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    Gerald R. Molen, one of the producers of Jurassic Park, makes a cameo appearance in Jurassic Park as Dr. Gerry Harding. (From: 'Dilophosaurus')
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    Battle of the Site (chapter 2)
    By Guilty Spark

    NOTE: Some bits of this story are copied situations/dialogue from movies. I am not taking credit for all of the dialogue in this story. Please do not accuse me of plagerism, as I am not taking credit for these instances.

    Battle of the Site
    Chapter Two

    Crow, along with his military unit were lined up on a long dock. Crow was talking a man at the end of the dock. The man was gesturing to a small boat.

    Crow stared at the man suspiciously, “So you used to work for the army?”

    The man nodded quickly, “My name is Evilgrinch. The higher ups have told me that you will be needing help getting to the Isla Nubie. I am the one to help you,” He pointed to a tiny, rickety old rowboat, “This be me vessel. I will take ye on your voyage in it.”

    Crow looked at the boat, then to Evilgrinch, then back to the boat, then back to Evilgrinch, “We’re gonna need a bigger boat.”

    Evilgrinch narrowed his eyes, “Argh!”

    Crow spoke in an apologetic tone, “No offense or anything.”

    Evilgrinch nodded his head, “I understand what ye be saying,” he turned to a young man, “Boy! Go get the bigger boat!”

    The young man ran off down the dock. Crow stared after him as Evilgrinch spoke, “That be me first mate, RaptorVinny. Good lad.”

    A large fishing boat came around into view. RaptorVinny stopped the boat at the edge of the dock. Vinny tried to tie the boat off but was having trouble.

    Crow looked to his men, “Dino-Snore, Ambrose, help the kid out.”

    Two soldiers jumped onto the boat and helped Vinny tie it off. Snore smiled, and shook hands with him. Ambrose just crossed his arms and stared Vinny down. The rest of the soldiers piled on to the boat, as the sun began to set.

    Evilgrinch jumped to the helm, “Just ye wait until we be out at sea!”

    Crow stepped onto the boat, but Toby grabbed him by the shoulder, “Do you really think we can trust this guy?”

    Crow nodded, “What else are we going to do? Plus, Guilty Spark seems to trust him.”

    Toby starred at him, “That is in no way a comforting thought.”

    The boat kicked to life, and they were on their way. Ambrose turned to Jango Raptor, and offered him some licorice. Jango shook his head. Ambrose repeated the process to Angel, who also denied, as did Raptor Dude.

    Ambrose shook his head, and chewed his licorice, “A bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here! This stuff will make you a God-damned sexual Tyrannosaur just like me! Let’s get some music goin’.”

    Ambrose played with the radio for a moment, and finally decided on the song that he liked. It was Sheryl Crow’s “Soak up the Sun”. “This is my favorite song!” Ambrose began to sing along to the lyrics, very off tone, “Iiiiii’m gonna soak up the sun!”

    As Ambrose sang, Seth Rex turned to Snake-Mark, and whispered, “You ever wonder about that guy?” Snake-Mark shook his head.

    But as Dino-Snore was about to give his reason as to why, the radio went dead. Creepy music filled the air, Dun Dun…Dun Dun…Dun Dun….Dun Na Na! Dino-Snore looked around, “Where the hell is that music coming from?”

    Raptor Dude pointed out at the ocean, “There! Look over there!” A giant fin was visable over the the top of the water. A giant shark was heading for the boat. And when I say giant, I mean giant. This shark was big enough to eat a moose…or a really big seal.

    Angel began to throw life jackets at it, “Go away!” Everyone began fireing their guns at it, but it was no use. Raptor Dude ducked below a seat, and curled up in a ball. Snake-Mark began crying for his mommy. And Toby started yelling at Angel for throwing away their life jackets.

    Evilgrinch simly stared at the shark waiting for it to get close enough to make his move. Crow turned to him, “What in tarnation are you doing!?”

    “I’m getting ye some damned dinner!” And with that, Evilgrinch pulled out two forks from is pocket and dove into the water at the shark. “Argh! Ye be the scurge of the sea!”

    * * *

    The team sat on the boat later on, eating. They were cooking something on a portable Coleman grill.

    Jango turned to Evilgrinch, “That was crazy. You kicked that shark’s ass.”

    Evilgrinch nodded, “Aye. I grew up in a rough neighborhood.”

    Angel took a huge bite of shark, “Mmmm, who knew shark could be so delicious?”

    * * *

    Back on the island, Junkee lead his guests through a hallway to a large metal door. He waited for everyone to gather, “This friends, is where the magic really happens. Through this door, is a lab, where my scientists clone dinosaurs. I promise this will amaze you.”

    Junkee opened the door and walked in, and everyone followed. There were machines turning over large dinosaur eggs. A scientist in the middle of the room was writing on a notepad, and carefully watching an egg as it hatched.

    Junkee hurried over to him, “One is being hatching?”

    “Oh yes sir.”

    “Why was I not informed?! You know I insist on being here when they hatch, you silly bastard! I want my pretty face to be the first thing they see,” Junkee sighed and turned back to the guests of the park, “This is my lead scientist, C_Sastrei. He handles all the boring science stuff. Sastrei please explain how all this stuff works.”

    “Well, we take any fossilized bugs who suck on blood, you know ticks, mosquitoes, lawyers, fleas, and we extract any blood we can get from them, and hope its dinosaur blood. So far we have had excellent luck.”

    Styderman furrowed his brow, “Wait. That’s it? It can’t be that simple.”

    Mr. Camel nodded, “If chaos teaches us anything it’s that everything has the potential to be very complex, and confusing.”

    Sastrei glared at them, “Stop asking questions.”

    No more questions were asked. Everyone crowded around Junkee as he helped a small velociraptor hatch. He smiled.

    A tourist, named Yvonne, smiled, “It’s so cute!” She began petting it, but after a moment the little raptor whipped around and bit her finger, “Ow! Stupid dinosaur!” She was finally able to pry her finger away from the raptor.

    Sastrei smiled, “You should be fine. I don’t think that it can do any real harm while it’s an infant.”

    Junkee looked at his guests, “Well, first we are going to have dinner, and then you will go on the tour of the park. And you will get to see the main attraction!”

    Dark Hunter smiled, “A tyrannosaur?!”

    Junkees smiled, the kind of smile a grandfather gives to his grandchild as they open a present, “We do have a tyrannosaur, but that is not the main attraction! We have something much better. Much more elegant. Much deadlier too!”

    Sastrei spoke up again, “Sir, I almost forgot to mention that we got a new shipment of frogs in.”

    Junkee smiled widely, “Wonderful!”

    Styrderman raised his brow, “Wait a moment, why would you need frogs?”

    Sastrei tapped his pencil on his clipboard, “Well, we extract the frog DNA and add it to the dinosaur DNA to fill in any little gaps that come up.”

    Junkee tapped his cane on the floor a couple times as Stryderman opened his mouth to reply, “As much as I would love to hear this rousing conversation, I do think it is time to head for dinner. Please follow me.”

    All the guests followed Junkee out of the lab and down a long hall to a nice sized room where there was a long table with white china plates with gold trim.

    Junkee took the seat at the head of the table, and gestured for everyone to take their seats, which they did. A few waiters walked into the room carrying covered dishes of something. Junkee put his napkin in his lap, “I am afraid that our chef, chef Antonio was eaten by a raptor…er…I mean, came down with the flu. So we will not be treated to his fine cuisine. But I have something just as good!”

    The waiters set down the dishes in front of each person, and lifted the covers.

    Junkee smiled, “Blocks of cheese!”

    Everyone stared at their cheese, then up at Junkee, then back to the cheese. They all picked up their forks and knives. Mr. Camel cut into the cheese block, but was jarred, and fell out of his chair at the manic laughter coming from the far end of the table.

    Junkee was slapping the table cracking up like a madman, “Looks…Looks like Mr. Camel cut the che…hahaha…he…hahahahaha…cut the cheese! Bwahahahaha!” He was barely able to spit the words out between gasps for air and laughter.

    Everyone stared at him. He was still laughing, when he stopped finally, everyone slowly started to eat. Dark Hunter was the first to take a bite, a nice big bite.

    He looked up to Junkee, his mouth full, as everyone finally started shoveling the cheese in, “This is delicious Dr. Junkee, what kind of chesse is this?”

    Junkee looked up at him happily, “Head cheese.”

    Everyone stopped mid-bite. Dark Hunter swallowed his bite, “What did you say?”

    Junkee picked up a megaphone from next to his chair, “It is head cheese!”

    Everyone stared at him blankly, then in unison the all coughed up their food back onto the plate. Junkee simply went on eating happily.


    Comments appreciated!

    8/22/2003 10:23:32 PM

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