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    Jurassic Park IV: Dawn of a New Day
    By John D.

    Jurassic Park IV: Dawn of a New Day

    Theatrical Trailer

    The Universal Logo Appears, the screen stays black as you hear the blades of a helicopter, you soon hear the sounds of the blades slowing down.

    The black screen fades away as you see mountains in the background, dust still swirling about as the blades of the helicopter come to a stop. A tall man in camouflage fatigues steps out, followed by a few other men, all dressed in military uniforms.

    “Where’s Dr. Grant?” you see the man ask a young college student, as he approaches him.

    “On the other side of that hill,” the college student responds, pointing toward Hill 6 of the digsite.

    A Voice Says: This Summer

    “Dr. Grant,” the man extends his right hand to Grant.

    “Who are you?” Grant says as he shakes the mans hand.

    “I’m Staff Sgt. Franklin…I’m afraid you need to come with us Dr. Grant.”

    The screen turns black again.

    When the picture comes back you see a dimly lit room, with a conference table in the central. Government and military figures are sitting around it, along with Dr. Grant, and a few other paleontologist.

    The Jurassic Park theme begins to play now, as you see a man in uniform talking in front of the group, then a look of shock comes across Grant’s face.

    “Another Island, that can’t be, there is only Isle Nublar and Isle Sorna,” The camera goes from Grant to Staff Sgt. Franklin.

    “Ingen never mentioned it before. Before Jurassic Park was to ever open, Ingen and John Hammond had already plan to open another park in Europe, because they were for sure that the park on Nublar would be successful,” Staff Sgt. Franklin looks back at Grant.

    “Well whats the name of this island and where is it located?” Grant ask with the same look of shock still on his face.
    “The island doesn’t even have a name, but we have named it Isle Euro, after the fact that it was the breeding grounds for the animals that were going to be present at Jurassic Park Europe. Its about twenty miles off the coast of Panama,” Franklin then sits down as the screen goes black again.

    The Voice comes back: A New Island, New Animals, and even a drop of the classic ones. The screen starts to flash action sceens.

    A black hawk helicopter is seen hovering over an grassy plain, as Army Rangers slide down ropes into the field.

    You see a group of Parasaurclopus grazing by a river.

    You see a Deinonychus and Velociraptor circling around one another, snarling, and sending echoing coughs off at each other.

    You see two adult Allosaurus chasing a Hummer down an old abandon road, the one of the left side of the Hummer banging its head into the side of it.

    You see a Baryonyx flip over the side of an inflatable raft as it floats down the river during the day. Causing the people on it to fly off into the water. You then see a shot from the shore as the Baryonyx continues to bite, and claw through the raft.

    A Dilophosaurus is seen eating on the dead body of a Gallimimus.

    A pack of about eight Dromaeosaurs are seen at the base of a tree, jumping up at three Army Rangers that are high up in the tree, as they fire off sub-machine guns and automatic pistols down at the animals.

    The screen turns black again as you hear the roar of a T-Rex, and then when the picture comes back you see Dr. Grant and Staff Sgt. Franklin running from it. The screen goes black again and when it comes back this time, you see Dr. Grant and Staff Sgt. Franklin breathing heavily, Grant bent over with his hands on his knees as he looks up at Franklin.

    “If we make it off this island, remind me to call Jack Horner, and ask him to reconsider his whole scavenger theory on the T-Rex.” Grant says, as it shows Franklin crack a smile and nod his head.

    The screen fades out for the last time.

    The Voice Says: Be Prepared.

    Then June 2005 Appears on the screen in dark red as you hear the clicks of Velociraptors sound off.

    Copyright 2003 by John D. Productions.

    (Please Comment on this and let me know what you think. Also some things from the trailor may change, as I edit and rewrite parts.)

    4/17/2003 12:23:10 AM

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