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    By HBK

    Season 5

    Episode 1 “Conviction”

    *WARNING*-Titles and bits of story line maybe contain what is in the REAL episodes-*WARNING*


    Angel sits down at his office cheer and looks at a pencil, thinking of other things. Harmony walks in with a cardboard box of folders and rushes up to his desk.

    “Um, is there anything you want, cause I can go get it for you, it’s my job!” Harmony gives him a blue mug of hot blood.

    “I’m fine.” Angel takes the mug and looks at it. “It’s half empty.”

    “I got thirsty. Fine if you don’t want it.” Harmony goes for the mug but Angel turns it away from her.

    “I’m fine Harmony.”

    “Ok then I’ll just be going, call me, if you need anything that is. It is my job!” Harmony

    Harmony rushes out of the room, then rushes back in.

    “Um whatever happened to Cordelia?” Harmony

    “Coma.” Angel says, too fixed on the newspaper.

    “Oh…So that means I can stay right?” Harmony “Ok I’ll just keep doing my job. If you need anything I’ll come ok?”

    Harmony shuts the door, getting her pink suit top stuck between the oak door. She pulls it out and smirks to Angel.

    “Who hired her.” Angel mumbles to himself, drinking from the mug.


    “Now tell me Mr. Spanky, did you see my client at the hotel the night of the incident?” Gunn walks over to the supposed witness.

    “Um, I believe it was him. It was dark, really dark.” Mr. Spanky wipes dust off his blue suit.

    “And is it true you had a grudge with this guy, and you just happen to be there on the night of this incident.” Gunn

    “I don't spank men. It's not a judgement; men have fine firm asses. If you've been to the website you'll know how much I work on mine.” Mr. Spanky

    “That wasn’t the question and that is unsuitable, and kind of unwanted to know about.” Gunn “Your honor, this man is guilty, he is the one who assaulted Mr. Wren!”

    Gunn sits back down with his client, representing the Law Firm of Wolfram & Hart. The judge says something to the Bailiff and turns back toward the defendant Mr. Spanky.

    “It’s my duty to say the verdict of the court that Mr. Spanky is guilty and must spend a year in community service, and shutdown his dirty web site for personal reasons.” The Judge “This court is adjourned.”

    -Wolfram & Hart-

    Angel walks out of his office and bumps into a young pretty woman, wearing a bright gray suit and a long pretty skirt. She slides her hair to the back of her left ear and extends her hand to Angel.

    “Excuse me, didn’t see you.” Angel

    “Angel right? I have a notice for you, you just might not like.” Eve “I’m Eve.”

    “Is that it? Doesn’t seem unlikable. I’m Angel, as you can tell from my golden nameplate on the door.” Angel shakes her hand.

    “Angel, you know by contract, in order to do good here in Wolfram & Hart you must also be prepared to do some bad.” Eve

    “As in?” Angel starts to get all silent, bruiting-vampire.

    “I need you to stop one of our clients from going to jail, see I’m a new liaison between you and the Senior Partners and they ask me to tell you this news. His name is Corbin Fries, he threatened to drop a chemical warfare virus, ultimately destroying California.” Eve takes out a heavy manila folder from her leather suitcase.

    “Why should I save someone like that?” Angel

    “Because you work here.” Eve

    “I’ll think about it.” Angel walks away

    “Wait! He’s already sent the virus in places; of course he is our client so you will prevent him from going to jail. Here’s the list of people he’s infected, probably by accident.” Eve

    Angel walks back to her and takes the folder, flipping through it he finds a picture of his own son.

    “You know him? This Connor kid? Odd, he has no memory of his life, but you are the only one who remembers him. Anyway prepare that meeting with Gunn this afternoon I’ll drop by later.” Eve

    “That's not a name I want passing through your lips.” Angel closes the folder and turns Eve turns her by the shoulder before she walks off.

    “And what would you like passing through my lips?” Eve smirks

    “News Flash. You're not cute when I'm angry!” Angel says with a dark look.

    “See you tonight.” Eve walks down the hall toward the elevator.

    Angel slides Connor’s file sheet out of the folder and leaves the building of Wolfram & Hart from the underground exit.


    Angel makes his way through the crowded press and camera flashes.

    “I need to talk with you.” Angel walks up to Gunn

    “Sure, I feel all lawyer-like since Wolfram & Hart gave me knew knowledge of the world that is courtrooms.” Gunn replies, following Angel through the heavy crowd in the Court room hallway.

    “Let’s go somewhere quiet.” Angel and Gunn walk from the crowded room into the courtroom.

    “I whooped some guilty people today, by that I mean legally.” Gunn

    “That’s what I want to talk to you about.” Angel

    -The Nearest Elementary School-

    Corbin Fries walks into the school with a few small containers under his long brown flannel coat.


    “Man, they still can’t get rid of their evil roots!” Gunn “I don’t know man, I guess I can try, but this better bring in good money.”

    “Exactly. I think we should keep an eye open for anything strange with Wolfram & Hart.” Angel

    Angel’s cell phone begins to ring. Angel pulls the phone to his right ear and answers it. “Hello. Angel here.” Angel looks to Gunn before shutting it off.

    “Let’s go.” Angel shuts it off and they leave.

    “Where to?” Gunn

    -Nearby Elementary School-

    “Ok, no one call the cops and everything will be alright!” Corbin Fries threatens the school from a small 5th grade English classroom.

    The children gasp in terror. Angel and Gunn enter the school through a sewer system and break into the cold dark boiler room.

    “Let’s go find him.” Angel moves toward the staircase leading out of the room.

    “Where? This is a big school Angel.” Gunn

    “Just do it.” Angel says with a bruiting attitude.

    “Well, what does he look like?” Gunn turns Angel around

    “Probably late thirties.” Angel rushes out of the Boiler room.

    “Thanks for the detailed description.” Gunn says sarcastically.

    Corbin pulls out his containers of the virus from the left pocket inside his coat.

    “Please don’t hurt us! What do you want?” The bald, sweating principal walks in slowly.

    Angel pushes him out of the way and punches Corbin down, his face and hands begins to steam, pulling back fast, Angel covers his face with his trench coat sleeves.

    “Gunn, the blinds!” Angel yells

    Gunn rushes to the blinds and brings them down to dim the room for Angel.

    “Get these people out of here.” Gunn looks to the Principal.

    With the help of teachers and the Principal, the school is evacuated. Corbin climbs back up to his feet.

    “Who are you! I have permission to do this!” Corbin brings his fists up to fight.

    “By who? Looks to me like you were going to commit mass murder on an entire school.” Gunn

    “We’re from Wolfram & Hart.” Angel

    Corbin tries to run, but angel trips him before the crazy man reaches the small classroom door.

    “Now unfortunately, we are going to prevent you from losing your court trial tomorrow, and this incident doesn’t help us at all.” Angel

    A team of police men grabs Corbin and pulls him away by force. Angel gently grabs the Virus holding containers and they walk out of the room and down the hall to the boiler room staircase door.

    “What are we going to do with that?” Gunn stops Angel

    “Destroy it, if we have to also do bad in Wolfram & Hart, then I think I should do as much to make it good.” Angel turns to Gunn and then looks down at the container and then at Gunn.

    “Good plan, what about French fry over there?” Gunn

    “Do your job.” Angel walks off all bruitingly down the stairs.

    -Office Room in Wolfram & Hart-

    “I’m going to keep an eye on our little friend Angel here. If he steps out of line, kill him.”

    3 of Housers attack team stands in line facing Eve, they hold knives of wood and a flask of Holy Water each.

    “Wolfram & Hart is a multi-dimensional corporation. Let’s keep it that way!” Eve says with a serious tone.

    -Angel’s Office-

    Angel enters his office with Wesley.

    “Something is up Wes.” Angel sits at his in his black leather spin-chair and then notices a manila envelop on his desk. “What’s this.”

    Angel opens it, out slides the amulet he gave to Buffy into his hands.

    “I guess she didn’t have anything to wear it with.” Angel

    A spiraling bright light beams from the amulet, the room lights up from the amulet’s energy. Spike emerges from the trinket screaming, wearing the same as he did when SunnyDale caved in.

    “Spike?” Wesley says in confusion, putting his glasses closer to his eyes in disbelief.

    “Spike?” Angel stands up shocked.

    The door opens and Harmony drops her box of folders.

    “Don’t stake me but, the lady is here to see you Angel. Blondie Bear?” Harmony

    “Bloody Hell!” Spike stumbles from being beamed into the room and removes his arm from his eyes to see where he is.


    Next Episode “Just Rewards”

    9/28/2003 6:56:56 PM
    (Updated: 9/28/2003 7:02:43 PM)

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