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    The music in both the original JP and TLW teaser trailers was taken from the soundtrack to 'Backdraft' (Specifically, the track 'Burn it all').
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    The Rippling Chaos Effect Chpt. 5--Renewed
    By Justisaur2

    Standing over those Velociraptorix chunks was a large animal. It was about as big as a Carnotasaurus! The creature had a neon green color to its skin, with half a dozen black stripes on its back. Its red eyes were not fixed on them but on something else.......

    By some weird conection it happened to be Derek! Derek was swearing under his breath. Prespiration was running down his face as he started stepping back. Slowly he took tiny steps not bringing too much attention to himself though it was probably too late for that.

    The group advanced slowly and were surprised that they were still unoticed!
    Until that is AJ stepped on a pile of twigs.

    The animal suddenly turned and was running at them! "Shit!" they all shouted. Hunters reaction was to get out his gernade launcher. He fired but just before inpacked the animal accually jumed to the side! "Ive said it once and I will say it again...FUCK!"
    Hunter said aloud.

    The animal was going at abput 40mph when out of the bushes another animal came out! This sucker was bigger than even an Allosaurus! It grabbed the other animal and lifted it off the ground! Then it tossed it down and started feeding.

    Hunter readied his gernade launcher and the others all got out their handguns. Just at that second the animal noticed Derek! It started to walk after him and he took off running. As it advanced they all readied and fired! The gernade hit the animal on the back near the ass. It turned around still! Even with this gigantic whole in its back!

    "Shit what a day" Hunter said under his breath. All this handgun ammo was being pumped into it and it still advanced! Hunter had one more gernade with him... so he aimed very carefully. " When it gets close enough run and I will shoot" he shouted to the others.

    The dino was 100 yards away and then Hunter shouted, " Run assholes! RUN!" and though it wasnt the nicest way to say it they ran and behind them they heard the large explosion. Dirt was flying and they didnt see anything...did Hunter survive?

    6/16/2002 9:17:23 PM

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    (C)2000-2002 by Dan Finkelstein. "Jurassic Park" is TM & © Universal Studios, Inc. & Amblin Entertainment, Inc.
    "Dan's JP3 Page" is in no way affiliated with Universal Studios.

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