Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    According to a prop from the movie, Nash's dogtag's indicate his initials are "M. B.", his birthday was "6/3/70", and he was once a Sgt. Major in the army. (From: SeanArcher)
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    The Life of A WWE Superstar(Chapter 3)

    Edge appeared from the cloud of smoke and started hyping up the crowd, waving his arms up and down for them to get on their feet. Jeff looked around and the sold out crowd got up on their feet and made a wave here and there. Edge walked half way down the ramp before he wiped some of the water off of his face, then gave the crowd a really cheesy grin. Jeff wanted to wipe that grin off his face, and he knew this was the first spot the group had talked about before the match. Jeff whispered to Matt "Let's do Poetry in Motion now." Matt nodded in approval. Matt got down on all fours just as Edge took off his shades.The music turned to "619" and Rey Mysterio popped up from the entrance floor, with pyro's shooting out in opposite directions. He looked at the crowd for a split second, and then saw RVD and Kane beating the crap out of Edge. He ran down the ramp to save his partner. He got there just as Jeff was setting up for poetry in motion. Edge gave a slight nod to Matt and Matt mouthed the word "Go" to Jeff. Jeff bounced off the ropes and sprinted toward the 4 opponents on the outside of the ring. He used Matt's back as a step ladder and leaped over the top rope. He felt like he was flying. The other's looked up at Jeff and prepared to take the impact. Jeff landed on the hard, unforgiving steel ramp because Rey missed the catch. Angle and Benoit came down to the ring and the Cell slowly made its way down to the ring. Jeff watched as Matt went to the outside and nailed everyone with an 8' ladder, that is until RVD VanDamenatored the ladder right back in to his face. Jeff got up and grabbed a chair that was propped up against tables and ladders. He nailed RVD and Benoit. Jeff then grabbed a table and set it up in front of the entrance. Matt got up and set up a ladder right next to the table. Jeff got another 8' ladder and did the same. Matt gave Benoit a couple of chair shots that were so brutal; Benoit's face print was tattooed into the steel. The Hardyz put Benoit on the table and started climbing the ladder's at the same time. In the ring, Kane double choke slammed Rey and Angle, before Edge gave him Edge-a-cution. RVD came into the ring and drop kicked the chair he brought in right into Edge's face. Everybody was down in the ring and all eyes were on the brother's who were standing on the ladders. Jeff knew this was the second spot they had talked about. The fans got on their feet and got their camera's ready yet again. Matt and Jeff both "gave the guns" as they called showing the Hardyz sign. They pointed to each other and leaped off the ladders at the same time. Then, without Matt or Jeff knowing, Benoit moved off the table! Jeff was shocked. Jeff thought "What the hell is he do-" CRASH! Before Jeff could finish his thoughts, the Hardyz hit the table in a wooden explosion, Matt landing on his tailbone and Jeff landing on his stomach. Jeff laid there for a couple of seconds before he closed his eyes, engulfing his sight into darkness.

    3/23/2003 1:41:35 AM
    (Updated: 3/23/2003 1:01:21 PM)

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