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By Michael Crichton
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    Adam Jones, guitarist for the rock band 'Tool', worked on makeup and set design for several big films, including Jurassic Park and Terminator 2. (From: 'Rancor')
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    The Rippling Chaos Effect Chpt.1--Renewed
    By Justisaur2

    Ian was to have a meeting with Hammond. The meeting was on a familiar topic, DINOSAURS. When ever Ian heard that word he shuttered. He still had memories of the last two run ins on those death trap islands.
    As he aproached Tim and Lex were there. They said they didnt know exactly what the meeting covered but, they had heard it was something to do with DNA splicing. Now Ian was nervous. Tampering with genes couldnt be good.
    Ian was allowed just to walk right up the stairs. Hammonds room was the tenth door to the left, he was told. In the hallways artwork was hanging. There was various things but the most numerous was dinosaurs.
    Now Ian was to the door of Hammonds. As he opened the door he felt a hand on his shoulder. He jumped and turned to see Hammond with his walker." What the heck were you doing out of your room?" Ian asked." Cant a guy go to bathroom?" Hammond replied with a smile on his face.
    Hammond led Ian into a room where to his suprise, others were. In the room was Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler,Sarah Harding, and Nick Van Owen. They all just looked at eachother and then turned to Hammond.
    Hammond said," I suppose you all wonder why I sent for you. I will just lay out the facts I am not a healthy man anymore, and I fear I will not be around much longer. I wanted to ask you something, see there is a problem. Scientists are getting a bad idea and are mutating dinosaurs, with techniques like cross breeding and splicing genes. I wondered if you all could get to the bottom of this. I know I am asking alot from you. Im willing to pay healthy amounts of money to you of course but I was hoping that you might find it in you hearts to help me out here."
    All of the people just sat there like statues. They were speechless and wondering how he could have the nerves to ask of something like that. Ian went up to Hammond.
    Ian replied sharply," How could you ask us to do this. We have risked our necks once already for you...infact twice for some of us and we are not going to do it again, so John...no."
    Hammond had just one thing to say," Come on, you all have done fine surviving, cant you try to save these creatures?" Grant stepped in saying," Not creatures that try to eat their rescuers!"
    Hammond then decided to tell them some more bad news to get them to go." Alot of people will be killed if you dont do this. These animals will be unstopable. They will breed faster and will be twice as strong and alot smarter. Dont think that a pteradon wont get to the main land of Cuba. If that happens they may breed there and then move from continent to continent."
    With that how could they say no. With peoples lifes at hand they could not refuse. So in 72 hours they were to leave and head out for the island. This time NO risks were going to be taken. They would be prepaired. So they requested working phones, some tougher vehicles, another high hide for the rexes and some other supplies that would for sure come in handy.
    They had a weapon specialist that was from the goverment come with. His name was Greg but he wanted to be known as Hunter. And really that made sense. He knew guns and most hunters do...well know guns.

    6/12/2002 3:21:38 AM

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