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    Isla Sorna Trespassers Part 2
    By JPController

    10 minutes, that's how long it took to unload the boat, everyone was ready, including Dodgson. Gerald walked up to Dodgson. “I'll be driving the Trailers.” Gerald said.
    “I’ll be driving the Hummer "Dodgson said. "Who will be driving the Electric Motor Cycle?"
    Dodgson said. "No one will that will be a backup and I'll hook it up to the Trailers.” Gerald said.
    "Harvey will go with me in the Trailer "Gerald said. "Wilson, Levine, Gabe get in the Hummer."
    Dodgson said. "Then they began driving the Hummer through the thick Jungle forest.

    “Are there really Dinosaurs on this island?” Levine said. “Well Gerald believes so and I do to.” Dodgson said. Then suddenly the trailers stopped. “What’s going on?” Wilson said. Gerald was staring out into the jungle forest surprised.

    Then they saw why, there were lizard’s everywhere. “Looks like he was right Levine." Dodgson said. “Keep driving." Dodgson said, over the radio, “and keep the windows up.” “What was that?” Levine said. "Procompsognathius or known as compys." Gabe said. "They were now at a clearing they saw a carcass of a fish on the roadway and some oddly footprints. “Stop the car." Gabe said.
    "I want to get a better look at that foot print.”

    They stopped the hummer.
    “Wow a Velociraptor footprint and it fresh." Gabe said.
    “Let’s not get distracted." Gerald said.
    They went back in the hummer. They began back on the trail.
    Then they saw a sign that said to INGEN Labs and To INGEN Fuel Depo.
    “Let’s go to INGEN Labs Dodgson said. They turned to the right, the Roadway was overgrown by Roots and such.Then they were at a Electric Fence the sign said
    InGen Labs Danger 1,000 Volts
    and to the right there was a card slot and a card on the ground Dodgson picked it up to the opposite the saw the remains of a Ingen Scientist
    there were tracks leading from the body.
    “Looks like he was trying to push gate entrance open trying to escape from something.” Gerald said. Dodgson picked up a stick throw it at the fence the stick burned to flames.
    “Looks like the power is still running." Gabe said. He slid the card through the slot there was a click. Looks like it worked then they were about to go in when they heard a snarl it sounded like a bird except it was more frill, hard. Then Levine rose the tranquilizer gun up, then the monster attacked.

    To be continued...

    2/28/2003 2:23:07 PM

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