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    Kenner created action figures for most of the main characters in JP, though two were missing: John Hammond and Lex Murphy. (From: 'SiteC')
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    Jurassic Park, Extinction - Chapter 2, 72 Hours
    By HOYT

    Chapter 2, 72 Hours
    11 Hours After Power Failure

    The conference room was circular with walls of glass. The room shined, it was a microcosm of what Ingen Bioengineering was. It was a clean smooth running operation, supposedly controlled without problems. Four or five video cameras attached to the ceiling watched the room from different angles. These where used to transmit important meetings and conferences to the many Ingen installations strewn across the globe. Tonight, John Hammond, the CEO of Ingen Bioengineering, would use them, to brief the Ingen personnel on the events that had only hours before taken place at Jurassic Park.

    Hammond was nervous, although years of these types of meetings had taught him to hide it. Hammond knew the gravity of the situation. Ingen's investors were already concerned about how Jurassic Park would function. Before the major accident at the Park many smaller incidents, involving some of Jurassic Park's personnel, had already taken place, that is why Ingen had ordered Hammond to invite Dr. Grand and Dr. Malcom to sign off on the Park, ensuring its safety. Now, after this incident, Hammond knew that they would be looking to pull out, and stop funding Ingen. However, if Hammond played his cards right he might be able to persuade them to stay on board. This was a pivotal meeting for the future of Ingen, and Hammond had an ace up his sleeve.

    Wu, Ludlow, and Harding entered the room through the glass door towards the rear. They each took a seat at the long conference table in the center of the room. Everybody seemed to be confused, and nervous. Hammond stood at the head of the table and called for silence.

    "Do we have video feed from San Diego, Site B, C, D, E, and F?" Asked Hammond.

    "Almost," one of the technicians said as he worked with a control panel near the door. "Here we are." Finished the technician, as flat screens descended from the ceiling. The screens lay dormant only for a second before they came to life showing the clear video feeds from San Diego and the other Ingen Sites.

    "Wonderful," Said Hammond smiling like a giddy schoolgirl. "Now, you are all wondering why I would call an emergency conference in the middle of the night. Well I regret to inform you that there has been an accident at the Park."

    Gasps came from the conference room and the speakers that transmitted the noises from the other sites.

    "Exactly what went wrong?" Asked Ludlow from the other end of the table.

    "The Power Systems failed all throughout the Park. It is my belief that this was due to industrial espionage committed by a one Dennis Nedry. Nedry was a graduate from Harvard and our Computer Engineer. He was the one who designed the security systems for Jurassic Park. He disappeared sometime after the initial power failure about ten or so hours ago." Hammond explained.

    "Was there a motive?" Asked Wu.
    "At this time his motive is unclear." Answered Hammond.

    "Now, due to the failure in power some of the attractions have escaped from their respective areas of containment, some injuries, and deaths have resulted." Said Hammond, lowering his head, almost as if he were going to say a prayer.

    "This is an outrage. How could have we had such a laps in security?" Blasted Ludlow.

    "It is of little concern." Said Hammond raising his head all remorse left his face. " We now know that we have become over-dependant on automation. When we return we will solve this problem with tighter internal security measures."

    "When we return?!" Ludlow shot back. "How can you even think that, Jurassic Park: Isla Nublar is a dream finished. We need to salvage what we can from Nublar and dispose of the rest, we need to cover up this mess."

    "We cannot! Jurassic Park: Isla Nublar is our head, if we sever it we die." Said Hammond carrying as much weight in his voice as he could muster. "We must return to Jurassic Park and restore it to its original working order. This dream is not finished, my dear nephew."

    "Jurassic Park: San Diego is still…" Ludlow began.

    "No!" Hammond cut in is temper raising noticeably. "I think it is time to show our investors just what we are researching on our Islands."

    "But, this is confidential material. I don't think…" Ludlow began again.

    "That is right Peter, you don't." Everybody laughed. "You do not trust our investors?" Hammond attacked. After this Ludlow knew that it was time to shut-up, for now.

    Hammond then turned to face on of the screens. On this screen their was a tall young man with short brown hair and a broad shoulders. Hammond pointed and said.

    "Everybody this is Nick Van Owen, our chief Public Relations Officer. Right now he is stationed on Site C and has been putting together a video documentary on our creative process and its end results." Hammond explained with his grin. "Nick would you mind sharing your video with us."

    "No problem Mr. Hammond." Said Van Own.

    Just then the Site C screen cut away from the image of Nick and showed an aerial shot of Isla Sorna, the captions on the screen read 'The Research Facility.' It then showed a scientist clothed in white holding a hunk of amber, the camera zoomed in to show an ancient misquote trapped inside. It then cut to a scene of the scientists drilling close to the bug and extracting blood. The video then cut to a scene of a DNA strand on a computer screen and then to an egg. The egg was as large as a basketball and was wobbling slowly back and forth in a makeshift nest. Just then a crack appeared in its surface followed by another and another and another, until small pieces of eggshell began to chip off the whole. Soon a small bumpy head appeared from underneath the surface. The head had a bright green bony frill about the neck and three small bumps on its face, one on the nose and two over the large babyish eyes of the animal. On the bottom of the screen the captions read: 'Triceratops.' The screen then reverted back to Nick Van Own; the room was silent.

    "That is all I have right now Mr. Hammond." Said Nick, breaking the silence.

    "That will do, Nick. Wonderful! Keep up the good work." Said Hammond as he turned towards the monitor that showed the main Ingen complex in San Diego where Ingen's investors where housed. "So will you consider to keep funding us.

    The men on the screen conversed for a few seconds and turned back to look at Hammond.

    "We have decided to give you seventy-two hours to restore Jurassic Park: Isla Nublar to working order. If it is not restored by that time we will pull our funding." Said one overweigh investor in a black business suit.

    "That is more than enough time, I assure you." Said Hammond

    Ludlow grimaced.

    6/12/2002 2:38:52 PM
    (Updated: 6/12/2002 9:20:14 PM)

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