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    The CGI "Scurrier" creatures developed at ILM for "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope Special Edition" were loosely based on Velociraptor studies developed for Jurassic Park. (From: Oviraptor)
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    A City Without Walls - Prologue
    By GL-Sama

    A City Without Walls - A Novel Based on the Jurassic Park Movies

    "It is possible to provide security against other ills, but as far as death is concerned, we men live in a city without walls." -Epicurus


    The man shuffled through the alley, his gait not exactly self-conscious or boastful, but more resembling of someone comfortable with his or her surroundings. His shirt and pants clutched to his body in numerous places, dried sweat and grime plastering the material to the skin. All in all, he was not the kind of man a sweet young girl would take home to show mother. He made his way over to rusted dumpster, lifting the lid with anticipation.

    “Chocolate,” he muttered, feeling the taste whet his mouth already, “let there be some chocolate for Eddie.”

    The lighting in Eddie’s alley was a lygophobic’s worst nightmare. The only light streamed in from the street, making the alley darker and darker the further one went back. Eddie continued to rummage in the dumpster, hoping to find some dinner for the night.

    The hunter’s eyes narrowed in on Eddie, watching his every move. The dumpster was closer to the street than which it wanted, the light and street meant detection, it meant danger, death. Silently, it drew closer to the dumpster, cautious of the light. The prey was oblivious lost in his rummagings.

    The hunter continued its creeping, up to the point where the cover of darkness began to lift, and studied the situation again carefully. It decided.

    Eddie’s hand had just closed around something that felt suspiciously familiar to a Hershey’s bottle. Drawing it out, he managed to make out the chocolate syrup label in the darkness. He let out a cry of triumph, his hunt successful. At the same time, something slammed him into the dumpster, losing hold of his quarry. His cry of surprise was cut short, as something sliced across his neck, severing his vocal cords.

    Eddie was silenced, and the hunter let out a hiss of triumph. It had dinner for the night.

    7/31/2002 11:52:41 PM

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