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By Michael Crichton
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    Spielberg reportedly began working on storyboards for Jurassic Park immediately after Crichton told him about the story, even before he knew he would direct. (From: 'eggy')
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    Dans Jp3 page: The Movie 3
    By Evilgrinch

    By Evilgrinch

    ~ A flash forward into the future, the year 2013. Things have changed in the online Jp world, and the members have aged...but will they still pull together when their master calls them?

    11 year old Harry Finkelstein sat playing on his Playstation 5. He was stuck on the last track in Gran Turismo 7, and it was getting very frustrating.
    After a few minutes of frantic play, he put down his controller and collapsed back into his seat.
    His dad, Dan, had promised to take him to the park, but as always, he was too busy. Harry wasn’t exactly sure what his father did, but he knew it meant that he never had any free time.

    The truth is that Dan Finkelstein ran the world acclaimed “Dan’s JP Trilogy page”. The film series had finished 12 years previously, but thousands of fans around the world still wished that another sequel would be made. As the years went by, old fans got tired and moved on, and a new league of younger fans took their places.

    Harry Finkelstein was not one of these fans.

    He found the whole series tiresome and boring. He was confused by his father’s talk in his sleep occasionaly about the films. It was obvious that the films had a big part in his life, and Harry respected that.
    Harry stood up and walked into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and got himself a glass of cola. As he sipped his drink, he heard a creaking sound.

    He put it down and noticed that the basement door was open.

    His father had warned him to never go near the basement. His exact words were…

    Dan: There are some very dangerous things down there Harry. Don’t ever go down to the basement.

    Harry shrugged his shoulders. The television had been more of a father to him recently then Dan. Why should he follow his advice?

    Harry walked towards the door and stepped inside. He felt for a light switch and pressed it.
    The lights flickered on. As Harry walked down the stairs, the door snapped shut.

    Harry: Awww crap.

    Harry turned back around and carried on walking down the stairs. He reached the bottom and looked from side, to side.

    Dozens of computers and electrical equipment lay everywhere.

    Harry: Cool.

    Harry saw a clipboard and picked it up. He wiped dust off the sheet of paper clipped to it.

    It read…

    Harry put down the clipboard and walked over to a panel of switches. One said “power” He pushed it and every computer switched on.

    He looked around and saw another switch it said...”enter”.

    Harry pushed it. As he did a light beam shot out from the panel and he covered his eyes. His head ached and his whole body went ridged.

    Suddenly, the pain stopped. He opened his eyes and was surprised to find himself standing in the jungle.

    Harry: Oh shit...where am I?


    Dan Finkelstein arrived home from work at 6:00PM. Harry should have only been alone for a couple of hours after school finished. Dan had been busy in town dealing with a few bugs that had got into his websites system.

    He entered the house and poked his head into the living room.

    Dan: Harry? Harr...?

    Dan looked about. There was no sign of him.

    He looked at the basement door. He could see light shining through the gap at the bottom.

    Dan: Jesus Christ!

    Dan rushed over to the door and forced it open. He leapt down the stairs and found himself back among what remained of the Dans Jp3 Page control room.

    All the computers were switched on.

    Dan: Oh God.

    Dan ran over to a computer and started typing. He typed...


    The computer beeped and a reply flashed up.


    Dan typed again…


    The computer beeped and another reply appeared.


    Dan banged his fist against the table. He knew now what had happened. He ran back upstairs and into his dining room. He picked up the phone and rung a number.

    Someone answered.

    Matt: Hello?

    Dan: Matt, Its Dan Finkelstein here.

    Matt: Hey Dan. Are you phoning about my salary rise? I’ve been waiting for this call for weeks!

    Dan: No. I need you to do me a favour.

    Matt: Whatever you need boss.

    Dan: Can you find me the phone numbers for all the former members of “Dans Jp3 page”?

    Matt: Why the hell do you want them? That information is years out of date. It won’t help you.

    Dan: Just give me the last known address of all previous members.

    Matt: Okay, I’m checking now.

    An awkward pause…

    Matt: Okay, an error a few months back lost us loads of our records.

    Dan: But...

    Matt: We have still got a few on file.

    Dan: How many people?

    Matt: Well..we have Evilgrinch

    Dan: Good, good who else.

    Matt: Spinoboy11 and Velociraptorchick. I presume they haven’t got divorced yet.

    Dan: Great, who else?

    Matt: Well, there’s a whole bunch of others. Seth Rex, Ultra Carno, Chavez, Darth-Trex, Post Grant, Dr.Alan Grant...

    Dan: That’s enough! Could you please fax them an urgent message.

    Matt: Saying what?

    Dan: I’ll read to you, you send it. It should read…

    DEAR (Name)


    Dan: Is that okay. If they’re not in, then someone find out where the hell they are. I want them to get that message.

    Matt: Fine, I’ll get right onto it. See you Dan...Dan?

    Dan had already hung up the phone.

    On the other side of the world, Evilgrinch sat out on the balcony of a hotel. It was the first day of his holiday, and he was intending to enjoy it.
    He was the same man he was 12 years previously. A little older, and a little wiser but the same.
    After the events of his second journey into Dans Jp3 Page, Evilgrinch had taken Dan’s money and left. He had not spoken to Dan or anyone else at the site since Spinoboy11 and Velociraptorchick’s wedding in 2002.
    Evilgrinch took a swig of beer as the phone began to ring in his room. He climbed back through the window and picked it up.

    He listened for a few minutes and then dropped the phone in shock.

    A few minutes after Evilgrinch had been contacted, a car had whisked him away from the hotel. Evilgrinch was unsure of exactly what was going on, but the mention of the name “Dan Finkelstein” brought back a lot of memories.
    Evilgrinch now found himself being thrust a beer by Dan as he, and several other old faces sat around a dining table.

    Dan: I’ll begin. Well...It’s nice to see you all again.

    Post Grant: Damn right. I haven’t seen you lot in years. This is my brother... Dr.Alan Grant.

    Dr.Alan Grant: Nice to meet you all.

    Dan: Yeah, well I’ll introduce everyone. You all know me I’m Dan. This is Evilgrinch.

    Evilgrinch: Good day all.

    Dan: Post Grant and Dr.Alan Grant just introduced themselves. And, there’s Chavez, Darth-Trex, Ultra Carno and Seth-Rex.

    Velociraptorchick: What about us?

    Spinoboy11: It’s good to see you again Evilgrinch.

    Evilgrinch: You too Spinoboy11. Still together you too.

    Velociraptorchick: Together, and with two kids.

    Evilgrinch: I’m glad to hear that. How well does the palaeontology pay these days?

    Spinoboy11: Not as well as it should!

    Dan: Good, good. It’s good to see you’ve re-aquatinted yourselves with one another. You’ll need those skills.

    Chavez: What for?

    Seth Rex: Yeah Dan. You never actually explained why we’re here.

    Dan: Yesterday afternoon there was an accident.

    Darth-Trex: What sort of accident?

    Dan: My eleven year old son, Harry has become trapped in Dans Jp3 page.

    Post Grant: But the page closed down years ago.

    Dan: It’s too long a story to explain. All you need to know is that I will pay you all well to travel inside the page and rescue him.

    Seth Rex: Is it possible? I always did wonder how you managed to stop Spino back in 97. Is it really possible to go inside that website? I've heard rumours but...?

    Dan: Yes it is possible. Some people here have entered before.

    Dr.Alan Grant: My brother almost died last time. You better be offering a lot of money.

    Dan: $400000 each.

    Chavez: SHIT! I could buy a new helicopter for that price.

    Spinoboy11: You’re a pilot?

    Chavez: Yep. A good one too.

    Dan: That’s one reason I got you here. As Post Grant, Evilgrinch, Spinoboy11 and Velociraptorchick can tell you, we had a few accidents last time around, a lot of guys died. Back then though we had an enemy. This time, its just us verses the dinosaurs.

    Post Grant: And we can avoid them if we have a chopper?

    Dan: Yes. It’s a search and rescue mission. You find Harry and fly over to the message board complex. You should find an exit there.
    Are you all in?

    Evilgrinch had kept a dignified silence up until now. But finally he spoke.

    Evilgrinch: I’m in. But if anything goes wrong Dan, I can’t forgive you.

    Dan: Don’t worry you’ll be safe. I’ll “plug you in” and you should find the helicopter waiting for you.

    Dan led the group down to his basement. He sat them all down and plugged them all in with the usual selection of wires. He then stepped behind a lead wall.

    Dan: Good luck. You’ll need it.

    Dan pressed "enter" on the control panel.

    Evilgrinch, Post Grant, Dr. Alan Grant, Chavez, Darth-Trex, Seth Rex, Ultra Carno, Spinoboy11 and Velociraptorchick all yelled as they were sucked inside Dans Jp3 page.

    Evilgrinch opened his eyes. He was back in hell.

    The air-strip where Tha Filsta and Majestic-1 had been killed by the Spinosaurus, 12 years previously lay in front of him and the group.
    A large helicopter now stood on the runway.

    Chavez: That is a beautiful piece of machinery.

    Seth Rex: I don’t know a lot about choppers, but I have to agree with you.

    The group walked towards the helicopter. Chavez opened the door and climbed into the pilot’s seat. The others all climbed into the back.

    Ultra Carno: This is easy shit. We just fly around for a bit, pick up Dan’s kid, and then we go to collect our 400 grand.

    Evilgrinch turned to Post Grant.

    Evilgrinch: (Whisper) These idiots have no idea what they’ve got themselves into. With that attitude, they’ll be dead in 5 minutes.

    Post Grant: My brother knows what’s going on. I’ve told him about what happened to us. He is cautious. If we weren't being paid so much, I wouldn't be here.

    The helicopter lifted into the air.


    Harry sat in a tree, afraid and confused. He remembered what had happened vividly, but had no idea where he was.
    He now sat high in a tree after a couple of Tyrannosaurs had walked by.
    After that experience, Harry presumed that it was all a dream.

    He sat, quietly, wishing that he’d followed his father’s advice.


    The trees and jungle were now hundreds of feet below the chopper. Chavez watched carefully to make sure that the rotor bladed didn’t hit the computer chip sky.

    Suddenly, as the group were beginning to relax, a screech was heard.

    Seth Rex: What the hell is that?

    Spinoboy11: Oh no.

    Evilgrinch: What? What is it?

    Spinoboy11: It’s...Pteranodons.

    Evilgrinch remembered Spinoboy11’s experience with Pteranodon’s

    Two of the creatures crashed into into the vehicle, one hitting the rotor blade.
    Blood splattered down over the windscreen, blocking Chavez’s vision.


    Dr.Alan Grant: Use the windscreen wipers!

    Chavez: There aren’t any, we’re going down.

    The group all fell out of their seats as the helicopter fell into the tree tops. It hung precariously for a second and then smashed down, hitting the forest floor.

    Evilgrinch picked himself up and climbed out of the broken door. He looked at the others. They all had bad bruising, but no one seemed seriously hurt.

    Except Chavez.

    Chavez was panting fast, and blood was streaming out of his ear.

    Evilgrinch: Help me get him out.

    Dr.Alan Grant and Darth-Trex helped Evilgrinch pull Chavez from the wreckage.

    They placed him on the jungle floor and looked down at him.

    Chavez: Leave me here. I’m a gonna.

    Evilgrinch: No. We have to help you!

    Before he could finish his sentence, a pack of compy’s had emerged from the foliage, and were nibbling at Chavez. Chavez didn’t bother pushing them away. A compy bit open his neck, and Chavez died peacefully below Evilgrinch, Dr.Alan Grant and Darth-Trex.

    Evilgrinch: I knew I shouldn’t have trusted Dan. Who cares about his kid, let’s get to the message board complex and get out of here.

    The others clambered out of the wreckage and stood around Chavez’s body.

    Post Grant: Can you hear anything?

    Velociraptorchick: No. Can you?

    Spinoboy11: I hear something too.

    Dr.Alan Grant: Like what.

    Seth Rex: It can’t be.

    Dr. Alan Grant: Can’t be what?

    Evilgrinch: It is. RUN!

    As from the group ran, hundreds of feet crushed what was left of the helicopter.

    It was a stampede.

    The group ran through the jungle and into a field as hundreds of dinosaurs sprinted past them.
    Dr. Alan Grant fell to the ground. Post Grant and the others turned to help him but the giant foot of a Parasaurolophus had already trampled him to death.
    Post Grant screamed with anger as his brother was crushed beyond recognition, but kept running with the others.
    Evilgrinch spotted a small ditch in front of them.

    Evilgrinch: INTO THE HOLE!

    The group all dived into the ditch, and covered their ears as the herds of dinosaurs ran above them.
    Soon, they were alone again. The stampede was over.

    Post Grant: He’s dead. I don’t believe it. He's dead...I'M GONNA FUC*ING KILL THAT MOTHERFUC*ER DAN!!!!!!!

    Darth-Trex: And we’re stuck in this God damn place.

    Ultra Carno: I can understand Post Grant's anger, but calm down Darth-Trex.

    Darth-Trex: I don’t wanna fuc*ing calm down. We are all going to die. I’m better on my own then with you idiots.

    Spinoboy11: Strictly that’s not true. Carnivores hunt for prey that have strayed from their group.

    Darth-Trex: I don’t care. I’m outta here, I'll find my own way out of this mess.

    Darth-Trex stood up and marched off into the jungle.

    Seth Rex: Isn’t anyone going to stop him?

    Post Grant: Let the bastard go. He doesn’t give a fu*k about Dr. Alan Grant...or Chavez.

    Evilgrinch: Post Grant...leave it. Your brother is dead. If you don’t accept it, you won’t make it out of here. There is no time to mourn in this environment. Just concentrate.

    Post Grant looked into the eyes of his former friend.

    He nodded his head.

    Meanwhile, in the jungle...

    Darth-Trex wandered further away from the others. He was now amongst trees and forest wildlife.
    He looked ahead, and saw a figure. He moved closer and realised that it was a child.

    Darth-Trex saw Harry and walked out to meet him.

    He walked into the open and stood next to him. He was surprised that he had found him so quickly. They must've ran quite far when they were in the stampede.

    Darth-Trex: Harry Finkelstein. I’m here to help you.

    Harry didn’t respond. Darth-Trex looked at Harry’s blank expression on his face. He turned to see that a T-rex was standing right next to them both, sniffing them.


    Darth-Trex jumped between Harry and the T-rex.

    Harry began to run as the T-rex snatched up Darth-Trex in its jaws and ripped him to shreds.

    Harry continued to run until he found himself in the field where the stampede occurred.
    He heard voices and walked over to the ditch where the others waited.

    When Evilgrinch saw him, he almost died of a heart attack.

    Evilgrinch: Jesus Christ kid, don’t jump out at me like that! I’m guessing that you’re Harry?

    Harry: Who are you? And where are we? And why are there dinosaurs here? I want answers.

    Velociraptorchick: We’re friends of your dad. And we are all inside his website.

    Harry: We’re what...

    Evilgrinch: There will be time to explain later. Harry, you haven’t by any chance seen a man on your way here. He’s about 5 foot 10, dark hair.

    Harry: He saved me. But he got...he got...

    Seth Rex: Eaten?

    Harry nodded his head.

    Post Grant: Well, this is a very successful excursion. Three people, including my brother, dead already.

    Evilgrinch: A new record for Dan. It usually takes at least a couple of hours before we lose three people. I think that when we get back, maybe its time we called in the FBI or something.

    Harry: Excuse me, but where do we go now.

    Ultra Carno: The message board complex.

    Evilgrinch: We’ve no time to lose. Let’s get going. I am in no mood to get dead today.

    The group climbed out of the ditch and began to walk towards the complex, that sat a mile away.

    They walked for half an hour, and soon reached the building. Evilgrinch looked up into the air. The messages that previously flowed through the complex were now gone.
    The group entered through the main doors.
    As they walked inside, Post Grant fell to his knees. The others ran to help him as he began to hallucinate...

    He remembered Mezzer’s death right at these doors. He remembered InGen being dragged underwater by the spinosaurus, he remembered Cyros sacrifice, and now his brothers horrific death was stuck in his mind.
    Time may have passed since he last entered the website, but he could remember everything.
    He stood up, shoot his head, and followed the others indoors.

    Ultra Carno: Are you okay man?

    Post Grant: I’m fine.

    Velociraptorchick held Harry’s hand tightly as the group walked deeper into the building. He reminded her of her own children.

    Evilgrinch: Let’s split up and search.

    The group split, and went looking around.

    They wandered about looking for a sign of the exit for several minutes, and then returned to the complex’s centre room.

    Seth Rex: I found nothing. No electronics, nothing.

    Spinoboy11: Me neither. This place is empty. Dan lied. The exit isn’t here anymore. It must've gone when everyone started leaving. The message board is dead now.

    Ultra Carno: What the hell are we supposed to do then? I'm hungry as hell, and I don't fancy cannib....

    Suddenly, a creature leaped into the air, claws open and onto Ultra Carno.

    It was a Velociraptor.

    The others all screamed and ran as the raptor sliced Ultra Carno open.

    Evilgrinch: RUN! OUTSIDE.

    The group all ran out of the main doors and into the forest.

    Evilgrinch helped Harry climb a tree quickly. The rest of the group followed and they were soon all sitting comfortably in the trees branches.

    A pack of raptors waited below.

    Post Grant: What do we do?

    Spinoboy11: They’ll get bored soon, and leave. We may have to stay the night though. Raptors are clever, but if we give them the impression that we aren't coming down, they should leave eventually.

    Harry: But what if a big dinosaur comes. It could reach us.

    Evilgrinch: We’ll just have to take that risk.

    The group all laid back and closed their eyes. Evilgrinch was surprised at how tired he was. The last couple of hours had been very chaotic. He, and the others, were soon asleep.

    Velociraptorchick woke in the middle of the night. Everyone else was still asleep, and the raptors had left.
    She tapped Spinoboy11 on the head, and he awoke.

    Spinoboy11: (Whispering) What is it?

    Velociraptorchick: (Whispering) The raptor’s, I think they’re gone. Do you wanna get out of here?

    Spinoboy11: (Whispering) Without the others?

    Velociraptorchick: (Whispering) Yes. I spotted a small boat at the back of the complex. We could sail to another section of the site, and try to escape. There’s a river flowing behind the building.

    Spinoboy11: (Whispering) Okay then. We may be able to save ourselves, if not these unlucky bastards.

    Spinoboy11 and Velociraptorchick very slowly climbed down the tree and walked around to the back of the complex.
    The small speed boat was tied to a stake in the ground. Spinoboy11 removed the stake and the boat began to float off.
    He and Velociraptorchick quickly jumped in and switched on the motor.

    The boat zoomed down the river at 70 mph. They both sat back and looked up into the computer board sky.

    Spinoboy11: We had to do it. We can get Dan to help them later. It’s everyone for themselves in this sort of place. I don't wanna make orphans of our children, by hanging round with those un-educated bastards. Only Evilgrinch and maybe Post Grant have any ideas what this place is like.

    Velociraptorchick: We need to get out of here, and home to the kids.

    The boat suddenly came to a stop.

    Spinoboy11: Looks like the motor is blown. Let me have a look at it.

    As Spinoboy11 leaned over to look at the motor, Velociraptorchick noticed a large sail moving swiftly through the water towards them.

    Velociraptorchick screamed as the Spinosaurus stood out of the water and sunk its teeth into the back of the boat.

    Spinoboy11 jumped backwards and they both fell into the water.

    Velociraptorchick and Spinoboy11 quickly swam to the riverbank and watched as the Spinosaur ripped the boat apart.

    Spinoboy11: Looks like our plan failed. Let’s get out of here.

    They both turned and ran as fast as they could back towards the compound

    By the time Spinoboy11 and Velociraptorchick made it back, it was morning.
    Evilgrinch, Harry, Post Grant and Seth Rex had all got down from the tree and sat on chairs in the main room of the message board complex. Ultra Carno’s body was nothing more then a broken skeleton now.

    Spinoboy11 and Velociraptorchick both entered and sat down with the others.

    Evilgrinch: Where did you two go?

    Spinoboy11: Just for a walk.

    Velociraptorchick: Yes...walk. We wanted to make sure the raptors had gone.

    Post Grant: And have they?

    Spinoboy11: Yep.

    Harry: What are “raptors”?

    Evilgrinch; The dinosaurs that ate that guy.

    Evilgrinch pointed at Ultra Carno’s body.

    Harry: Oh.

    Spinoboy11: It looks as though we can carry on walking.

    Seth Rex: But walking to where?

    Evilgrinch dropped a large map onto the table. The group all leaned over to get a look.

    Evilgrinch: This is quite an old map of the systems inner workings. According to it, there is an exit at the news archive section. It should still be working.

    Post Grant: Where’s that?

    Evilgrinch: It’s only a 5 minute walk, but we’d have to get over a cliff.

    Spinoboy11: NO! You’re not suggesting what I think you are?

    Evilgrinch: I’m afraid so.

    Evilgrinch lifted three bags up and dumped them onto the table.

    Spinoboy11: I almost got killed last time I went on a para-sail. I still have problems bending my leg at the knee today.

    Evilgrinch: These aren’t para-sails. They’re just bog-standard normal parachutes.

    Velociraptorchick: What’s the difference?

    Evilgrinch: Not too much. They can both be used to help us 'float' down towards the news archive section.

    Seth Rex: And it’s all I could find when looking around this complex.

    Post Grant: We don’t really have a choice then. If we’ve only got 3 parachutes though, does that mean we’ll have to go tandom?

    Evilgrinch: Yes. Tandom pisses me off. I swear that the last time I did it, you tried to touch my ass.

    Velociraptorchick: I better go with Harry.

    Spinoboy11: I’m with Post Grant.

    Post Grant: Sure.

    Evilgrinch: I suppose that leaves me and Seth Rex.

    Seth Rex: That’s fine. I've done para-sailing before. Did a little when I was on holiday in Turkey.

    Evilgrinch: Let’s go then. I want to get out of here now. The raptors could always come back.

    Before Evilgrinch could finish his sentance, the screech of raptors echoed from the other side of the building.

    Evilgrinch slung the bag over his back, as did Velociraptorchick and Post Grant.

    Evilgrinch: When you get to the cliff. Connect your partners belt to this buckle on the harness before you jump.

    Evilgrinch quickly showed them.

    Evilgrinch: Now RUN!!!

    As Evilgrinch shouted, a juvenile velociraptor leaped onto his back and dragged him to the floor.

    He pushed it away, but saw that its claw had ripped through his bag and into the parachute.

    He hoped it wasn’t damaged.

    The group ran out of the building and into the jungle.

    As they ran, they could hear the pack of raptors getting closer. Then, they reached the cliff.

    They all stopped abruptly. Post Grant quickly connected the clip at the back of his bag to Spinoboy11’s belt. Velociraptorchick did the same to Harry, and Evilgrinch to Seth Rex. Evilgrinch looked down. There was a lake at the bottom of the cliff.

    The raptors came into view and charged.

    Evilgrinch: JUMP!

    They all jumped off the cliff as the raptors lunged forward.

    Evilgrinch, Post Grant and Velociraptorchick pulled the cords on their parachutes.

    Post Grant and Velociraptorchick’s chutes opened wide and they, along with Harry and Spinoboy11 slowed, so they were floating towards the ground.

    Spinoboy11 looked downwards. Evilgrinch and Seth Rex’s chute had opened, but it had a huge rip along the centre.

    Evilgrinch looked up. He could see the others above him, graciously turning to land on the ground.

    But he, and Seth Rex, were headed for the water.

    They fell at an alarming speed, and both screamed as they hit the water. Evilgrinch could feel their bodies crashing down through the water like torpedoes. He gasped for air, but his lungs filled with water.

    Meanwhile, Harry and Velociraptorchick had landed at the other side of the lake, next to the news archive compound.

    Spinoboy11 and Post Grant also landed, next to them, and looked out at the water.

    Evilgrinch and Seth Rex were not visible. They were both wrapped up in the parachute and trapped underwater.

    Post Grant: Oh my God!

    The Spinosaurus spine came up from out of the water nearby.

    It drifted towards the parachute and pulled it under.

    The group watched, as bloody water came to the surface.

    Harry: Oh no.

    Spinoboy11: Shit. Let’s get the fuck out of here.

    Post Grant: But..

    Velociraptorchick: He’s right. We can't help them. Let’s get out of here.

    The 4 remaining survivors unclipped themselves from their parachutes and walked over to the News Archive compound.

    Spinoboy11 wiped tears from his eyes, and pushed open the door.

    Spinoboy11: Lets go home

    Inside there were hundreds of doors. Each door had a date on it.

    Post Grant: These doors must be for each specific day of news in the sites history.

    Harry: But where’s the way out?

    Spinoboy11: Look over here.

    Spinoboy11 walked over to a black door. It said…

    FOR NEWS DATE- JULY 18th 2001 & EXIT

    Velociraptorchick: All we have to do is go in there and we’ll be able to leave?

    Post Grant: I don’t think its that easy. That is the same day that SGD blew up the cinema where the Jp3 premiere took place 12 years ago. The day when Raptor-Rex and Vader, were killed. Dan and me barely escaped with our lives. Several of the cast didn't. Poor old Bill Macy.

    Spinoboy11: I remember. That was when I was Evilgrinch’s assistant in London.

    Post Grant: If we go in there, we’re taking a big risk. We’re entering a bit of news that talks about what happened. It talks about SGD.

    Velociraptorchick: You’re not saying that he could…

    Post Grant: If he still exists in our memories, he still exists in there. In some form or another.

    Spinoboy11: We don’t have a choice though. We have to go in there to find the exit.

    Harry: Let’s go. I wanna go home, and if that’s the way out, then let’s go.

    Spinoboy11: Okay then…

    Spinoboy11 opened the door. They all walked into the piece of news.

    Post Grant found himself back at the cinema where the explosion took place. The group were at the back of the projectionists room.
    They could see the exit at the front of the room. They could also see a figure strangling someone else.

    Post Grant edged closer and realised that it was SGD and the projectionist. SGD finished choking the projectionist’s neck and replaced the Jp3 film reel with an explosive device.

    To get to the exit, they would have to get past SGD.

    Spinoboy11: (Whisper) Do you think he can hurt us?

    Post Grant: Theoretically he’s just as real as the dinosaurs in here. He can hurt us.

    SGD: Of course I can hurt you.

    Post Grant looked upwards. SGD was pointing a gun at his head.

    SGD: What do you little shits want?

    Velociraptorchick: To get out of here. We want to get to the exit.

    SGD: Heh, heh, heh. And what the hell makes you think I’m going to let you do that?

    SGD raised his gun to fire.

    SGD: Goodbye.

    SGD prepared to fire, when a figure bounded across the room and pushed him out of the window.

    SGD screamed as he fell several storeys and then crashed into the ground.

    The figure who had pushed him looked up. It was Evilgrinch.

    Post Grant: EVILGRINCH! We thought you were dead!

    Evilgrinch: So did I for a minute.

    Velociraptorchick: Seth Rex?

    Evilgrinch: Spinosaurus got him underwater. I managed to untangle myself from the chute though.

    Harry: Thank you. I thought that guy was going to shoot me for a minute!

    Evilgrinch: My pleasure! Shall we get out of here then?

    Spinoboy11: That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day.

    Evilgrinch walked over to the exit switch and pressed it. He blinked, as lights flashed. He blinked again.

    He was back in Dan's garage. Dan stood up off the chair he had been at and ran over to Harry.

    Dan: Jesus Christ, are you okay?

    Harry: I’m fine Dad. Thanks to these guys.

    Dan nodded at Spinoboy11, Evilgrinch, Velociraptorchick and Post Grant.

    Dan: I owe you guys one.

    Evilgrinch: Correction. You owe us $400.000.

    Dan: Oh…yes.

    Dan handed the envelopes of money to each person.

    Evilgrinch opened his envelope. There was a cheque inside. A cheque for $9000000.

    Evilgrinch: Fucking hell! I never knew you were this rich.

    Dan: Universal studios still thanks me for solving the bombing incident a few years back. And I thought that you all deserved a little extra.

    Spinoboy11: Thanks Dan. This is cool.

    Post Grant: I’ll take my brothers money as well Dan. He’d like an expensive funeral.

    Dan: I’m sorry, about what’s happened. I didn’t intend there to be an accident.

    Evilgrinch: Well. It doesn’t matter now. I want you to make sure though that nothing of this sort ever happens again.

    Dan: I know. I’m going to brick over my basement door later. To prevent anyone from ending up trapped again.

    Evilgrinch: Good. Now I know I won’t be needed anymore, I can leave...and get back to my holiday.

    Dan: Why’s that? Feel free to stay for a few days.

    Harry: Yeah, stay.

    Evilgrinch: It’s only three days till my vacation ends. I want to be back in England by Friday. I’ll see you round Dan.

    Dan: Bye Evilgrinch. If you ever need anything, just phone.

    Evilgrinch said goodbye to the others. He patted Harry on the head and then walked over to Post Grant.

    Evilgrinch: I know what you could spend your money on.

    Post Grant: What?

    Evilgrinch: I’m interested in setting up a business. Our money together could give us a decent financial backing.

    Post Grant: What sort of business?

    Evilgrinch: Something small. I’ll discuss it with you away from the others. Come back to England with me.

    Post Grant: Okay. Can I crash at your place?

    Evilgrinch: Yep. I need to discuss my little proposition with you.

    Dan, Spinoboy11, Harry and Velociraptorchick watched as Evilgrinch and Post Grant walked out of the room.

    Dan: I hope we won’t have to see them again...ever.


    2/17/2002 7:13:14 AM

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