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    The strange characters that are seen projected against the raptor during the JP finale are actually the letters A, C, T, and G, the letters used for describing sections of DNA code. (From: 'MegaRaptor')
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    Jurassic Evolution
    By Jester_Pocus

    Scientist1-hey whats the password again to the Dinosaur DNA codes
    Scientist2-its Jurassicode
    Scientist1-oh yeah i keep forgeting maybe i should save it
    Scientist2-NO you fool what if someone mistakenly got this information InGen would be ruined especially if BioSyn got it
    Scientist1-ok i wont

    The Scinetists then got more information on the on the codes and got closer and closer everyday to bringing the dinosaurs back to life.......

    It is the year 2020 both Ingen and BiSyn have developed complex technologies and new theries and the act of bringing back dinosaurs,a whole year ahead of BiSyn Ingen has already produced DNA strands of some dinosaurs which include
    Brachiosaurus,Velociraptor,Pteranodon,Triceratops and more on the way while BioSyn has been "hacking off"

    Jeff-Brandon we have only 3 weeks left to catch up with Ingen we have hacked onto whatever we could in the last 3 months but now its serious
    Brandon-so what you are saying is we should hack into Ingens DNA code and dinosaur list
    Jeff-think we could
    Brandon-well thats our job so lets do it

    For the next 2 weeks they worked day and night trying to hack into Ingens database until the magic happened

    Jeff-i did it i i actually did it!
    Brandon-we did the gentic codes are here theres Spinosaurs oo they got Tyrannosaurs Rex whats this one?
    Jeff-whats the name
    Brandon-i dont know its just in a bunch of question marks
    Jeff-you dont think they cooked up some new dinosaurs
    Brandon-its impossible
    Jeff-is it?

    Well not caring whether it was or wasnt Jeff and Brandon gave the list to BioSyn and immediatley got to work on creating the dinosaurs
    It was only a few years later that BioSyn had gotten finished with the dinosaurs they had quite a group of dinosaurs which in the next year would be sent to Isla Sorna in mueseums to be seem by around the world.........

    James-so Martin are you heading down to Isla Sorna to check out these dinosaurs
    Martin-theres more?
    James-what do you mean
    Martin-Ingen has already realeased dinosaurs freely on Isla Nublar
    James-by they couldnt get to Sorns could they
    Martin-well i dont know the only ones possible are the Pteranodon,and Spinosaurs unless there more that can fly or swim
    James-i dont know we should try to get communications with Ingen
    Martin-lets cook up a search crew and go over there to study there culture
    James-well what about BioSyn
    Martin-well from what i know it is heavily guarded they also have weapons if anything should or would go wrong so i dont think we will have to even think about that but i think we should charter a plane down to Isla Sorna
    James-ok ill get on the phone

    The next day James got in contact with Ingen and got permission to study the dinosaurs but only had a 3 day period to do so,Martin also got together some people whom are
    Boris Trevenski
    William Lee Riddick
    Nick Van Owen

    The next week they got prepared for there study of.......dinosaurs

    On the plane

    James-so Boris what is it that you do
    Boris-well i study anatomy so this was an excellent time for me to come
    Nick-so what kind of di osaurs will i be taking photos of
    James-well when i last spoke with Ingen on the phone there is a few parts of this island where we cannot go nor take pictures of
    Nick-well Ingen isnt here so whatever moves is gonna be developed from me
    Martin-haha your gonna get some pictures of a T-Rex and Velociraptors dont hold your breathe Nick you better stick with the Ankylasaurus and Brachiosaurus because taking a picture of a savage carnivore is a death wish oh and as for you Boris i wouldnt examine any kinda of fresh carcases or eggs or anything else on th.....
    William-Martin so what gives you the dam right to tell us whatever to do
    Martin-i am the leader and geoligist its my job
    William-What if i would become lost or something well my leader will you be there to find me
    Martin-you would call Boris on his Satellite phone
    William-how i dont have one
    Martin-tough luck

    Pilot-we will be landing in nearly 20 minutes i repeat we will be landing in nearly 20 minutes

    (Jurassic Park Theme Music Starts to play)

    Pilot-we have the landing strip up ahead
    Martin-put her dow.....whenevr your ready
    James-thats our ticket hahaha

    A few minutes later the plane successfully landed and the pilot then took off again circling the island in case if anything goes wrong

    James-ok now Ingen gave me orders to stay only around the rim of the island
    William-the rim we wont find a dam thing on this coast unless we go deeper into the forest
    Martin-i agree with William
    Nick-yeah James Ingen isnt here they wont find out anything
    James-yeah but this island is on survelliance
    Boris-we will be safer out here while the Pilot is circling the island
    William-well then you two pussies can stay here were going deeper to study these creatures enough said

    After that William,Nick,and Martin went into the forest hoping to get some photos and a whole new view on the life of dinosaurs

    James-well Boris lets go and find some Pteranodons and if were lucky a Spinosaurus
    Boris-a spino out here?
    James-yes they swim you know
    Boris well lets go see if theres anything out here

    Being the lucky bastards they are Boris and James are lucky enough to find a herd of Stegosaurus a few yards into the forest still staying on the coast and some eggs?

    Getting closer and closer to the center of the island Nick comes across there first dinosaur meet

    Nick-guys come look at this its a Dilophasuarus
    William-yeah who cares i want to see the big dinosaurs
    Martin-no William were here to see them all and this is the first one so were studying it so stay here or leave
    William-are you telling me what to do Martin

    Then Martin took a swung at William and gave him a bloody nose which then William threw Martin into a tree and knocked him unconscience

    William-take your pictures were leaving
    Nick-ok hold on
    Nick-ok lets go

    Nick and William then went in search of Velociraptors leaving Martin behind

    Back at Boris and James

    James-these Stegosaurus are magnificant they way that mother is guarding her young
    Boris-yeah it is cool

    Night was approaching quicky the two groups were on different sides of the island and on this island night is the time to hunt

    Boris had also wandered away from James on the look for Triceratops....

    James-Boris are you ok!
    Boris-CHOOO!!!! yes im fine
    James-dam you i was fricken scared shitless
    Boris-wait......do you hear that
    James-no what


    Boris-if i am correct it sounds like Raptors
    James-that doesnt sound like the raptors i have heard?

    Then out of no where a pack of 5 raptors popped out of the forest with feather shaped spikes sticking out of the back

    James-look at there back they have theses lil spikes they look like.....


    Then the raptors who were a mere 50 feet away took off running after James and Boris who too started darting towards the forest!

    Boris-get out your rifle
    James-its on the plane Oh My God!!!
    James-William and Martin are the only ones with tranquilizers and rifles!!
    Boris-god help us

    The raptors then caught up to James and attacked him scratching and biting until bones were showing they all then ran towars Boris while one ran back and ripped off James head


    Boris then climbed as fast as he could up a tree by a labortory
    The raptors caught up with him and started jumping up to him

    Boris-good thing they cant climb trees

    The raptors then looked up to him and then stuck there claws into the trees climbing up

    Boris then got on him satelitle phone and called the pilot

    Boris-help me there are some raptors trying to kill me
    Pilot-where are you
    Boris-maybe a mile down from the west side of the island

    The pilot who was soaring down hitting trees only 2 miles away went into full throttle and merely seconds before the raptors reached Boris the pilot crashed into them sending Boris flying only severly injuring but killing himself and the raptors

    Boris-awwwwwww i broke my arm and cant feel me legs!!!i never even knew his name

    His nametage though got somehow hooked onto Boris pant leg which read "BioSyn Oviraptor"

    Boris-oh no he wasnt circling the island in case of emeregency he was studying Ingen dinosaurs!!!what else is on this island i must contact the other we have to get outa here!!

    Its was about 12:00 a.m. it was pooring down rain William and Nick had just come upon a Rex's nest

    William-the mother is gone probably getting food
    Nick-i dont care (taking shots of the eggs)
    William-would you stop
    Nick-there dinosaurs you know extinct for 65 millino years i think im gonna take adavantage of the opportunity
    William-take 3 of those eggs
    Nick-take the eggs are you nuts?
    William-no but if you dont i will be taking yours now take 3 of those mother fucking eggs!

    Nick then took three eggs and stuff them into his bag then they left to find a safe place to sleep

    The next mornign Boris woke up and noticed his Satellite phone missing with a note on his leg
    "You are going to die anyway you have no use for it"

    Boris-my phone its only day 2 ill die,well tomorrows day 3 i will explore more because i will live for tomorrow

    Martin had finally awoke which he found little compys feeding on him

    Martin-get the hell away from me!

    Martin then kicked and punched all the little compys away
    He started walking around the forest trying to find anyone

    Martin-hello! William! James! Nick! Boris!

    Martin the stumbled upon two Spinosaurus

    Martin-oh my god they are on Ingens list i cant believe it

    He then got out a little camera and started photographing the dinosaurs

    Back in the forest Boris finally found someone

    Nick-Boris where have you been and wheres James
    Bories-he was eaten
    Nick-look we took these 3 T-Rex eggs
    William-put them away we must now get a Spinosaurs egg and get back to the coast and wait for the pilot
    Boris-he risked his live for mine and was from BioSyn
    Nick-really you think he got any information back to them?
    Boris-i dont know

    In the BioSyn Labs
    Jeff-hey look its from Oviraptor
    Brandon-what is it
    Jeff-its some pictures of Ingens dinosaurs
    Brandon-ill try to call up the plane
    "Oviraptor this is BioSyn do you come in over" im not getting any reading
    Jeff-you dont think anything happened to there plane do you?
    Brandon-i think we should send some one over to that dam island
    Jeff-im on it

    Back at Isla Sorna

    William,Boris,and Nick have stumbled upon Martin while night approaching fast they look for shelter

    Nick-Martin are you ok you were out cold
    Martin-quiet you fool its two Spinosaurus
    William-take pictures then we'll leave
    Martin-just go
    William-DAM YOU

    Then the Spinosaus's then charged straight towards the group

    Martin-guys wait up
    Nick-maybe we should slow down for him
    Wiliiam-no keep going

    Then the one Spinosaurs leaped down and grabbed Martin,The group suddenly stopped because they saw a boat but then they felt rain dripping on them when it was Martins blood his cowboy hat then fell on Nick they all started to run

    Boris-what if they catch up
    William-keep running
    Boris-my shoe its coming opened

    Boris then tripped but grabbed onto Williams leg when he then kicked him off and was tramped on by the Spinosaurus

    Nick-its a rescue plane

    They then hurried onto the plane which immediatley launched off but was caught by the spinosaurs who leaped into the air for it,a flock of Pteranadons then came to the seen and started pecking and the helicopter when finally was realesed by the Spinosaurus

    Nick-let me go

    A Pteranadon got ahold of Nicks lef and wouldnt buge

    Nick-William help

    William then cut Nicks hand off with his army knife

    William-i saved you from pain

    Nick was then carried off into the mist

    William-now fly this plane to Isla Nublar now i dont mean later

    It was only hours later that the plane had gotten at Isla Nublar when the plane hit the mueseum when the dinosaurs escaped and when all hell had broken loose,in a mere 2 hours the dinosaurs had taken control over the island and finally got to leave freely


    Special thankx to Icebreaker and Seth Rex for the Logo

    There will not be a Jurassic Evolution 2
    i have 4 other projects in mind and if i have time maybe there will be thank you.........

    1/4/02 2:39:46 PM

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