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    The Lost World was Michael Crichton's only sequel to one of his novels. (From: 'Oviraptor')
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    The Rippling Chaos Effect Chpt. 3
    By Justisaur2

    In the morning Ian was not the first to wake. Hunter, Dr.Snare, and Skinner had awaken before dawn. Then Grant had woken up just before Ian.
    Justin,AJ, and Nick lay where they had fallen asleep the night before, drooling. When everyone had fallen asleep it had been cooler than the day, but still humid with a drizzle coming down. The moon was the only natural light but they had some emergency lights and the large trailer also had lights inside.
    Now in the morning the drizzle continued. It was already warming up and there was an ever so slight wind. The wind was almost unoticable by the group exept that every so often a slight risling of the trees could be heard. The drizzle kept the group damp and then the breeze would cool them off protecting them from the heat momentarily.
    As Ellie (the last to get up) awoke, the group was fixing a meal. All that they really had to eat was canned items and they had to be careful not to burn anything or the dinos could follow the scent. After consuming some beans, the group headed off. To make things worse Nick had gas...hope those dinosarus dont catch wind of that. It would either attract them or kill them, or thats what Dr.Grant said.
    The open plains was to the north and that was the way they were going. They seen acouple of species along the way except.... they were normal. So it wasnt to late to stop the madness after all!
    The group stopped for a break just to give the engines a break. They had no idea what was lurking behind the bushes.....
    A group of raptors that had feathers on the back of their back and neck along with feathers on the wings were preying on them. The head female had a dull redish stripe on her back and some gray lines. The rest of the females had little red and some real light stripes. The head male had the darkest red stripe with an intense black stripe. The only 2 other males were dark but not near as intense.
    Ian was getting some water from a near by water hole when all the sudden he was hit hard on the back with what felt to be a whip. He landed in the water with a loud splash. The raptor muntation gave an evil laugh like noise which was hidiously eerie.
    Ellie heard the sound and rushed to aid Ian. Inside her she was screaming for him to be spared. They couldnt lose another person already! Would she make it in time?!

    6/14/2002 1:51:11 AM

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