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By Michael Crichton
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    During the opening of TLW in Baltimore, Md., two rival gangs got into a gun fight while in line. One gang member was killed and two bystanders were seriously injured. (From: Juan)
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    Jurassic Park 5 Trailer + Story
    By GumbreyScarsdale

    P.S.- I hda to repost all my ol d stories becuase my old account doesn't work.

    I've gotten so many e_mials about my Jurasic prak 4 story that I am going to be going to start wrting the next one. here's the trailre:

    On an island, that tim forgot.

    *Shot of island*

    A place where man dares not tread.

    "Dr. Alan Grand! Something has gone horribly wrong!"

    THEY... are learning.

    *Shot of a dinosaur's eye*

    Learning to fight...

    *Shot of dinosaur holding a revolver*

    And learning to love...

    "But people are forbidden to marry dinosaurs! That's what the Kano's thoery dictates!"

    And they have to be stopped.

    "Looks like it's time to kick some tail...

    *White Screen with red letters* JURASSIC PARK 5

    "...Dinosaur tail!"

    And here is the story:

    Jurassic Park 5ive: Attack of the dinosaurs

    Alan Grand and his friends were playing hide and seek on Jurassic Park.
    "I found you!" said Rap-Tor Jr., Grand's talking veloceraptor friend.
    "D..dd..Damn!" said Malcome.
    "I found Dr. Malcome, the game is over"
    "But Malcome isn't a Dr." said Elly, and then they all laughed. Suddenly, Rap-Tor Sr. ran into the compound.
    "Dr. Alan Grand! Something has gone horribly wrong!"
    "Oh no" said Grand, "What has gone wrong?"
    "Dr. Dennis Nedry is going to get married!"
    "What's wrong with that?" asked Malcome.
    "He's marrying a delophasaurus."
    "What?! But people are forbidden to marry dinosaurs! That's what the Kano's thoery dictates!" said Malcome.
    "Oh no" said Grand, "What are we going to do?"
    "We have to break up the wedding."
    "Looks like it's time to kick some tail....Dinosaur tail!"

    The Priest started the ceremony, and then the wedding began. It was dinosaurs on one side of the Jurassic Church, and Humans on the other side.
    "Thanks for coming to my wedding Dawson." said Nedry.
    "Shhh! Don't say my name"
    "Dawson! Dawson! We got Dawson! See, nobody cares."
    "Hey look, it's Dawson!"
    "Did you hear that, it's Dawson!"
    Everyone laughed at Dawson's paranoia, and the wedding went off without a hitch. Suddenly, after Nedry and Spitter shared a dance, Grand spied a
    dilophasaurus with a scar running down his eye, looking around suspiciously in the corner.
    "Hey Malcome" said Grand, "That's the dilophosaurus I fought in Jurrassic Park 4."
    "Oh no, you're right. he works for the Tyrannosaurus Death!"
    Suddenly, Grand pulled out a machine gun and started firing at the dinosaur. It doged and fired back with two revolvers. Malcome picked up a flame thrower,
    and handed Elly a chainsaw. Suddenly everyone was fighting everyone else. Then, all of the sudden, Tyrrannosaurus Death busted in, but he was half
    mechanical, because he had been blown up. T-Rex and Spinosaurus looked at each other and nodded. They charged T-Death, and jumped on him. They started
    punching and kicking him, but T-Death was too strong. He shot speares out of his arms, and killed T-Rex and Spinosaurus. Then a bunch of raptors attacking
    T-Death. And then Rap-Tor Sr. was killed.
    "I'll avenge your father" I said to Rap-Tor Jr.
    Grand started firing his machine gun, and he burst open T-Death's mechanical suit. T-Death shot his laser eyes at Grand, but he dodged them. Then he threw a
    knife at T-Death, and it killed him. But then 8 more Tyrranosaurus deaths came in. And they could breath fire. But then Grand killed them too. And so, The
    wedding was a complete success, and Dr. Grant and Elly lived happily ever after as man and wife.

    1/5/2003 2:36:28 PM

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