Jurassic Park
By Michael Crichton
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    Jeff Goldblum once directed a short film called "Little Surprises" which was nominated for an Academy Award. (From: 'Troodon')
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    The Rippling Chaos Effect Chpt.2-- Renewed
    By Justisaur2

    Hunter wasnt going to be the only to join. Along with him came Skinner,Dr. Snare, A.J, Nick, and Justin. Derek would be the field expert.
    All of these guys would be coming, but unforunetly, Sarah Harding and Nick Van Owen had dropped out. Ian wasnt disapointed though. Infact he had encouraged it. It was kinda a good thing anyway. He would rather his girl friend didnt put herself in danger again.
    So Ian, Grant,Ellie,Justin,Nick,AJ, Derek,Skinner, and Dr. Snare got on the boat with their equipment. As the boat drew closer each person was silent. Most had bad memories that had to do with this island chain. Skinner and Snare didnt seem concerned though.It was rather strange in Ians eyes. Because if you think about it anyone would be scared if they read his or Grant's latest books.
    When they were within about 400 yards of the island a large pteradon came out of nowhere! It was indeed a muntant. Grant identified it to be part pteradon and part....Utahraptor! It had a large claw on each foot and had an eerie roar!
    "RUN!!!"was Ians words as the large creature dived right at the boat!
    Hunter held up what looked to be a grenade launcher and fired. It missed!!
    The Animal then spit an oozy substance into his eyes! Now blinded he could not possibly hit his target! So the large creature flew down and knowing that Hunter couldnt defend the others grabbed Derek from the boat and before the others could react flew off!
    As it left its eerie roar fainted slowly in the distance. "FUCK" Justin shouted. Ian ran over to Hunter and helped him to the cabin on the boat. Besides Justin's constant cussing all that could be heard is the ocean hitting the boat ever so gentaly.
    Hunter recovered within the next day and soon they were unloading the vehicles. " Listen up! Im not going to let that happen again so, I want everyone to take a handgun. It isnt the best protection but, I brought plenty" Hunter said.
    Now they were driving through the forest where it was humid. Everyone was sweating real well by the time they stopped to get some rest. Without Derek they were not sure if they were on a game trail or not but, there was no sign of activity.
    Ellie jumped out of the vehicle. She could smell the moister in the air. Once in awhile a gental breeze came through and made the sweat on her body act like coolant. A chill was sent up her spine by it. Trees surrounded them on three sides. To the North was the only open area. Infact they decided that should be the way they head tomorrow.

    6/13/2002 12:06:49 AM

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