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    Buffy vs Freddy & Jason
    By HBK

    Buffy vs Freddy & Jason

    Tara stands around bright field of grass and several flowers. Looking almost angelic, wearing
    the clothes she died in. Willow walks closer to her.

    "Tara?" Willow

    "Willow." Tara replies

    The sky begins to get flooded by rushed dark clouds, the feild quickly darkens but Tara still stands
    there waiting. As Willow gets within two feet of Tara, it happens.

    "What's going on?" Willow

    "Welcome to your night mare." Tara smirks

    Tara, without walking, rushes to Willow and suddenly turns into Freddy Krueger.

    "Boo!" Freddy

    "Who the hell are you!?" Willow says after falling backward to the ground

    "I really had to get out of Elm Street. I am your nightmare, Freddy Krueger! And here is where you'll
    die!" Freddy

    Freddy extends his arm out and opens his claw-tipped hand. "Your next!"

    Willow wakes up.

    "Willow are you alright?" Buffy sits at the end of the bed.

    "Yeah, it was just a dream." Willow

    "Ok." Buffy walks off.

    -Theme Song-

    "This is the 17th killing this night. Witnesses say the murderer had shreaded brown clothes and an almost
    worn away Hockey Mask covering the murderer's face. Police are asking people that if they see this man, to run
    like there isn't any tomorrow." News person

    Xander changed the channel.

    "First Demons, now Murderers wearing Hockey Masks? Sunny Dale is getting weirder and weirder." Xander

    "Mystical convergences." Dawn

    "No, this seems different. Something is wrong here, 17 deaths in one night. Don't you guys think that is alittle
    too much?" Buffy

    "Maybe it's...Buffy I had a nightmare and this creature, with like a burnt distorted face or something came after
    me. Told me I was 'next'. What if there is something going on unatural in Sunny Dale? Not unatural as in the natural order
    of things here, but something not even the Hellmouth can control." Willow says as she leans againsts the doorway.

    "I'll patrol tonight." Buffy

    "You sure?" Xander

    "I'm surer than George W. Bush's inentions." Buffy gets up from the couch

    "Ah, Beer...Mis-pronounce words...and ruin America with his influence." Xander

    -Sunny Dale graveyard-

    In her tight jeans and sexy white shirt, Buffy sits around on a gravestone, stake in hand waiting.
    A grotesque figure appears far away in the mist. Buffy doesn't notice.

    "Stupid killers. Not even any vamps here, I'm missing Charmed." Buffy

    Jason slowly steps closer to Buffy, machete rising. Buffy turns around and rolls away as the machete strikes the gravestone.
    Buffy jumps up and blocks Jason's machete once more with a high kick. Jason backs away from the force of the kick. Buffy jumps onto a
    gravestone and kicks Jason across the mask hidden face. Jason swings the machete down at Buffy, missing her once again. He begins to get
    pissed off.

    "Who the hell are you!" Buffy punches Jason and ducks the machete

    Jason knocks Buffy off her feet and swings the machete down hard. Spike jumps at Jason's side, knocking him down.
    Buffy jumps up.

    "Thanks." Buffy turns to Spike

    "No bloody problem." Spike says, picking up the machete.

    Jason pushes Spike into the air, crashing through a gravestone 4 feet from Buffy. Jason picks up his machete and swings at Buffy.

    "You don't quit!" Buffy turns around and elbow's Jason to the back of the head.

    Spike finds the stake and tosses it to Buffy.

    "Buffy!" Spike yells out

    Buffy grabs it and stakes Jason in the small of his back. Jason yells in a deep almost demonic scream of pain.
    Jason turns around and barely scrapes Buffy's arm with the machete, Buffy is bashed into the air away from Jason.
    Spike throws off his trench coat and vamps out.

    "Spike no!" Buffy yells out as Spike leaps after Jason, Jason raises the machete.

    Jason chops Spike's head off. Spike's body falls in an explosion of dust.
    Buffy runs off while Jason is still turned toward a dusted Spike. Jason turns around and notices Buffy isn't there.

    -Buffy's frontyard-

    Buffy runs into Oz on her way to the door.

    "Oz!" Buffy

    "Hey Buffy, I guess your still making surprises." Oz

    "Open the door!" Buffy says, holding her hand to her blooded wound on the left arm.

    "Right." Oz opens the door for Buffy and the two walk in.

    -Buffy's Kitchen-

    "Oh my god, Buffy!" Willow

    "What happened?" Xander

    "Oh my god, Oz!" Willow sees Oz

    "Hey!" Oz replies.

    "It was that thing, that murdered the teens." Buffy says, getting aided by Giles.

    "So it's a creature?" Giles

    "No, I dunno." Buffy

    "What ever it is, got you bad." Oz

    "It's just a scrape. It killed Spike." Buffy

    "Finally." Xander

    "Xander..." Willow

    "Sorry." Xander

    "Giles can you do some research?" Anya

    "I'm not sure. This is bloody out of our leagues from what I see." Giles

    -Willow's Room 2 hours later-

    Willow lays in her room sleeping. Freddy appears in the darkest corner of her room.

    "Time for the glory." Freddy slowly walks closer to the bed

    He rests his clawed hand against the bedpost, tapping the wood, slowly getting toward Willow.
    Willow rolls off the bed, opposite to the side of Freddy (left).

    "Don't worry. There is nothing to fear, than fear himself." Freddy creeps ever so closer.

    "Who are you." Willow stands at the corner of the room away from Freddy Krueger.

    "I'm Freddy, and your going to die!" Freddy whips his arms out from his creepy stance.

    "Buffy!" Willow yells out

    "Hey!" Buffy yells to Freddy.

    "What! I control the nightmares!" Freddy turns around.

    Buffy turns into Freddy aswell.

    "Note to self, no more calling for help in my nightmares." Willow

    Freddy rushes to Willow and jams his four blades in her left leg, pinning her to the wall for the other Freddy
    to finish the job.

    "No...." Willow

    "Willow!" Freddy yells out as if concerned.

    "Your next!" The first Freddy says against Willow's ear.

    Willow wakes up. Bleed in her leg.

    "Willow!" Oz "Oh god we need to get you to a hospital."

    Buffy runs in and sees the bed, half blooded.

    "I'm sorry Willow." Buffy

    "It's Freddy...The thing that did this said it's name was Freddy." Willow tries to speak

    "It's time to finish these bastards off!" Xander sees Oz helping Willow out.

    "I don't know about that...This is out of my league, even as a slayer." Buffy

    "Maybe I can help." Angel stands at the edge of the stairs.

    "Angel!" Buffy


    8/22/2003 2:11:08 PM

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