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By Michael Crichton
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    Strange coincidences: 'When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth', the banner inside the Visitors Center in JP, was a name of a sci-fi movie written by J.G. Ballard, who also wrote the novel that Spielberg's 'Empire of the Sun' is based upon. (From: 'Alexandra')
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    Jurassic Park: Extinction - Chapter I, Delays
    By HOYT

    Jurassic Park: Extinction
    Chapter I, Delays
    10 hours after Power Failure

    Twilight was just giving way to the deep blackness of the nighttime hours as the blue and silver Ingen Bioengineering helicopter slowly moved westward toward the Costa Rican shore line. As the speck of light that was the helicopter moved ever closer to the beach its thumping rotors throbbed ever louder in Henry Wu's ears. Wu was a short Asian-American scientist that had been working with Ingen Bioengineering for the past nine or so years. He stood on the beach side heli-pad pacing back and forth, in his hands he held a pen that he would methodically click, out of his sheer nervousness.

    What had happened on Site A?

    They had lost contact with Site A some time ago and had regained communication with the instillation only about two hours ago. John Hammond, that crazy old kook, had told him nothing in his phone call to Wu. He told him only that there had been "problems at the Park," and that they would need "medical assistance" upon their arrival at the Ingen Complex on the Costa Rican shore line.

    Wu had done what Hammond had ordered, reluctantly. He had called in the finest Ingen Doctors that were on hand at the time. They were now standing-by some distance away from Wu, medical tools in hand, and ready to go. Hammond had ordered that no doctors, other than Ingen doctors, were to be called in, yet. Secrecy was important to the survival of Ingen, Wu knew this to be true, but why did Hammond have to be so damn mysterious with Wu?

    What had happened at Site A? What went askew at Jurassic Park?


    John Hammond sat in the co-pilots seat in the cockpit of the Ingen helicopter. He stared at his custom made cane through his expensive thin rimmed glasses. He slowly rotated the cane in his hands. The ancient misquote that had been trapped there for eons upon eons lay very still within the cold amber that was its tomb. However, as Hammond slowly turn the can the lights from the cockpit controls distorted the misquote, making it dance through the amber bringing it back to life with in the confines of Hammond's scepter. Hammond chuckled at the irony. He was bringing the dead to life, yes, but not misquotes.

    Hammond loved his creations he loved the dinosaurs. They were his life, his legacy, and his ode to life and to the world. He wanted to show them to the world; no he would show them to the world. "This is just a delay" he told himself over and over again in his mind. "This was a theme park, and all major theme parks had delays." Hammond smiled, yes only a delay, soon he'd be back on schedule. Then Hammond's face dropped noticeably, but those people: Muldoon, Arnold, and Gennaro. He shook it off. "No," he whispered out loud, "delays."

    Hammond then turned his head and looked out of the frond window for the first time since they had left Site A. The lights of the Costa Rican shoreline rose to greet his tired eyes. The Helicopter slowly descended downwards toward the red light cross that marked the heli-pad. The helicopter's rotors cleared the helipad of its dust and landed with a thump as its tires hit the concrete. As the rotors slowed and stopped the Ingen medical team quickly sprinted to the helicopter and opened the passenger doors. Ian Malcom was the first to come out. The medical team gently placed him onto a stretcher and inserted an I.V. into his right arm. "How are you feeling Sir?" One of the team asked him. "Oh, I don't know? Between the Dinosaurs and the gore and my leg I'd say I am doing alright."
    Hammond slowly climbed out of the plane and was quickly greeted by Henry Wu. Wu lent his arm to the old man for support.

    "Thank You, Henry." Said Hammond.

    "What has happened?" Wu asked with all eagerness. "Malcom looked pretty bad."

    "When has he ever looked good?" scolded Hammond.

    "I am serious, how bad is it?" Wu pressed.

    "It is just a delay, my dear boy, it was just a delay." Hammond said as he continued on into the Costa Rican Ingen complex.

    Wu stood where Hammond had left him, shaking his head. Sometimes, he hated that old man. The cool night air gave Wu a slight chill as he slowly turned back toward the heli-pad. There, in front of him, stood a bruised and battered Dr. Alan Grant. He was grim. "They are breeding," he said.

    "Ex…Excuse me?" Said Wu stunned.

    "They are breeding, I saw an egg clutch." Grant.

    "Well…" Wu began.

    "In the wild, in the Gallamimus Paddock." Grant cut in before Wu could spew of another excuse.

    "How?" Said Wu, overcome by all the resent events.

    "I have a Theory," Grant began. "It is my belief that…"

    "That is quite enough Dr. Grant," A voice, tainted with a Scottish accent, from behind them sliced in.

    Wu and Grant both turned to see a clean-cut businessman walking towards them, two large Ingen security guards were at is back. The man was short with thin rimmed glasses and a very nice Armani suit. Wu recognized him instantly as John Hammond's nephew Peter Ludlow. Wu hated Ludlow, just as he hated all the men in suits and with beepers.

    "Who the hell are you?" Grant asked as he turned toward Ludlow.

    "I am Peter Ludlow, vice president of Ingen Bioengineering," Ludlow said. "You, Dr. Grant, signed an honest disclosure agreement before you attend Jurassic Park. You are expressly forbade under any circumstances to discuss your experiences at our Park."

    Grant's face turned bright red with anger.

    "Well Ludlow, you can take your contract and shove it up your…" Grant.

    "Alright. I have heard enough. Escort Dr. Grant off of the premise." Ludlow motioned towards Grant with his fingers. The two security guards then stepped forward and grabbed doctor grant by his blood caked arms.

    "Get off of me… let go dammit." Grant yelled as he attempted to pull away. Grant then turned towards Wu.

    "It's the frog D.N.A.!" Grant yelled out as the Security Guards pulled him away.

    "Frog D.N.A.? What was he talking about?" thought Wu.

    "What is going on?" Ludlow asked Wu.

    "I don't know, I was hoping that you could tell me." Returned Wu.
    Just then a middle-aged man came running up to Wu and Ludlow. This man had a thick gray mustache and wore a baseball cap that had the Jurassic Park logo on it. "Mr. Hammond has called an emergency meeting in the complex's conference room" he said breathing heavy.

    "Who are you?" Ludlow asked.

    "This is Gary Harding, he is the veterinarian at the Park."

    "Hammond wants all of us, now." Said Gary with much urgency.

    They all began to walk towards the Ingen Complex.

    6/11/2002 12:32:24 PM

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