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    During the raptor pen scene, Laura Dern can be seen at one point almost cracking-up, due to director Steven Spielberg's raptor-noises from off-camera. (From: Ryan)
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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction
    By Dinosaurian

    Nick Van Owen sat crouched down in the African savannah, camera poised, heat moving in large waves before him. He lay down in the long grass, silently shoting film, as the lions tore away at their prey, a huge buffallo they had felled not long ago. Nick thought it was sickening, but hey, for a couple of million, this was worth it. The alpha male tore off a big slab of meat and began ripping it apart.

    Nick decided that he'd taken enough pictures, and began to back off, slowly back-crawling through the grass. And then, just as he was nearing the campsite, CRACK! snapped a branch.

    The lions' heads jerked up, sensing him. Nick stayed absolutely still. But the lions weren't intersted in him, and they went back to their feast. Nick knew he had had a lucky break there, and ran back to the campsite as quick as he could.

    Sarah Harding stood there, hands on her hips in a foul mood, "what took you so long?"

    "Well, I got little hung up," Nick replied, out of breath, "didn't see you volunteering."

    Sarah nodded, and said, "do you have the film?"

    Nick brought his camera off his shoulders and then retrieved the film from inside of it. Sarah took the film and placed it gently in a small case. "Nature Weekly's gonna be pleased, brand new footage of lion behaviour," Sarah cried, hardly containing the excitement in her voice.

    Suddenly, there was a ring from the Explorer. It was Nick's phone.

    Nick ran over and picked up the phone, saying, "Nick Van Owen, wildlife photogrpaher who's just about to become stinking rich, who's calling please?"

    Sarah smiled and began packing up base.

    She looked back at Nick and her smile faded as she saw his look of alarm, and then the words, "yes, Mr. Hammond, right away."

    * * *

    John Hammond stood on a decayed hillside of the Montana Badlands, trying to keep up with Alan Grant as he swiftly strode away. Hammond stopped to catch his breath, crying, "please, stop, it's not that easy for me..to..."

    Alan turned to Hammond and said with a blank serious face, "you will NOT get me on that island. I have said it once, I have said it a hundred times, I WILL NOT WORK FOR YOU!"

    "But...Dr. Grant...Alan...," Hammond continued.

    Billy, Alan's apprentice, saw Hammond and quickly walked over, saying, "what's going on?"

    "Mr. Hammond was discolsing another business venture of his, apparently to destroy Isla Sorna," Alan replied flatly.

    "I'll go," Billy said to Hammond, nodding.

    "What!" Alan shouted, eyeing Billy.

    "I'll go," Billy repeated.

    Alan took Billy aside a second, whispering in his ear, "Billy, if you do this, your acadmeic career is over, you will not work for me or for any other institution. That is assuming you come back."

    "I don't care," Billy said, and went off with Hammond.

    7/2/2002 5:30:51 AM

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