The Lost World
By Michael Crichton
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    Ross on NBC's "Friends" is a paleontologist who occaisionally makes reference to JP on the show (It's his favorite movie). (From: jurassiraptor)
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    Dans Jp3 page: The Movie- Jungle Warfare
    By Evilgrinch

    By Evilgrinch and Cyros



    A slight flicker

    A white glow appears at the screens centre, and a picture pops into view.

    A man in his mid-thirties, dirtied, with blood and sweat dripping down his face, is crouching on the ground. He moves closer to the screen, and rests a large elephant gun down on the ground.

    This man is Post Grant.

    He coughs twice, and opens his mouth to talk.

    Post Grant: "Hello? I know you're listening because this is connected right up to the computer.
    My name is Post Grant. At the start of this century, I embarked on many adventures at the various Jurassic Park sites. This is irrlevelent now though. I'm here to tell you the truth.
    The truth is that I'm here because I was tricked. Whoever owns these cameras, these weapons, they tricked us. 3 days ago, we were dumped in this jungle by them, and given detailed instructions to film at least 200 hours footage of the animals that live here.
    These animals don't live anywhere else on this Earth. Eggs for 5 species, were stolen from the facility on the now non-existent Isla Klein.

    I don't know who is listening, but I must tell you this. Please don't let anyone else come here.
    We've done our best to erradicate as many of the animals as possible, but a 6th species, cannot be stopped.

    Nothing can stop it."

    Gunfire rung out in the distance. Post Grant turned swiftly and knocked over the camera.
    The screen cracks and the picture becomes blurry. The last thing the camera, and we, see or hear is screaming as blood splats over the lens.



    The jungle air was damp and humid with the smell of decay.
    3 Shadowy figures moved around in a dank corner of this forested region speaking in a strange language not heard by western ears.

    One of them made a startled noise as he stubbed his toe on a wooden crate. He gritted his teeth and shoved a dirtied hand into his left trouser pocket. He searched around for the small metallic tin that had been there earlier, it was almost impossible to see anything through the forest canopy.

    One of the men suddenly tripped over something. The thing he tripped on grunted and moved. The man felt it, it felt like a human.

    The first man finally found the tin in his pocket, and unscrewed the top. A bright yellow powder was encusted around the rim. He waved the tin near the sleeping figures nose, and waited for the iminent results.

    The figure sat bolt upright and grabbed the man around the throat. He pulled himself free, the contents of his tin spilling on the ground, and disappering under tree roots

    The other two men walked over and helped him to his feet. He coughed and changed language, speaking in clear English to the figure scrambling about below him.

    Man: Hello….Hello. Can you err...hear me?

    The figure got to his feet and stared upwards in a daze.
    It is someone we have seen before, a familiar face. A familiar face last seen escaping from the sinister Isla Klein via helicopter.


    He is cut off half way through his sentence.

    Evilgrinch Yes Yes I can BLOODY WELL HEAR YOU!!!

    Evilgrinch rubbed his head, it was bleeding he could feel the warm blood trickle onto his hand.
    He couldn’t tell exactly where the wound was, but it hurt, it hurt a lot.
    Everything was so dark, he heard the strange man, who had apparently fallen on him repeating the same words to someone, or thing, next to him.

    Man: HELLO...

    Once again he was cut off in his tracks by an angry voice.

    It was Zoologist21.

    Zoologist21: WHAT!?!?!??, I’m here aren’t I???

    Evilgrinch leaned over to Zoologist.

    Evilgrinch: Hey Zooey, Long time no see, bang on the head???

    Zoologist: Yeah, its painful, where are we and why is it so dark, I can't even see my own hands.

    Evilgrinch: I think we're in a jungle, but how? I have no idea…

    Evilgrinch was cut off as more voices filtered past him.

    Evilgrinch shook off his headache and turned around, he could barely see anything. Everything was dark. It was obviously an open area, but the pitch black made him feel cold and trapped. He didn’t like the feeling at all.

    Suddenly a green flash blinded him and the other people in the area.

    The light source came from a computer screen, light green writing was scrolling downwards.


    But it was moving frustratingly fast, unreadable. Evilgrinch stepped forward and pressed a button on the keyboard. The screen stopped moving. A picture of a microphone and satelitte appeared on the screen, small hand drawn lines began to move between the two, and a speaker switched on.

    Zoologist21: What the hell?

    One of the other people stepped forward, bathed by the green glow of the computer. He wore a battered fedora, and a whip was attached to his belt. Undertaker punched the monitor. The screen shook slightly, and a voice became audible

    Undertaker: That fu*king did it!

    Voice: Hello everyone. You should all be awake by now and wandering what is going on...So I won't lie to you! I'm guessing you all watch Reality TV..huh? Survivor...Big Brother? Well, those programmes always contained a degree of reality, but were controlled. Something isn't real if there are people keeping it under control.

    Another man, Chaos Edge, who had a large gash down his forehead stepped forward and spoke.

    Chaos Edge: So...Why are we here? One minute I'm having a bath, the next, people are charging around my house with police batons. How did we get here?

    Voice: I'll tell you straight out. I am the producer of a new type of reality television programme. The type where there is no control. There are no security guards checking that the cast are okay, no doctors on standby. And this is the programme you are going to make for me. Just under a year ago, the facility on Isla Klein was destroyed. Fortunately for my sake, my men managed to get into the main complex and steal various bits and pieces just before its destruction.

    Zoologist21: What bits and pieces?

    Voice: Lab equipment, rogue employees, dinosaurs...the usual.

    Evilgrinch: Bastard!

    Voice: We took 5 species of dinosaur. Velociraptor, Tyrannosaur, Spinosaur, Deinonychus and Dilophosaur. All carnivores. We also made a 6th creature. An interesting mixture of the various animals. I'm sure you'll bump into it while you'll there...should make for good viewing!

    Evilgrinch: What do you mean?

    Voice: I mean that several of each speices has been deployed in the jungle near where you are at this very moment.

    Chaos Edge: Jesus! And what about this other fuc*ing dinosaur? What's it called?

    Voice: Let's make up a name...say Dino-X. Is that okay for you? Good. Anyway, you may have noticed a few crates nearby.

    The group glanced over at the three or four large wooden boxes.

    Voice: Those are filled with a little computer equipment, a digital camera, and a great deal of weaponry.
    Your mission, as part of the programme, is to film me 200 hours of digital footage. I want perfect, quality images of these dinosaurs. But I don't just want that...I want excitement! I want gun fights with them, people being eaten. The sort of stuff the audiences love! The camera is fixed up with a satelite link, and long lasting batteries. Everything you film will be directly transmitted back to me in LA. I will put it out, uncut, on telly next week.

    Undertaker: What about us though? How do we get out of here?

    Voice: When the 200 hour mark has been reached, a chopper will be sent out there to get the survivors. Have fun!

    The screen went blank.

    The entire group stood there, struggling to believe what was happening. Just a few hours previously, they had been at their homes. One baton around the head later, and they were standing in the Amazon jungle, surrounded by prehisoric animals.

    Dan Finkelstein collapsed to the ground in shock, and cradled his head in his lap.

    Dan: Look here guys, this is obviously some sick joke, by an obsessed maniac.

    Evilgrinch: Does this look like a joke to you?

    Dan sighed and wandered off.

    Undertaker: Well if we are gonna film this, we'll need some sort of presenter...right?

    Post Grant: I'll do it, it seems better than hauling a camera around!

    Evilgrinch: Heh, heh, heh.

    The three men who woke the group, trotted over to them.

    Chaos Edge: Have we been introduced.

    One of the men opened his mouth and spoke in a strong foreign accent.

    Enrique: Hello sirs. My name is Enrique. I will be guiding you through the forest.

    Dan: And your colleagues?

    Enrique: These two men do not speak the language of England.

    Evilgrinch: English?

    Enrique: Yes. That is the language they do not speak.

    Evilgrinch laughed and turned to Post Grant.

    Evilgrinch: Trust us to get stuck in hell with these idiots.

    Post Grant: Ha, Ha. Yep. Let's get going boys.

    Undertaker cracked open a crate. A video camera, and a spare battery fell out. Zoologist21 picked it up and raised it to his shoulder.

    Zoologist21: I'll be camera operator.

    The two foreign men opened the other two crates. Helmets, body armour, and hiking boots were in one. Enough guns to supply the entire US army were in the other.

    Undertaker: My God. I'm in heaven.

    Post Grant: No man. We will be in heaven when we get back and shove a dagger up that producers ass.

    For the next 10 minutes, the group got kitted out. Evilgrinch slung a large assult rifle over his back. Post Grant attached an Elephant Gun to the front of his body armour. Zoologist21 took the camera and taught himself how to use it. Chaos Edge, Dan, Enrique and the other two foreginers, each took one gun and some ammunition.

    Evilgrinch tied a piece of red cloth around the wound on his head, Rambo style.

    Evilgrinch: Let's go to work.

    As the blanket of night was drawn over the jungle, the group continued to walk. They weren't walking anywhere in specific, but they felt better when they were on the move.

    Zoologist21 was still carrying the camera. Night vision had been put on so that footage could still be shot. Although the shows producer had asked for "clear" pictures, he'd have to make do. None of the group were willing to stop filming. No one had intentions of staying longer then necessary.

    Chaos Edge stroked his weapon as he walked through the jungle, Evilgrinch held a Rifle next to his chest, Dan had a revolver and Undertaker, always kept his hand near his belt, where his whip was housed.

    Evilgrinch stood at the back of the group listening to Post Grant. He was telling Chaos Edge about the first time they had entered Dans Jp3 page.

    Evilgrinch thought to himself, Why would all these people be picked on again? It made no sense. There were no other suvivors of the incidents that had crippled the Jurassic Park community...

    Evilgrinch was slapped back in to reality by the smell of something extremely rotten.

    Zoologist stopped the group waving his hand, there was a sudden chill in the air, Post Grant fell silent. He held his microphone closer to his face, shaking.

    Nothing was there for them to fear. But they could sense bushes being brushed aside as something moved through them.

    All of a sudden a huge crash came from the trees behind Post Grant. He dived to the ground barely avoiding a falling tree.
    He stayed on the floor as huge thumping footsteps could be heard coming from the darkness.

    Undertaker could take the suspense no longer.

    Undertaker: EAT LEAD FUC*ER!

    He fired into the foliage from where the tree fell, suddenly the fire was joined by the rest of the group as they screamed and let bullets loose into the abyss, after at least 50 seconds, the group stopped.

    Silence filled the area, no one spoke no one moved, no one breathed.

    The darkness made everything all the more disturbing, the smell was eclipsed by gun powder, and the broken foliage caused by the arsenal let off by the group. A voice though broke out from the darkness behind Dan.

    Post Grant: Little help here...

    Post Grant was laying, a little crushed under a fallen tree. His hands had blood on them, but it wasn't coming from him.

    He was pulled up by Unertaker.

    Undertaker: You alright buddy?

    Post Grant: Yeah, but there's blood on my hands. I'm not cut...

    Enrique lit up a flare.

    The group looked at each other, they still couldn't see each others expressions under its bright light, all they knew was that they shot something and they didn’t want to stay around and find out what it was.

    Chaos Edge: Let's just go.

    The group continued into the dense foliage with Undertaker and the guides leading the way with machetes.

    They walked, quickly and quietly for another 10 minutes. The flare had gone out and Undertaker soon found himself walking head first into a tree trunk.

    Dan: I think we should climb a tree and try to get some sleep.

    Evilgrinch whispered to Post Grant next to him, who still had the microphone in his hand.

    Evilgrinch: Nobody is tired. Dan's just scared.

    Chaos Edge: I'm with Dan though, we're safer up there. Most carnivores are nocturnal. We should go up there till morning. We might even get some nice footage.

    As they began to climb, and carry the equipment up the tree, one of the guides signalled his leaving for a nearby bush to take a leak. Evilgrinch nodded him away, And continued to help Zoologist21 hoist the camera onto a thick branch.

    As soon as they had all got up the tree, Undertaker noticed that Dan was already asleep. Chaos Edge leant over to put his gun on the flattest end of the branch, when he heard a ripping sound.
    He put his hand up and turned off the lamp which was hanging from above.
    The group leaned forward, Zoologist21 filming over the branch to down below, they were at least 40 ft off the ground.
    Suddenly A scream echoed through the area, and the guides hand was pulled away from his dripping penis. He was grabbed by a huge arm and dragged into the brush,

    Guide: ARRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

    Evilgrinch : Fu*k... Post Grant, pass me the shotgun.

    Just as the gun made it into Evilgrinch's hands, the sound of screaming stopped. A large snapping, dry crunching sound could be heard.
    Dan had woken up by now and was being sick over the edge of the tree.

    Post Grant: Did you get that Zooey?

    Zoologist : Yeah. What species was it?

    Post Grant: I dunno. But then I don't know that much abo..

    Post Grant's words were cut off when the severed head of the guide landed in his lap, he screamed and pushed it off. The group once again looked down to see a huge black tail swing past and heard thumping footsteps follow.
    Whatever it was, it knew where they were.

    The group spent the rest of the night, huddled together in the tree. When light broke through the jungle canopy in the morning, Evilgrinch and Undertaker carefully climbed downwards.
    The others all waited patiently amongst the leaves.

    Evilgrinch reached the bottom of the tree and looked slowly in each direction. Whatever had killed the guide was gone.

    Undertaker: Hey, come and look at this.

    The rest of the group leaped down from the tree and looked over at what Undertaker was pointing at.

    Post Grant: Get the camera running Zooey.

    Zoologist21: It's on in 3...2...1.

    Post Grant: Hello viewers. We are proud to show what we think is our first evidence of the 6th species existence.

    Zoologist21 moved the camera downwards and zoomed in. A huge, metre long footprint was pressed into the soft mud.

    Post Grant: Whatever it is, it's already killed one of our group. We only got brief glimpses of it last night. Can anyone give an estimate as to how big it may be?

    Dan: From the size of this, it could be 40 feet tall.

    Post Grant: Shit. Switch off the camera Zooey.

    Zoologist21 switched off the camera. As he lowered it from his shoulder. Post Grant ran over to a bush with a large spider hanging from it.

    Enrique and the other guide followed him. Post Grant was looking directly at the scattered limbs of the guide killed the night before.

    Enrique: No sirs. We are not safe here. We must be going.

    Chaos Edge: Why?

    Enrique: Predators stick near their last kill.

    Evilgrinch: And I'm pretty sure that thing saw us. We should be getting away from here. Soon.

    Evilgrinch picked up the bloodied rifle that lay on the ground, and shoved it into his backpack.

    Undertaker: Okay...lets go.

    Post Grant: Where exactly?

    Undertaker sighed and closed his eyes. He extended his arm out in-front of him. He then turned in a circle. The others looked on in confusion as Undertaker kept spinning. After 30 seconds, he stopped and pointed into the distance.

    Undertaker: This way.

    Suddenly, the foriegn guide yelled. A claw snapped out from the foliage and grabbed Undertaker's arm. Post Grant pulled out his shotgun and cocked it.

    There was a growl and Undertaker was jerked forward.

    Evilgrinch and Dan instinctivly grabbed Undertaker's other hand, and pulled him backwards.

    Undertaker: Damn, they got my arm.

    Warm blood was flowing from his wrists.

    Enrique ripped off a piece of his shirt and wrapped it around Undertaker's wrist. He winced in pain as it was tied tightly.

    Enrique: The artery maybe cut. You be careful sir.

    Undertaker: No time for that man.

    As Undertaker spoke, 3 raptors jumped out of the undergrowth and landed next to the un-named foreign guide. He reached for his gun, but it was too late.
    The raptors claws had gone through his throat, like a knife through butter. He gasped for air, and fell to the ground.

    Chaos Edge: Have some of this you motherfuc*ers!

    Chaos Edge pulled 2 uzis from his belt and oppened fire. One raptor was shredded by the bullets that filled the air. The other 2 leaped out of the way and charged.

    As they leaped at Chaos Edge, Post Grant lifted his shotgun and fired. The raptor landed on Chaos Edge. He was knocked to the ground.
    After a second, he realised that it wasn't attacking him. It's head was laying a few feet away, in a pool of blood.

    The other raptor looked confused and sniffed the air. Post Grant strolled up to it and tapped it on the shoulder. The raptor roared and prepared to strike. In response, Post Grant raised his weapon and shoved it into the raptors mouth.

    Post Grant: Consider this extinction.

    He fired, and the raptors head was blown into a million pieces. Broken bits of skull and brain exploded out onto everyone and everything in the few yards around the animal.

    Evilgrinch: Nice work. But we're in some serious shit now. That little display means that every dino around here has been alerted. And we lost another man.

    Evilgrinch waved his gun in the direction of the guide. His intestines had been spilled by the raptors claw. He was dead.

    Then, when the group least expected anything to happen, something did.

    A vibration shook the Earth. Another quickly followed it.

    Evilgrinch: Do you think its the 6th dino?

    Dan: Doesn't sound big enough.

    Zoologist21: It sounds pretty fuc*ing big to me.

    Post Grant: Just get the camera going. I want this on film.

    The vibrations in the ground became more frequent and louder, suddenly a large carnivore burst past a tree and grabbed the dead guides body.

    As it ate, Evilgrinch was just able to crane his head up high enough to see the sail.

    Evilgrinch: Spinosaurus Aegypticus. I'm too old for this shit, Why won't it just go away,

    Undertaker: I dunno man, just shoot the bastard.

    Evilgrinch lifted his gun to fire, but the Spinosaur got to him before he could reach the trigger. It smashed its head into his legs, temporarily crippling him.
    As the Spinosaur chased the rest of the group, Evilgrinch crawled into a trench like dip in the jungle floor and fell unconcious.

    Meanwhile, Dan and Chaos Edge were climbing like crazy up a large tree. The Spinosaurus ran straight into it, and the two men were flung off into the bushes below.
    The animal turned and found itself squaring off against Enrique. The foreigner lifted an Ak-47 and fired towards the 20 foot high creature.
    Zoologist21 came close to the action and filmed with the camera. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted something.

    Zoologist21: ENRIQUE WATCH OUT!

    Enrique turned, but it was too late. Another Spinosaur's jaws were already closing in around his torso.
    Zoologist21 ran in the opposite direction, still balancing the camera on his shoulder, as the two Spinosaur's lifted Enrique's broken body high into the air, and ripped him in half.
    Zoologist21 staggered away, and bumped into Post Grant.

    Zoologist21: SHIT! RUN!

    The two Spinosaurus gave chase as Post Grant and Zoologist21 sprinted into the undergrowth.

    Zoologist21 tried to free himself from the camera, but the strap was tied tightly across his chest.

    Post Grant quickly pulled an assult rifle from his bag, and pushed a clip of ammo inside. He ran into the jungle clearing, and strafed across, firing at the Spinosaur's.
    They growled and walked towards him. Suddenly, a black projectile flew from the foliage and hit one of the the Spinosaurs in the face. It roared, and fell blindly to the floor. A Dilophosaur hopped from the jungle and bit into its leg, the Spino continued to scream.

    The other Spinosaur roared twice and turned. It wandered off into the jungle, as the first Spino bled to death.

    Post Grant found himself laying in a ditch next to Evilgrinch. Evilgrinch was still out cold, and had a bloodied forehead. Post Grant grabbed Evilgrinch's legs, and dragged him away from the feeding Dilophosaur.

    Dan and Chaos Edge crawled out of the jungle, bruised and irritable. It seemed as though the attack was over. The Dilophosaur had torn a great chunk of meat from the Spinosaur's leg, and retreated back into the forest. The other Spinosaur was long gone, and Enrique was dead. Undertaker, who had been hidden in a bush, climbed out and went over to the others.

    He walked over to Post Grant.

    Undertaker: Where's Zooey?

    Post Grant: He was here a minute ago.

    Something moved below Post Grant. He stepped backwards, and out of its way. Zoologist21 appeared from under a pile of leaves, and stood up. The camera was still attached to him.

    Chaos Edge: Did you get all that on film?

    Zoologist21: Most of it. We still have 160 hours left to shoot though.

    Dan: That's not too bad. We can do it.

    Post Grant: I dunno. Three men are dead.

    Undertaker: And 6 are alive, whats your point? I'm more worried about this 6th species. God knows what it could do.
    If it ever got out of this jungle! If it ever got into a city...

    Chaos Edge: Quit complaining, Evilgrinch is hurt here.

    Chaos Edge moved his ear next to Evilgrinch's mouth, he couldn't hear any breath...

    Deep in unconciousness, Evilgrinch was dreaming. He was remembering the first time he ever saw a dinosaur. The first time he saw somebody die right next to him....

    "Evilgrinch fell 20 feet downwards and smashed into the ground. It was soft, so he was unhurt, but when he stood up, the five raptors were in a circle around him, Evilgrinch closed his eyes as the cirle began to close in.

    InGen: No! We can't let this happen. Somebody do something.

    Cyros: I'm going down there. If this is anything like the film. I should be able to save him.

    Rancor: But You'll die yourse.....

    Before Rancor could finish his sentence, Cyros had jumped from the tree, and landed outside of the cirle of raptors.

    Cyros: Die you fuckers!!!

    Cyros charged towards the raptors and knocked one to the ground with a powerful kick.
    The other four raptors turned to face him.

    Cyros: Evilgrinch, go now!

    Evilgrinch ran for the tree and quickly climbed. The raptors didn't notice him. They were too busy with Cyros.

    Cyros had began a one man assult on the raptors. One jumped high into the air, but he rolled out of the way, and only recieved a faint scratch on his shoulder.

    Another raptor lept over him, and ripped it's razor-sharp claw into his leg. Blood flowed from it, and Cyros screamed.


    Cyros crawled towards the tree, his limp leg dragging behind him. He reached the bottom of the trunk, and tried to grab a low-lying branch, but another raptor ran over him, ripping his back-open.

    Cyros, still continued to crawl towards the tree as a raptor bit into his spine and pulled some flesh from his body.

    Cyros though, amazingly still had energy, and threw himself into the air. He caught the branch, and the others pulled him upwards.

    The raptors, annoyed, left the group, and went off to stalk some more herbivores.

    Cyros was in a bad state, he was a bloody mess and as the group layed him down, on a flat section of the tree, he coughed up blood. His breathing gradually got slower.

    Cyros: Well I didn't die did I?

    Cyros chest stopped, moving. He went still."

    As his dream ended, Evilgrinch felt a sharp pain in his head. He opened his eyes, Chaos Edge was standing over him.

    Chaos Edge: Thank God for that. Thought we'd lost you man.

    Evilgrinch clumsily lifted himself from the ground and stood in a daze.

    Evilgrinch: Somebody hit me please.

    Undertaker stepped forward and landed a left hook on Evilgrinch's cheek.

    Evilgrinch: That woke me up. Thanks.

    Undertaker: No problem.

    Suddenly, a beeping sound came from Dan's backpack. He uncliped it and pulled out a satelite phone. He pressed the "OK" button in the middle of the keypad, and held it up so everyone could here.

    Voice: Oh dear, oh dear. 3 men down. Well, at least you just got me some stunning film. That shot of Enrique being eaten will be a classic. The audience will think its all just acting and CGI, but they don't know the truth.

    Dan: Listen you little fuc*er. As soon as you hang up, I'm gonna use this phone to call someone else for help.

    Voice: I don't think so. I couldn't help but get the guys up in the lab to install a little toy for you. Zoologist21?

    Zoologist21: What do you want?

    Voice: I strongly recommend you turn the camera towards Dan. I want to see this myself. Goodbye Dan.

    As the voice disappeared, a rapidly increasing beeping tone came from the phone. Dan held it at arms length, and waited to see what would happen.

    Post Grant: Wait a minute. I don't like this. It's got to be a setup.

    At that moment, Post Grant realised what the phone was rigged up to do. He leaped backwards and shouted...

    Post Grant: DAN DROP IT!

    The phone exploded, in a small, but significant, blast. Dan screamed as his arm and head were blown from his body. The charred remains of Dan Finkelstein then fell to the ground. The rest of the group picked themselves up and walked over to his smoking corpse.

    Post Grant: Well, I told him to drop it.

    Evilgrinch: He's dead.

    Chaos Edge: Well, yes It's pretty obvious he's dead.

    Evilgrinch: I know that, It's just that...I dunno. I guess I thought we'd all make it outta here. Now it looks like none of us will.

    Zoologist21: Of course we'll make it man. We owe it to ourselves.

    Evilgrinch: Duck.

    Zoologist21: Excuse me?

    Evilgrinch: I think you'll find I said duck.

    Zoologist21 looked up at Evilgrinch and the others. They all had a look of terror in their eyes. He glanced at the reflection in his camera. He could see a large, leathery body coming up behind him.

    Zoologist21 ducked as the Tyrannosaurus lunged. It's jaws missed him by a couple of inches. He dived between its legs as it attacked again.

    The Rex turned and faced Zoologist21. Zooey staggered backwards in fear, as it growled at him.
    He switched on the camera, and steadied it to film his iminent meeting with the Grim Reaper. He was prepared for death, and was surprised when it never came. He instead was shocked to see the T-rex being lifted into the air and stabbed through the chest with huge, javelin sized teeth.
    The 6th Species, Dinosaur-X, was stupidly tall. From the angle he was at, it looked to Zoologist21 like Godzilla. The animal had a snout and skull like a Spinosaur, and the strong muscular body of a T-rex. Each of its huge feet had a huge, Raptor claw attached. It also had a large metallic object attached to its chest. This, as the group would later learn, was something installed by the people who created the animal.

    Zoologist21 tried to look past it, to see the others, but its huge legs blocked his view. Bits of T-rex were dropping to the ground from above, and its blood was gushing to the forest floor like a waterfall.
    Zoologist21 ran for it, but the giant animal saw him. It dropped what was left of the Tyrannosaur, and crushed its foot down on the man below. Zoologist21's camera and skeleton were turned to dust instantly as the foot pressed them deep into the ground.

    On the other side of the animals giant body, Evilgrinch, Undertaker, Chaos Edge and Post Grant were climbing a tree as fast as they could. They had watched the animal crash through the jungle wall and eat the Tyrannosaur, but had been in too much of a hurry to wait around and see Zoologist21's demise.

    Undertaker had dropped his gun and ran towards the nearest tree, encouraging the others to climb with him. Chaos Edge dropped his backpack, and followed. The 6th Species of dinosaur turned and saw the tiny prey climbing. In 2 steps, it reached the them.


    Evilgrinch, Post Grant and Undertaker grabbed a branch and swung around to the far side of the tree.
    Chaos Edge attempted the same thing, and lept onto a branch. He didn't make it though, and found himself falling back down 10 feet, and landing in a hollow of the tree trunk.
    He cornered himself inside, as the dinosaur bit into the trunk and ripped the top half of the tree away.
    Higher up, Evilgrinch, Post Grant and Undertaker were holding tightly onto the tree as the terrifying cross-breed pulled it away, and knocked it back down to the ground.

    Post Grant: Hold on people. Do not let go.

    The top of the tree fell off, with the screaming trio clinging on to it.

    Chaos Edge searched for a gun, but realised that he had dropped his bag. He crawled deeper into the hollow, as the giant animal's mouth opened to reveal rows of sharp teeth. It turned its head at an angle, and shoved its snout into the hole. Chaos Edge screamed as the teeth penetrated his legs, and dragged him from the tree.
    He hung, tiny in comparison, from the animals mouth for a moment, before it flipped him into the air, and swallowed him whole.

    The animal roared in triumph, and marched back off into the abyss.

    Evilgrinch meanwhile, was buried under a mound of soil. He blindly searched in his holster for a gun, found one, and fired. A moment later, Undertaker's hand grabbed him around the waist and pulled him out from under the fallen tree.

    Undertaker: Shit man. He got Chaos Edge.

    Evilgrinch stood up and looked around. Post Grant was being sick.

    Evilgrinch: And the camera, its...been destroyed.

    Post Grant wiped vomit from his mouth, and replied.

    Post Grant: No way out.

    Undertaker: Not unless...Not unless we help ourselves.

    Evilgrinch: Explain?

    Undertaker: The only way we're gonna be alright, is if we kill that 'thing'.

    Evilgrinch: I'm listening...

    Undertaker: We may not be able to help ourselves, but we can at least help anyone else who comes into this jungle.

    Post Grant: We have to warn someone though?

    Evilgrinch: Have you got a laptop in you bag?

    Post Grant: Yes.

    Evilgrinch: Is there a digital camera connected?

    Post Grant: I think so.

    Evilgrinch: Get on there, and record a message. Even if we don't make it, we'll be able to leave something for others to know the truth.
    The truth about all of this.

    Undertaker: How exactly do we take down the animal.

    Post Grant: Eye sockets. If we can get a shot through the eye, then we may be able to hit the brain. If we hit the brain...

    Undertaker: Then that thing will die. I get the picture. Let's get ready.

    While Evilgrinch and Undertaker got ready, Post Grant set up the laptop, and its digital camera. He switched the camera on and moved closer to it.
    He rested his elephant gun on the ground, and coughed a couple of times.

    Post Grant: Hello? I know you're listening because this is
    connected right up to the computer.
    My name is Post Grant. At the start of this century, I embarked on many adventures at the various Jurassic Park sites. This is irrelevent now though. I'm here to tell you the truth.
    The truth is that I'm here because I was tricked. Whoever owns these
    cameras, these weapons, they tricked us.
    3 days ago, we were dumped in this jungle by them, and given detailed instructions to film at least 200 hours footage of the animals that live here.
    Those animals don't live anywhere else on this Earth. Eggs for the animals from the 5 species that live here, were stolen from the facility on the now non-existent Isla Klein.

    I don't know who is listening, but I must tell you this. Please don't let anyone else come here.
    We've done our best to erradicate as many of the animals as possible, but a 6th species, cannot be stopped.
    Nothing can stop it.

    Suddenly, gunfire rang out in the distance. Post Grant swiftly turned around, knocking over the camera as he went.

    Evilgrinch was firing at the huge cross-breed dinosaur. It was back.
    Undertaker was bent over double, blood flowing from his chest.

    Undertaker pulled a grenade from his belt and threw it upwards. It exploded near the animals face.
    The dinosaur roared and leaned over, jaws open. It picked up Undertaker.
    He screamed as he was lifted 45 feet in less then a second, and then dropped into a mouth full of razor sharp teeth.
    Dino-X tore him apart, sending pieces of ripped flesh in all directions.

    Evilgrinch ran away from the beast, and towards Post Grant. The two turned and opened fire at the huge animal. It screamed in pain and staggered towards them angrily.
    Suddenly, Evilgrinch's gun locked. He pulled the trigger, but was out of ammunition.

    Evilgrinch: Hold him here. I've got to go and find another gun.

    Evilgrinch dropped the useless weapon, and sprinted to the other side of the clearing.
    He tripped over the laptop, cutting his head open. Blinking the blood out of his eyes, Evilgrinch reached for a rifle.

    He turned back. Post Grant was shooting at the animal. Hitting it in the legs. The dinosaur crouched over, and looked as though it would fall. Instead, it lunged at Post Grant.

    When its head was low enough, Evilgrinch fired.

    The bullet flew through its eye socket, ripped through its brain, and sent the animal crashing to the ground.

    Post Grant rolled out of the way, as its huge body crushed the floor next to him.
    And then everything fell quiet.

    Evilgrinch lowered his weapon, and walked slowly over to Post Grant. He helped his friend up, and they both wiped their bloody hands on their trousers.

    Post Grant and Evilgrinch began to laugh. They dropped their guns, and walked over to the dead creature. It's huge body lay on its back, the giant metal panel still attached to its chest.

    Evilgrinch: What do you think it is?

    Post Grant: Probably something installed by the studio, so that they can track it.

    Evilgrinch: Maybe. Who cares what it is though. We killed it!

    Post Grant: Now we just need to figure a way to ge...

    A light flashed from the panel, and a voice clicked on.

    Voice: Hello there survivors. I see you've managed to kill our main attraction. We should really come and get you now, but we wouldn't want you to go and tell anyone that this wasn't staged.
    I'm afraid that this is goodbye. See you in the afterlife...oh, and thanks for the footage. You got enough for us to at least make a 6 part series, should make for good viewing. Byebye.

    Evilgrinch: Little bastard, what the hell does he mean?

    Post Grant: He means that we are fuc*ed.

    A countdown appeared on the panel. It started at 10...9...8...7...

    Evilgrinch and Post Grant collapsed to the ground in dismay. They couldn't believe it. After so long, it was all going to end.

    Evilgrinch: Goodbye.

    Post Grant: Same. It's been nice knowing you.

    The panel continued to flash...3...2...1.


    The panel beeped, and the entire section of jungle was vaporised. Fire ripped apart everything in its path, as satelites in space watched a bright flash appear over the Amazonian rainforest.

    Post Grant, Evilgrinch and the body of the dinosaur were instantly destroyed.

    Meanwhile, at a small television studio in LA, a man laughed and stood up.

    Spino Goin Down put down his microphone and walked to the door.

    With one last triumphant smile, he left the room.

    THE END.

    2/17/2002 7:18:56 AM

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