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    Jurassic Park made obscure dinosaurs like Velociraptor and Dilophosaurus household names. The newfound fame attracted marketers to the dinosaur money train, inspiring new basketball teams (the Toronto Raptors), and useless spin-off products such as the Meanie Babies' "Velocicrapper". (From: 'Dilophosaurus')
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    Hellbreaker III
    By Maester_Seymour

    Thade pushes Buffy to the wall.

    "Slay me!" Thade whispers
    "I Slay you, you die, you die, we're happy!" Buffy kicks Thade in the groin

    Dan accidently spills his coffee all over Beno_Yo.

    "Ha ha you stupid moron! You deserved that, you over-serious unliked son-of-a-bitch!" Dan yells at B_Y
    "I hate you all! Why? Because I am the best! Woooo!" Beno_Yo goes into his "I'm the best because I'm a mod" tantrums

    Buffy kicks B_Y out the window and everyone laughs.

    "And the cow goes..MOO and the cat goes..MEOW and the lion goes..?"


    "And THATS the way it goooooeeeessss!" Kaufman sings his song and people through rotten tomatos at him "Dank you veddy much!" Everyone laughs

    Kaufman gets backstage and wipes his hands with a moist towellette.

    "Brilliant Kaufman! BRILLIANT!!!" Zmuda throws the towellette away

    "Ofcourse it's brilliant Zmuda... We failed! There's nothing better than failing!"


    "There's nothing worse than failing..." Seymour blows up a Darth Seth poster
    "I will find you ... and along with the rest of Dan's site... you will be annihilated!"

    the trees fall down in symphony as Seymour rises to the air, revealing a pattern leading north.


    DG crawls over TheCrow.

    "Thank god there aren't anymore flooders to deal with..." DG sighs

    A fireball breaks through the window, shattering over the bed and puts the room to flames. G-Rex jumps inside and grabs DG by the hair.

    "Screw me bitch!" G-Rex holds her head down

    "Who the-" TheCrow pulls out Sgd's sword from the burning shelf and cuts G-Rex in half

    "Ew! Oh shit!" DG runs away on fire

    "But..." The Crow jumps out the window

    Tyrannorex helps up TheCrow, falls to the ground, and rolls around on fire.

    "Ahhh! I'm melting I'm melting!!!" Tyrannorex112 screeches

    "No... You're not... Unfortunatley!" TheCrow stabs the sword into the ground near Tyrannorex's head

    "HAVE NO FEAR!! YOU'RE FREINDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN IS HERE!!!!!!" Spider-Man crashes into the room

    "What the hell!" DG gets tossed out the window

    "That should teach you to not make fires bitch!" Spider-Man shoots out webbing and disappears into the air

    "Oh Boy!" DG smiles as Spider-Man leaves

    "HEY!" TheCrow slaps Dg to the ground "Oops! Shit!"

    Darth Seth puts his sword through FlooderSlayer.

    "One Flooder down... I don't know how many more..." Darth Seth says aloud

    "Hey... Dan! Finally no more flooders! We can finally sit back and rest!" Rancor sits in Dan's chair

    "Excuse me... that's my chair!" Dan grumbles to Rancor

    Dan walks into the parking lot and looks into a shiny,great hover car and Rancor comes up behind him.

    "That's My Chair!" Rancor gets in the car and drives off

    "Nice..." Dan runs away

    "Willow! You're using magic!" Xander comes up behind Willow

    "Um... This is borrowed magic!" Willow gasps

    "...." Xander walks away "Even though you're great no-matter who you are, I hope you don't become Scary,Vainy Willow.... again because of this magic!" Xander comments

    "Sure Xander..." Willow reassures Xander

    Darth Seth is forced into a tree. Seymour orbs to Darth Seth.

    "I've finally found you! Any last words?" Seymour forms a fire ball and puts it close to Darth Seth

    "Yes... Actually! I'm just a dreamer.... I dream my life away... Today! Ok that was it!" Darth Seth says and then kicks Seymour in the stomache and runs away

    "Kill him!" Seymour sends the fire ball after Darth Seth and then falls to the ground

    "Whatever happened to... Seymour?" Thade asks Rancor
    "Dead I guess..." Rancor replies
    "Well there he is!" Thade jumps to his feet

    The sky darkens to purple-black and Dan's Site blows up, people scattering and blasting from the explosion.

    "Holy Shit!" Dan screams and suddenly trips and falls down a hill "Wee!"

    Seymour stops Dan and raises him, then walks to Dan while the fire rages and the people run.

    "This site ends here!" Seymour twists Dan's neck and freezes him

    "DreamerGirl baby!! DG!!!! Noooo!!!!!" TheCrow screams as DG dies

    "The bitch deserved it..." Seymour kicks TheCrow down and then pulls out an ice sword

    "Die you bastard!" TheCrow jumps behind Seymour, trips him and jams the sword into him

    "Too late! I already am! Hahaha!" Seymour kicks TheCrow into the air and raises above him


    Seymour drops a shard of ice ontop of TheCrow, but Willow moves TheCrow with her magic.

    "Move Super-Bitch!" Seymour uppercuts Willow into the building and then grabs TheCrow by the neck

    "I'm Buffy and you're-" Buffy whips a Stake at Seymour, but instead, it goes into Buffy

    "History!" Seymour obliterates Buffy's body "You're next!" Seymour glares at TheCrow

    Tyrannorex kicks down Seymour and then chases him with his shotgun from the ground. Seymour disappears into thin air.

    "BUFFY!" Xander screams! "Willow! Giles! Buffy is dead!!!!!"

    Willow walks over to Buffy and then screams and then levitates into the air as the sky darkens from her power.

    Giles falls into a pond with a Stake in his back. Seymour searches for Darth Seth. Darth Seth stuffs his face with all the food he can eat.

    "Excuse me sir... that will be 2 thousand dollars.." Colonal Sanders yells at Darth Seth "But it is still good to see people are into Machanically Seperated Chicken!"

    Darth Seth spits out the food. The windows shatter and Seymour kills Darth Seth with a ice-stake.

    "You're dead now.." Seymour sighs in victory

    Seymour gets forced into the air by a stronger power.

    "You killed my best friend!" Willow jumps rises infront of Seymour

    "And I was proud of it!" Seymour "Super-Bitch!"

    Willow kicks Seymour to the ground and the battle begins. Willow throws a binding spell at Seymour, but fails.

    " Ahahah ! Don't work on Maesters!" Seymour uppercuts Willow into the air and a bolt of lighting hits her "Super-Bitch!"

    Seymour gets blasted through KFC and the building falls ontop of him. Willow grabs Seymour by the neck of his shirt. Ozzy Osbourne runs by holding up his 'Down to Earth' cd. TyrannoRex puts a gun to Seymour's head.

    "No!" Willow says and Tyrannorex is forced into the air

    "Do I really have to kill you Super-Bitch?" Seymour blocks all of Willow's attacks

    "Yes!" Willow finally grabs Seymour and pulls him to the ground "I thought you maesters had power!"

    "You'll see!" Seymour morphs into Seymour-Flux " DEATH AWAITS YOU!"

    "Is that going to scare me? Hahaha! You killed my best friend... now I'm going to kill you!" Willow lowblows Seymour-Flux and he morphs back as he falls to the ground

    Seymour jump kicks Willow in the head and she blocks but grabbing his other leg, and twisting him into the air. Willow jumps behind Seymour and flips him back, right into Green-Goblin's glider.

    "Hey! Wanna join me? Together we will be the strongest forces around!" Green-Goblin picks up Seymour

    Once G-G see's Willow, he glides off.

    "What the hell is that?" Thade see's an object coming closer

    G-G throws several pumpkin bombs at the survivors. TheCrow chases G-G and jumps at the glider, crawls on, and they start to fight.

    "Come on Grinch!" TheCrow pulls out Sgd's sword and kills G-G "Ahaha! And I thought you were powerfull!"

    TheCrow lifts up Thade and they search for Seymour.

    "WILLOW!!!!" Xander runs at Willow, but Seymour blows him up into millions of pieces

    "That was my best-friend and my boy friend!" Willow grabs Seymour by the hair and kicks him up into the air and then screeches

    "Oh shit!" Seymour's skin rips off and he burns to flames

    Seymour reappears and kicks down Willow. He forms an Ice Stake, but before he can kill her, TheCrow and Thade jump ontop of him, but are quickly blasted into the air.

    "Die Super-Bitch!" Seymour jumps up and whips the Stake at Willow

    The Stake slow-motions and Willow pulls a matrix move. Willow's eyes turn red and Seymour stops moving.

    "Oh shit..." Seymour becomes petrified

    Willow screeches. As she screeches, Seymour starts to crack,and Crack, until he bursts into tiny pieces of dust.

    Willow turns normal as TheCrow and Thade run to her aid.

    "You kicked some ass!" TheCrow lifts up Willow
    "You go Super-Bitch!" Thade laughs

    Willow runs away crying after Thade calls her a name.

    "Thade!" TheCrow slaps Thade like a girl
    "What!" Thade screams in pain

    "KAUFMAN KAUFMAN KAUFMAN KAUFMAN KAUFMAN KAUFMAN!!!" The crowd cheer as Andy Kaufman gets on stage

    "Um... hello!" Andy says

    Andy stands there and does nothing until the time is up and the crown start a riot in the building.

    "Dank you veddy much!" Andy Kaufman runs from the rioting crowd

    Tony Clifton runs by eating a twinkie and throwing soap bars at people.

    "Shutup! Or I'll put youre head in a Soap! I'm Tony Clifton! Name to respect! Name to fear!!!!" Tony screams ans Willow runs away crying

    6/4/2002 7:27:02 PM
    (Updated: 6/7/2002 7:28:01 PM)

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