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    Repost part 1
    By Kronosaurus

    Jurassic Park 4 part 1
    By Kronosaurus
    On a loney, cold, wet graveyard road, a Ford Explorer made its way through the graves. The car
    stopped suddenly, a man in his twenties emerged. He walked throughout the graves searching,
    searching for someone. Then he stopped and kneeled down. “Grandfather”, he whispered, “I miss
    you.” “I need to tell you something”. “I’m going back, back to Nublar.” “I’m going to finish what
    you started.” “I will not fail, I will not fail.” And with that he rested some flowers on the

    “Hello”, said Dr. Wu. “Dr. Wu it’s Tim Murphy, my grandfather was John Hammond”,
    said the voice over the phone. “Ah, yes I remember you, how is your grandfather?.” “He’s dead.”
    “I’m sorry, so what do you want.” “I want to finish what my grandfather started.” “Your crazy,
    you know what happened.” “It was my grandfathers dieing wish, I will forfill it.” “How will you
    take back the island.” “I already have a team down there, will you help?” “Yes”

    A group of planes flew over Isla Nublar. “Ready to drop the gas bombs”, said the first
    polit. “Group number two are you ready to fire”, said the voice over the radio. “We’re ready”,
    said the second polit. “Group numbers 3 and 4 are you ready.” “Yes, sir”, they answer in unison.
    “Spread out cover all of the island, over and out. The planes spread apart.

    A Parasaurolophus bent over to get a drink of water. It didn’t know that a predator was
    lurking in the trees. With a burst of speed a Tyrannosaurus broke through the dense forest. The
    Parasaurolophus looked back and began to run, but the Rex was much faster. The Rex bit the
    duckbill’s neck and then the duckbill fell over dead. The Rex began eating it’s kill. Then a noise
    disturbed the predator. The Rex looked up and saw a plane, it droped something. Then other
    planes came by and a green gas consumed the Rex. He looked up as he was choking the fell over,

    A phone began ringing, Ryan Davidson picked it up. “Hello, this is Tim Murphy”, said the
    voice, “is it completed?” “Yes our gas bombs covered the whole island”, said Ryan. “Good, good
    then reconstruction will start immediately.” “Do you have a crew”, asked Ryan. “Yes, there
    already in Costa Rica waiting for the gas to clear, so they can begin work.” “And what about
    Sorna?” “I will have a team go over there after Nublar is rebuilt.” “I guess I will see you on
    Nublar.” “See ya.” Ryan hung up the phone. “I’m going to make a fortune.”

    Three days later, the crew was ready to go to Nublar. “Ok everyone, the gas has cleared
    get on the boats, and please make sure you have your equipment”, said Ray Woods. Ray was in
    charge of the reconstruction of Isla Nublar. He walked toward the ship, he was met by Diemetre
    Ronald, they’re head computer whiz. “Are you sure it’s safe Ray?” “Look the gas covered the
    whole island, how could the dinosaurs survive?” “I don’t know but what if they did?” “That’s
    why we have guns diemetre, that’s why we have guns.” “So how long of a trip is it from here?”
    “Around eight hours.” “Ray, I get seasick.” “Too bad.” The boats started to make there way to
    Isla Nublar. Diemetre sat in his seat and said, “Oh god, I don’t want to die”, silently.

    The boats finally docked. “It smells here”, said Ray. Diemetre slowly walked on to the
    dock. The crew walked out on to the sand. “Everyone, listen up.” “We have three months to get
    this park back together.” “Set up your tents near the command compound.” “Now lets get to
    work” , said Ray. Everyone wet to doing what they were spossed to do. Diemetre started to walk
    to the control, he walked slowly. He opened the doors to the compound. He looked around, there
    was a pile of bones scattered across the floor. He started walking, but he slipped he looked down
    to see a banner laying on the floor. “When dinosaurs roamed the earth”, he read. He heard a noise
    upstairs, but he saw nothing. “I’m just imagineing.” The he saw something run and jump off the
    balcony. It landed on him, cutting open his stomach with it’s toe claw. All he felt was pain, then
    the raptor bit down on his head.

    Alex Ross, a computer crew member came in the compound. “Hey, Diemetre, where are
    you?” Then he saw diemetre laying face down one the ground. Alex turned him over and saw that
    Deimietre had been attacked. He started running, and screaming “Diemetre’s been killed.” Out of
    no where, a raptor came around the corner, and bit Alex’s arm. He fell down, he was bleeding
    badly. Started running up the stairs with the raptor closing in on him. Right has he reached the top
    the raptor jumped on him, dug it’s toe claw into him, then bit his neck

    8/17/2002 10:59:52 PM

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