By Michael Crichton
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    The Rippling Chaos Effect Chpt.7--Renewed
    By Justisaur2

    The fog became thicker as the night went on. It started drizzing again too. The night was perfect, perfect for a hunt. With the fog it would give predators a slight advantage.

    That same pack of Velociraptorix was heading to the camp. They knew how bad humans vision was in the fog. Just because they were dinosaurs dont mean they didnt know when the time is right for a hunt. It was payback time.

    The pack advanced slowly. They made sure there was no noises made. Then as they poked their heads through the bushes the leader noticed nobody was there. She was too smart though. She knew they were in the trailer. And she had to get her revenge.

    Skinner was on guard duty. Though he was inside if there was a noise he would have to go and check it out. He carried a machine gun. It was semi-auto and loaded.

    Skinner heard something outside but didnt think anything of it. Then he heard something that woke up Ellie. It sounded like claws being scratched across the side of the trailer."Damn" Skinner said."What is it?" Ellie asked, still half asleep. "It's another damn lizard" he replied.

    "Wake the others, I will go and check it out" Skinner instructed. Skinner didnt give Ellie enough time to try and stop him. One minute he was there, the next gone.

    Ellie did what she was told. One by one they were awakened. "Something wrong" Grant asked. Before Ellie could reply she heard gun fire! They all looked out of the window and seen Skinner blasting some tail.

    Skinner was keeping an eye out all around him. Then the leader came out to the front. She was jumping around."Just die you son of a bitch" he yelled. He shot at her, but she was quick and retreated.

    Then Skinner heard a noise. He turned to see a raptor jumping on to him. "That idiot.They ALWAYS attack from the sides" Grant said. The raptor was ripping his head off by the time Ellie came out with the gernade launcher.

    "Hey, bitch. Remember me?" Ellie shouted at the one eating. She aimmed and pulled the trigger. Hundreds of raptor chunks rained on them. "Whos next?" Ellie asked in a cruel voice. Ellie seemed to want revenge of her own for all the lives lost on Jurassic Park.
    The lead raptor went into the air. Then sounded a retreat call and all went
    without hesitation.

    "Ellie!" Grant shouted running over to her. He put his arms around her and kissed her. Nothing could be said. Until
    Dr.Snare came over that is. "You moron, Skinner" is all he said.
    "Hunter limped out of the trailer. "We better get a move on guys.Blood is going to attract more carnivores" Hunter said to the others."Lets get a move on then" Ian snapped.

    As the trailer was moving Ian was talking to Grant."I knew this was a stupid idea. I've said it once and I will say it again, first there are owws and ahhs, but then there is running and screaming." Ian said. Grant replied,
    "Yep. These are monsters. The real dinosaurs are in the dirt."

    They kept moving till they were about 25 miles from their previous location. They hoped it would be far enough from the damn raptor clan.

    6/19/2002 9:56:51 PM

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