and the two laugh.

    Max arrives with Seymour, and IngenRaptor, but not alone as 50 flooders appear behind them. Dan,Ambrose,Tyrannorex,The Crow,Thade,Rancor,Kint show up aswell. A plane flies by and blows up 5 flooders with a gun.

    "Yahoo!" jumps out too help Dan

    Darth Seth rides by Dan's side with his armored stallion.

    "Lets rock!" Darth Seth says

    The two groups charge towards eachother and Max immediatly kills Ambrose. Kint, and the two Generals jump at the flooders and show no mercy, ripping out tongues and slicing off headsm shooting balls,brains,eyes, and torsos of the flooders. Tyrannorex shoots IngenRaptor, but it misses and kills Carnotaur3. Max starts punching Dan, but The Crow kicks him off Dan. Max uppercuts The Crow ontop of Tyrannorex. Tyrannorex tuns in the middle of the Flooders and does seven, 180 spins while shooting with his guns all out. Dan jumps ontop of Max and literally beats him to death. After noticing Max's death, Darth Seth rides off into the bloody night. Thade uses the BFG and completly decapitates every flooder in his path. Seymour pulls Darth Seth off the horse with his thunderga magic. Darth Seth raises his sword and shatters the shell which protects Seymour.

    "No!" Seymour gasps

    "If I'm gonna die, your coming with me!" Darth Seth strikes Seymour, but misses as Seymour disappears in time "Come back here whimp!"

    Darth Seth gets back on the horse and rides away. Dan trips again and starts to roll down the hill. Kint,Tyrannorex, and The Crow try to grab him.

    " Dan rules on again!" Dac screams long and loud and General Thade raises his sword as The Crow raises SGD's sword with pride.

    "First I was afraid... I was petrified. Kept thinking I could--" Tony Clifton sings , but is rudely interrupted by the Dan's site crowd

    "Go home!" Alan Malcolm yells

    "I am Tony Clifton you morons! The name to respect the name to fear!" Tony Clifton stomps with rage backstage as Andy Kaufman takes to the stage

    Suddenly as Andy arrives the crowd scream with laughter and joy.

    "Andy, Andy, Andy!" The crowd screams

    "Dank you veddy much!" Kaufman does his foreign man voice "I would like to introduce the prince of darkness himself, OZZY OSBOURNE!!!!!!" Andy Kaufman screams and does his Kaumfan dance all the way backstage

    Ozzy Osbourne throws the cookies into the audience and the room goes completely black. Red lights circling the stage.

    "ARE YOU READY Dan's SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ozzy Screams

    "HELL YEAH!!!!" They all scream

    Ozzy starts to sing "Crazy Train" and the members go wild.

    "Dammit! A failure again..." French Dan punds on the molten walls

    The entrence door blasts open and when the dust clouds decrease Beno-Yo and Kint appear with full ammo'd virus guns pointing at the lord of Flooders.

    "Who the hell are you?" French Dan asks confused

    "Slayers!" Beno-Yo says proudly

    "Flooder Slayers!" Kint and Beno-Yo shoot the guns

    "Shit!" French Dan falls into the magma pools, green gasses fill the room and spirit fly free

    The End

    5/11/2002 5:32:12 PM
    (Updated: 5/12/2002 9:29:21 AM)

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