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    Two shots in JP3 use the same CG animation of a raptor, just reversed: Look carefully at the raptors responding to the other's call, and during the shot where Grant is surrounded. (From: BMAN)
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    Jurassic Park, Extinction - Chapter 3, Trouble for Hire
    By HOYT

    Chapter 3, Trouble for Hire
    14 Hours After Power Failure

    Lewis Dodgson sat in the small dirty seaside cantina in the lesser part of Costa Rica. He nursed a rather large mug of bad beer. Lewis lifted the mug to take another long swig of the beer, as he set the beer back down he looked at his gold plated watch. He shook his head. He only had twenty-two hours before the coolant inside the embryo carrier ran out, and these mercenaries had the balls to be late for this appointment. "If only that fat slob, Nedry, would have had some balls, he might be a very rich man at this very moment." Dodgson thought

    Dodgson then took out a small black devise the size of a cell-phone and look at the small screen at the top. On it a small red dot blinked. The red dot marked where the embryo carrier, disgusted as a shaving cream can, was located using Biosyn Technology's satellite orbiting the earth miles above Dodgson's head. Dodgson had placed the tracking device in the carrier just before he gave it to Nedry. As it turns out it was a good thing he did. Dodgson placed the small black device back into his pocket just as a group of Hispanic ruffians entered the bar. The lead man scanned the bar until he located Dodgson. He then walked over to join him at his table.

    "Lewis Dodgson?" The man asked.

    "You must be Fernando Inglesas," Said Dodgson, looking the man over from head to foot. "You're late."

    "Yes, I am sorry senior," Said Fernando in a thick Spanish accent. Fernando was a man in his early thirties. He was, unlike his protégés, was clean-cut in appearance. He had short black hair and a black goatee. He wore a nice silk shirt with red flowers on it and black pants to balance the shirt. As he sat down on the wicker chare next to Dodgson he inadvertently flashed his Desert Eagle .50. Dodgson's guard immediately went up, these were dangerous men.

    "I am so sorry senior. Now, what can we do for you?" He said motioning towards his partners who had set up a circle around the table. "Smuggling, assassination, what?"

    "Straight forward," Said Dodgson squinting. "I like that. No, it is not a drug job. However, you may have to do a little of both."

    "It is not a drug job?" Asked Fernando, confused. "You do know who we are?"

    "Yes… you are smugglers, pirates, and I need those skills." Dodgson smiled. "I hate beating around the damn bush so I will cut to the chase. There is an island off the Costa Rican coast, several miles out; its name is Isla Nublar. Have you heard of it?"

    "Si, I heard that some billionaire bought it and is setting up some kind of resort." Answered Fernando leaning forward just a little.
    "Well, I need something from that resort. I need embryos. Do you know what those are?" Asked Dodgson as he leaned back in is creaky chair.

    "Asi Asi, they are unborn babies?" He asked.

    "Close enough. Well these are very important embryos. They belong to a certain breed of animal. A very, very rare breed." Said Dodgson smiling even wider.

    "How rare?" Asked Fernando, interested.

    "Very." Answered Dodgson. "So do you think you can get me to Nublar and back again in twenty-two hours?"

    "For the right price I can get you anything, senior." Fernando said, with a gleam in his eyes. "How much are you offering."

    "Well, right now I have this much." He lifted a brief case that had been sitting by his feet and placed it on the table. Dodgson undid the clamps and opened it just a crack to show Fernando. Fernando leaned forward and peered through the crack, he nodded.

    "How much is that?" He asked, as Dodgson closed the case.

    "Fifty thousand, and that is your payment just for signing on. If all works out according to plan and we retrieve these embryos Biosyn, the company that I work for, will give you fifteen percent of Biosyn shares in the stock-market."

    "How do I know that the stocks will not drop?" Asked Fernando crossing his arms over his chest.

    "If we get those embryos the estimated growth in Biosyn's output is one point five billion dollars" As the words left Dodgson's mouth Fernando's eyes widened.

    "Muy Bien, that'll do. How long until we leave?" Asked Fernando as he left the table.

    "I would like to leave in one hour. I assume that you have a boat?" Dodgson asked, as he got up from his char.

    "Si, she is parked in the Golden Sun docking area. Her name is the Trespasser." Said Fernando as he began to walk away. Dodgson quickly grabbed his arm. "Do you have guns?"

    "Si," Said Fernando pulling back his shirt to reveal his Desert Eagle.

    Dodgson shook his head. "No. We'll need something bigger."

    "How big, senior?"


    "How big?"

    Dodgson just smiled.

    6/13/2002 11:46:21 AM

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