The Lost World
By Michael Crichton
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    Jeff Goldblum said "Uh" 73 times in JP and TLW. (And yes, 'Chaos Edge CZ/Acrocanthosaur' actually counted.)
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    Sponge Bob: Goes to Jurassic Park chapIV
    By Evil_Seymour

    "I guess he's not coming back..." Sponge Bob drops the flare and looks towards the forest

    "Sponge Bob... that was an ostrich! And Ostrich's don't eat meat!" Patrick says intelligently

    Flat walks up behind Patrick and pokes his shoulder.

    "I'm going to kick your butt!" Flat threateneds

    Patrick screams primitively and jumps down the paddock wall. The collision of Patrick and the ground sends a tiny shock wave up the wall. The ground under the Car starts to rumble. Suddenly it flips over and falls down, ontop of Patrick.

    Flat smacks his fisted fin into his open fin and Sponge Bob starts to sweat.

    "I'll save you the time, heh heh!" Sponge Bob says nervously and then jumps down the paddock wall

    "I DON'T GET IT!!!" Patrick yells after Sponge Bob crashes into the explorer

    The Rex swiftly comes out from the jungle and chases Flat away. After hearing the fading roar of the Tyrannosaurus, Squidward slowly opens the door of the Bathroomhut and looks around.

    "Phew... no danger! hey.. Where is that other car? Oh no!" Squidward says as he scans the area worried "I won't get paid if anything happens to that small sponge." Squidward gets really worried

    Squidward walks behind the second car, suddenly he see's the other down the paddock standing on it's roof.

    "The Other Car!!!" Squidward yells "What ever happens to that sponge, I better get paid anyway!" Squidward grabs one of the wires and slides down

    Squidward picks up a bent flash light and looks through the smashed windows of the car.

    "SpongeBob? Patrick?" Squidward calls out softly

    "SQUIDWARD!!" SpongeBob yells from atop the tree

    Squidward falls to the ground in fright.

    "I don't get it... How did we get up here?" Patrick looks at his hand and questions

    "I dunno..." Sponge Bob answers and then jumps to the ground

    The tree branches break due to Patrick's weight. he falls down ontop of Squidward.

    "My back!" Squidward scream in pain

    To Be Continued...

    8/27/2002 3:15:26 PM

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