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    Return to Jurassic Park:Jurassic Park 4
    By Dinosaur_Man

    Return to Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park 4)

    It was the night before prom night, and Edger Thorne prepared verses for the girl he was going with. He never really liked her, but she got attention from him once in a while. Her name was Gizelle, and Edger thought she was pretty cute. Edger was pretty young, 17 years of age, last year in high school. He was blonde, and didn’t really like being one, but it was nice to stand out from the others. He was a regular size kid, about five feet, six inches, to be exact.
    He sat on his couch, watching old romance movies, seeing if he could learn a trick or two. He worked in the Journalism club, with Gizelle, and four of his friends. George, Rick, Mavis, and John. They made a great team, and the teacher seemed to repeat the same thing over and over again, “When big news is up, you come down here.”. Edger just thought he tried to be funny, but he looked serious enough. Nothing big has happened in his Journalism career(if you want to call it that), but, anything could happen.
    “These romance movies are getting really old, really fast.” Edger said to himself, shutting off the TV. It was Friday night, 10 o’ clock. He should be partying, but heck, he was practicing things to tell a girl, a girl! He thought about it, and ran to the front door. He lived in an apartment. “I’m going somewhere!” Edger shouted. “Alright, be careful!” His dad shouted back. Edger walked out the door, shutting it behind him. “Where should I go, anyway?” He whispered to himself. He thought of maybe a club, but clubs weren’t really safe at this time, and his dad would be worried.
    Maybe over one of his friend’s house, he thought. He hopped in his car, and started driving out of the parking lot. He decided to go to Rick’s house, and talk to him about Dinosaurs. Rick was real interested in dinosaurs, and Edger was too, but not as much as Rick did. His favorite was Baryonyx, a carnivore. But, he also liked Carnotaurus.
    Now, he was pulling up on Rick’s driveway. He had an average-done house. Not too shabby, but not too snobby looking. Edger liked it. He knocked on the door, and heard Rick’s dog go crazy. His name was Barky(how creative, Edger though). He loved to see visitors, but after a while, he’d go away. Rick opened the door, and the dog attacked. He ran up to Edger’s leg, and pulled on his jacket. “Barky! Stop!” Barky stopped, and licked Rick’s hand. “Good boy.” He replied.
    Rick and Edger said hello, and asked the usual questions. “What’s up?” “What’s going on in your life?” these questions never got old. Then, Edger went into the topic of dinosaurs, and seemed to forget about the prom, which was the next night. “Baryonyx?” Rick asked. “Yup, I’ve heard of him.” Edger was certainly not surprised. “Don’t really like him, much. Tyrannosaurus is my all time fave.” Rick replied. Rick always referred to dinosaurs as “he” or “him”. Assuming he liked dinosaurs being male then female. Edger didn’t care.
    “Ah, the most commonly heard dinosaur.” Edger replied. “Commonly known because of its vicious look and its power.” Rick told Edger, “Its really complex, in my eyes at least.” Edger didn’t like things that were complex, and changed the subject. “So, raptors were pretty dangerous too, right?” Edger asked. “Raptors...in general?” Rick asked. “Oh, I meant Velociraptor.” Edger replied. “Very, in fact. Pack hunters, carnivores. Very dangerous, they can jump very, very high.” Rick replied.
    Edger though, ‘Why get a book when you got Rick?’. He loved it. Well, after a pretty long conversation, and a pretty long movie, Edger headed back to his apartment. It was around 12 o‘ clock now, and he should be ready for a long day, the next day. He got out of his car, walked into his apartment, and went straight to bed, not telling his dad of his trip.

    The next day, he woke up pretty early. He thought it was later, noon at the very least. It was actually 9 o’ clock in the morning. “Man, very little sleep.” He said to himself. He went to the kitchen and got himself some breakfast. He usually ate a random cereal every morning. Which ever his hand picked up, it was breakfast. He poured milk into a bowl, followed by cereal, and began munching on the great cereal. “Mmmmm...good stuff.” He said, chewing food in his mouth.
    He finished, and put the bowl in the sink, washed it, and put it away. Then, he put the cereal box back where it went. He decided he’d watch some Saturday morning cartoons. He tuned into some stations, and he left Kid’s WB on. Only decent cartoons, like X-men or The Mummy. “Where are the looney tunes?” He said. “Maybe I missed a decade of events.”
    He turned it off, and looked at the time. 11 o’ clock now. He decided to put some clothes on, and hang out somewhere. Until, the phone rang. He ran and got the phone, before it could awake his parents. “Hello? Edger?” The voice said. “What? It’s me!” Edger replied, hurriedly. “Its your Journalism teacher, we have work to do.” He said. “What, what’s going on?” Edger said, looking worried. “We got, well, we got some injured kid...9-12 years old. Seems to have been attacked by something.” His teacher said. “Shark?” Edger asked. “No, something bigger.”

    Edger jumped into his car, and drove quickly toward the beach. There wasn’t much traffic, so he got to the beach quickly. He parked his car, jumped off and ran towards the crowd. He pushed through the crowd, saying “Excuse me.” or “Coming through.”. He reached his teacher, Rick, Gizelle, Mavis, John, George, and two other students. He didn’t recognize them. The bite on the boy was huge, he was practically dead, he wasn’t breathing, or moving.
    “Dead.” Rick said. A lady sobbed aloud, Edger guessed it was the boy’s mother. “But,” Rick started. “This bite is unusual, it looks very massive. It ripped right through him.” Rick said. “Can’t be a shark, then.” Mavis stated. “No, shark bites never get to be this big.” Gizelle said, looking pretty worried. She held a clipboard at her hands, taking notes of the boy. “Oh my god...” Edger said. He bent down, and remembered the three stories he heard before.
    “Where are these, ‘five deaths’ the Costa Ricans believe in?” Edger asked. “Near Costa Rica, Edger. This is Florida. We’re quite a distance away.” Rick answered. “Well, if one of the marine dinosaurs escaped...” Edger was broken off. “You don’t believe those folk tales, do you Edger?” John asked. Edger looked at him. “Yes, I do.” Edger replied, nodding his head. “Childish stories.” John said, moving his head. “Actually,” Rick started. “This looks like what a Diploradon would’ve done.” George looked curiously. “A marine dinosaur. Very big, biggest carnivore to ever live one earth.” Rick said.

    John, George, Mavis, and Gizelle all looked at each other, worried glances on each face. “So what your saying, a huge dinosaur is on the loose?” Giselle asked. “Possibly.” Edger answered. The teacher nearly turned pale after this, and the crowd became silent. Edger though they waited for an explanation on the Diploradon, but, he didn’t know much. He thought Rick would give a lecture, but he seemed busy with the body.

    A few hours passed, and the crowd had left quite a while ago. Edger, Rick, Mavis, John, Gizelle, the teacher, and the two other students stood there, talking about the marine dinosaur. Edger wasn’t learning a thing about the death, and instead of worrying about the dinosaur, asked a few questions to the sobbing mother near by. He walked up to her, and crouched beside her.
    “Did you see the actual attack?” Edger asked. The mother looked up at him, and tried to move her lips without shaking. She finally said something, which sounded more like a big mess off different letters, but Edger took it as a “yes”. He then asked more questions. “Did you see the attacker?” He looked more serious, now. So the mother tried her hardest to answer. “A little bit.” She replied. Edger pulled out his notebook. “What did you see?” He asked, getting his pencil ready. The mother looked at the open ocean, then finally looked at Edger. “A long mouth, mostly blue with a few black stripes. I didn’t see an eye, I just saw the huge, long, crocodile...” she sniffed a bit. “...mouth. The teeth looked small, but sharp.” She had some great details here.
    Edger wrote away, all over the paper. The mother seemed to know a lot of details for seeing just the mouth. Maybe she was exaggerating, but the description she gave turned out to look just like a Diploradon’s mouth. Edger thought, ‘If this thing was free, it had to be eliminated, fast.’. Rick was still looking at the body, observing the teeth marks and was munching on a Crunch bar. Edger looked at the woman and nodded, “Thanks for your help, M’ am.” The woman looked at him. “I wish he was back.”
    Edger didn’t know what to say, so he just walked towards Rick, and crouched very close. He showed him the notes he took during the conversation. “All signs point to Diploradon, Rick.” Rick nodded. “These tooth marks look a lot like it, too. We may miss the prom today, observing this.” He said. “We need news reports.” The teacher said. “No,” Rick replied. “We need to get the word out now before this thing gets anyone else.” The teacher nodded. “Very well, we shall. We better get in contact with the nearest museum. Call up some dinosaur people, maybe they’ll know our answer.” Edger and Rick nodded.
    Edger wondered were the others went. “I don’t know, I think they went to see if their were any missing body parts.” Rick replied. “Oh my god,” he said, looking at the water. “Get out of there! Get out of there now!” Edger shouted. The teacher and the mother looked towards the students in the water. “Get out of there, now!” The teacher shouted. The students heard now, and started swimming. They had gone pretty deep, and they swam pretty fast. Suddenly, something happened, so fast, it made Edger shout.

    A huge crocodile-like mouth shot out of the ocean water, and snatched one of the students. Edger didn’t know him, but he still shouted for help. The student yelled and yelled, and moved around as much as possible. The large crocodile-like snout picked him up, and smashed him back into the water, creating splashes all around, and Edger couldn’t see what was happening. He saw it, the whole head. It was a Diploradon! He could see the water turn red around the dinosaur, no doubt it was blood.
    Gizelle looked the other way, she couldn’t take the gore. Edger could see the lifeless body hanging in the Diploradon’s jaws, and he just shouted, and shouted some more. The Diploradon sunk back into the water, taking the body with it. Red water, which was no doubt blood, surrounded the area where the attack took place. The teacher cursed out loud, and ran to the students. “You okay guys?” He asked. “Yes.” They all replied, shaking and trembling as if they stepped in the coldest water on earth. Edger was in total disbelief. He couldn’t believe what he saw.
    A dinosaur, he thought, had just attacked someone from his journalism club! He stood there, near the lifeless body of the younger boy. He looked at the now calm sea, and thought about it. The mother was hidden in her arms, Edger knew she wouldn’t be able to see the event again. The teacher knew what he had to do, and he ran to the nearest telephone.

    “Yes?” someone picked up the phone. “Yes, hello, I need to speak with someone from the dinosaur section.” The teacher said. “Ok, wait a few minutes.” The voice said. Elevator music played, and Edger’s teacher knew he was going to be waiting a while, and sat down. His name was Arnold Moss. He was dark, and wore glasses. He was bald, too. He wore a tight, white shirt, with a jacket over it, and some jeans.
    Finally, someone picked up the phone. “Hello, this is Johnson from the Dinosaur Exhibit.” Arnold thought this sounded like a recording, but talked to the person anyway. “We got problems down here at the beach, Johnson.” Arnold said. “Name?” Johnson asked. “Arnold...Arnold Moss.” He replied. “Oh, Arnold. Teacher of the journalism class in that high school down the street, right?” Johnson said. “Yes. Anyways, this is no time to talk, we really need your help.” He said, seriously. “What’s the problem?” Johnson asked. Arnold replied, “Dinosaur attack, two dead.”

    Johnson stepped out of his car, and shut the door. Arnold went up to him, and greeted him. He guided him towards the carcass of the little boy. “See?” Arnold asked, pointing at the body. Johnson crouched near the boy, and looked. Sliced straight down the middle, into two parts. “This had to hurt.” Johnson said, running his finger around the teeth marks. Arnold frowned. “Yup, does look like a dinosaur...” Johnson started. “Diploradon.” Arnold finished. “Yes, just as I thought.” Johnson said, looking up at Arnold.
    “Where’s the other body?” Johnson asked. “The dinosaur took it into the ocean. He ate him fully.” Arnold replied. Johnson made a hissing noise, and a disgusted face. “The stories are true then.” Johnson said, looking at the sea. Arnold put a face, and Johnson knew he didn’t know what he was talking about. “The five deaths, the five islands off of Costa Rica.” He said.
    Arnold nodded. “Yes, Edger said something about that.” Johnson gave a confused look. “One of the journalist members.” Arnold said. “Where are they?” Johnson asked, looking around the beach. “Getting a snack. Basically, I got rid of them to talk of you .” He said. Johnson nodded, and continued to look at the dead body. “If Hammond made marine creatures...” He started, “...then they must be killed, fast.” Arnold agreed. “I’ll get a team of scientist to kill it, if possible, or dart it with a tracking device.” Johnson said.
    “Sounds like a plan.” Arnold said, now looking toward the sea. The sun was now setting, and he had the worst feeling something was going to happen. He heard too much of these ‘five deaths’, he though, he needed to know more about this. He decided he’d ask Edger. He looked back, seeing the students walking toward them. “Perfect timing.” Johnson said, walking back to his car. “Tomorrow, our ‘expedition’ shall start.” He said. “I’m going, too?” Arnold asked. Johnson shook his head, and Arnold was filled with relief. He waved, and drove away.
    “Who was that guy?” Mavis asked. “Guy from the museum, helping out with Diploradon. Well, he said he’s got the whole problem, so that’s nothing to worry about, kids.” Arnold smiled. But, he still had that bad feeling that it wasn’t going to be tooken over. “Speaking of..” Arnold started, “..what are these ‘five deaths’ all about?” Edger cracked his fingers, he assumed the question was for him. “Five islands near Costa Rica.” He replied. “Yes, I’ve heard that, but, why are they called the five deaths?” Arnold asked.
    “Well, the Costa Ricans believe a long time ago, the five islands were use as places to send criminals and they’d get the worst death that suits their crime. Well, one man came, a warrior perhaps, and wanted to see these five deaths, and traveled island to island, experiencing them.” Edger said. Arnold nodded. “And why are they the most feared place in the world?” He asked. Edger gave me a look. “Two of the islands, well, its believed only two of them, have dinosaurs all over them. Isla Nublar, though, was napalmed. But, Isla Sorna is still in good condition, filled with dinosaurs.
    “But, I don’t see how INGEN, the company that made the dinosaurs, would make marine dinosaurs.” Edger said, chewing on some type of candy bar. Arnold wasn’t paying attention to the candy. “Wow.” He said. “Who funded the project of these islands anyway?” Edger munched on his candy, then answered. “John Hammond. Old man, mid-70’s when he was eaten.” Arnold looked at him quickly. “Eaten?” He said, with a disgusted voice. “Yes, by Procompsognathus. Small scavenger.” Edger replied. Arnold looked disgusted. “Compys, for short.” Rick said.
    Mavis, John, Gizelle, and another student were talking in the corner. They looked mad, maybe about missing the prom. The prom! Edger thought. He had forgotten about it! He went up to Arnold, and asked for the time. “Six thirty.” He replied. “Crap!” Edger said aloud. “What?” Rick asked. “The prom!” Edger shouted. Rick banged his fist against the ground, near the dead boy. The dead boy was now covered in flies and ticks. “Your right.” Arnold said. “Looks like we’ll miss this one.”

    Edger got in his car, and Rick did too. Edger cursed for a few minutes, while Rick tried to calm him down. “There’s still a next time.” He said. Edger nodded, trying to calm himself. At least the Diploradon danger was going to be taken care of. Edger drove to his apartment, and parked the car. Edger and Rick stepped out, and shut the doors. They walked to Edger’s apartment, and Edger reached in his pocket for the key. He cursed out loud again.
    “What?” Rick asked. “Forgot the key!” Edger said. He slammed against the door. “What about your parents?” Rick asked. “Out for dinner.” Edger replied. “Some day it’s been today.” Rick couldn’t agree more. He wasted all day at the beach because of a dinosaur attack. He saw the second attack, but, they didn’t even do a news report on it! Why’d they even call us? Rick thought. He thought Edger was thinking the same thing.
    They sat in front of the door, and thought. Edger was mad, yet in disbelief from the dinosaur attack. Poor mother, he kept thinking. Losing your young son or daughter is never easy. It’s being taken care of, he kept telling himself. But, he couldn’t get himself to believe it. At least he knew it, but besides that, he forgot his key. How could he forget his key?
    Somehow he did, and he regretted rushing out the door so quickly that morning. He had hours upon hours to wait till his parents arrived. That alone wrecks a day, but missing a prom just destroys it. Edger stood up, and cursed again. Rick ignored him, thinking of the Diploradon. Strange how it traveled from the five islands all the way here. But, with his love in dinosaurs, he also wanted to see the five islands, even after hearing the stories over and over.
    Then, Edger and Rick heard a loud, no, very loud, screeching. Edger almost reached for his ears, but he decided to look up. It was flying gracefully in the sky, and Edger knew it wasn’t a bird. To big to be a bird, he thought. Then, it came down a bit, and it was unmistakable. “Dimorphodon!” Rick shouted. He didn’t seem to care he was in an apartment building. Edger was amazed, and so was Rick.
    “Amazing.” Edger said. Rick was speechless. How it flew in the sky, ever so gracefully. It now had a calm call, almost welcoming. It flew through the sky with no worry, no worry at all. Edger couldn’t hold his smile in. Another dinosaur, still a carnivore, but this one was a bit more friendly. As ugly as the animal seemed, in Edger and Rick’s eyes, it was one of the most beautiful creatures they had ever seen.
    This gave Edger and Rick a different view on dinosaurs, more of the peaceful sort. Time went slow, and all Edger and Rick could think of was the Dimorphodon. Now Edger could see more, about four or five Dimorphodon. They all traveled like birds, in a triangular shape. One leaded, the rest followed. “Amazing.” Edger repeated. With the sun setting in the back, this was the perfect moment to kiss Gizelle and release his feeling.
    Then, he remembered, Gizelle stayed at the beach. Great, he thought. The sight was still beautiful, nonetheless. But, this made Edger’s head ring. “Rick,” He started, “If these creatures got off the island, then other flying dinosaurs did too.” Rick could barely think of it, and just answer with a weak “Yes”. Edger thought about the trouble this would cause. This island was way too dangerous, no matter how beautiful the animals look. Edger could only think.
    The Dimorphodons were now leaving, disappearing from view. Now, Rick and Edger became bored again, but they couldn’t take their minds off of what they had just witnessed. This meant some good news, but it meant bad news at the same time. This was going to cause trouble, and a lot of it. All they could do was hope for the best, and that no more dinosaurs would get off the island.
    Now, it was night. Rick had fallen asleep, and Edger just stared at the stars. He thought it was around eight o’ clock now, hopefully later. He wanted to get back in his room. His back cramped, and his legs were asleep. Rick lie against the walls, snoring out loud. It kind of interrupted Edger’s thinking. Edger didn’t really mind though.

    Johnson stood on the dock. It was pretty dark, and Johnson was filling his boat with supplies, weapons, and some helpers. He stood on the dock, and got his satellite phone. He dialed up Arnold, and decided to tell him he was leaving that night. Someone picked up the phone. “Hello?” Johnson heard. “Hello, Arnold?” He asked. “Yes.” Arnold said. “It’s Johnson, hey, we are leaving tonight, so I’ll call you when we spotted the thing.” Johnson reported. “Sure thing.” Arnold said. “Alright.” Johnson said, turning the phone off.
    He placed it in his pocket, and got on board the boat. “All aboard!” He shouted, and with that said, they were off. Johnson really didn’t know where to look, so he just commanded the people to head near the beach, where the attack took place. The boat hummed in the night, and Johnson was surprised how they could actually see in this darkness. But, the boat just hummed forward, and Johnson waited on the side deck.
    The driver of the boat came out from inside, and walked up to Johnson. “We’re near the beach, sir.” He said. “Ok, where is the shoreline?” Johnson asked. The driver pointed, and Johnson could barely see the sand. “Ok, keep position. Turn your radars on.” Johnson ordered. “Yes sir.” The driver replied, and headed back inside the boat’s small shack. Johnson got the tracking device ready, loading it into a gun. It was like a harpoon, or Tranquilizer.
    He saw a break in the water. “Get ready boys.” Johnson said. Four men lined up on the side deck, armed with guns and weapons. The break in the water disappeared, silence. They waited. “I think it was just a school of fish.” Johnson said. Just then, the boat was hit hard, no doubt it was the Diploradon. “Get your weapons!” Johnson said. Firing of guns could be heard from miles away, and the water splashed next to the boat.
    The huge snout popped out of the water, and roared. It was defining. The snout fell down, and grabbed the tracking device gun and pulled. Johnson held back, but got an idea. He shot the tracking device dart, and he felt it stick to the gums of the dinosaur. “Excellent!” He said. The Diploradon let go, and roared loudly. Then, it sunk into the water, but it wasn’t dead.
    Everybody on board yelled and shouted, and they started to turn the boat around. The driver hummed a tune while driving the boat back to the dock. It was too easy, Johnson thought. Then, he heard a weird, creaking sound. “Everybody...hold on.” He said. The driver stopped humming, and felt a rumble. Then, the Diploradon’s head burst through the center of the ship, completely tearing through it. It slammed its head to the left side of the boat, breaking it in two.
    A small portion of the boat was still connected, which was later broken when the Diploradon rose again, a slammed its head into the boat. The dinosaur retreated for a few minutes, Johnson thought it was healing from the head smashing. The boat started to sink, fast. The driver fell down the sloped platform, and at the end the Diploradon waited.
    The driver opened his legs, and pushed back the snout of the Diploradon away, trying to keep it from pulling it in. The driver saw the tracking dart next to one of its teeth, but he barely missed it. The Diploradon opened its jaws even wider, to an extent that the driver couldn’t open his legs that much. The driver fell into the jaws, and the Diploradon crunched on him. The Diploradon dove down with the screaming driver, dark water all around. Johnson knew that was blood.
    Now, the boat was almost completely sunk. Men swam frantically to the shore, even if it was quite a distance away. Johnson also tried to reach for the shore, thinking he may get there, unharmed. The Diploradon rose again, with bloody teeth, and grabbed Johnson’s legs. Luckily, Johnson found a flare gun near him. He shot it at the Diploradon, which then retreated. It roared on its way down. Johnson’s leg burnt, and blood came out. He swam has hard as he can to shore, knowing sharks could be around.
    Some men were now near the shore, not caring a thing about Johnson, who was quite a distance behind. Johnson now didn’t use his legs, but only his arms. The Diploradon seemed to disappear, so Johnson dropped the flare gun so he could swim faster. Unluckily, a few yards away, the Diploradon rose again, giving another roar. The men on the shore took a run for it, leaving Johnson behind.
    The Diploradon got closer and closer by the second, swimming way faster then Johnson. The dinosaur opened its huge snout to devour Johnson, and Johnson waited their, screaming and yelling on the top of his lungs. His life was over. No, someone was shooting at the monster’s jaws, and it closed its huge snout. Johnson felt relieved. He looked back, and saw it was Arnold.
    The Diploradon finally retreated from the area, heading far away. It was finally scared off! Arnold swam to Johnson, and helped him get to shore. “Thanks.” Johnson said, catching his breath. Arnold dropped the gun, and crouched next to Johnson. “You ok?” He asked. “Yeah, I barely know you and you are more reliable then those idiots.” Johnson replied.
    Arnold chuckled, he loved to hear he was important. “Looks like your hurt bad in the leg.” He said. Johnson nodded, almost speechless. “Better get you to a doctor. You’ve been through a lot. Speaking of, did you get him with the tracking device?” Johnson nodded again. “Great, now me and the students and track him down on boat, and kill him.” Arnold said, and with that, he took Johnson to the hospital.

    Edger and Rick still waited outside his apartment, it was eleven thirty, and his parents still haven’t arrived. Rick was now awake, and walking back and forth along the sidewalk. “Why didn’t we just go some place?” Edger asked. “Who knows.” Rick replied. Just then, Edger’s cell phone rang, and he picked it up. Rick ran and sat next to him. Edger put it so both of them can hear.
    “Hello Edger, its Arnold.” He said. “It’s me, Edger. Hey, what’s up with you callin’ so late?” Edger asked. “The tracking device was set on the Diploradon.” Arnold answered. “The crew fine?” Edger asked. “Johnson has an injured leg, the driver got eaten, but the four gunman got away.” Arnold replied. “Oh, good. Anything else, Doc?” Edger asked. “Nothing else. Well, we must go find it tomorrow and kill it ourselves.” Arnold said. “Ok, right on. See ya, Doc.” and with that, Edger shut off his phone.
    Edger and Rick looked at each other. “One man got...eaten?” Rick asked. “That’s what he said.” Edger said, trembling in fear. “Is he sure he should send us to do the dirty work? I mean, we should at least finish up high school.” Rick said. “And if that thing swallows the tracking device, what do we do? Get a surprise attack? Better get it down with dart in mouth.” He answered. Rick nodded, and stood up.

    Finally, Edger’s parents arrived, and were so sorry to keep Edger and Rick waiting at the door mat. Edger didn’t care now, he just went straight for his bed. Rick then came in his room. “Umm, Edger, I don’t have my car here.” He said. Edger groaned. “You can sleep over.” He said. His parents agreed, and Rick called his house. His parents approved of the idea, and knew he was going on the boat trip the next morning.
    He got a mat and slept on the floor, thinking of the possible things that could happen. Like what if he was eaten? His parents would die if he did, and so would he. He missed his dog, Barky, dearly. He wanted to see his family again, he didn’t want to die. But, he had high hopes.
    Edger heard sniffing. Rick was crying quietly. “What’s wrong?” Edger asked. “I’m scared of tomorrow’s trip.” He answered. “Don’t worry, we’ll kill it before you even see it.” Edger said, with closed eyes. “You think?” Rick asked. Edger nodded. “What if we get ship wrecked?” Rick asked. “Think positive already!” Edger answered, and went to sleep. So did Rick.

    The next morning came, and Edger and Rick got dressed. They hopped into Edger’s car, and headed straight for the dock. It wasn’t much of a trip, but it would take a few minutes. Rick thought he should make conversation. “So, what do you think of this?” He asked. Edger looked at him” We’re not going to die, Rick. Get it straight already.” Edger was getting furious of Rick’s childish attitude. Rick stayed quiet.
    Soon enough, they reached the dock. They got out of the car, shutting the doors. They saw John, Mavis, Arnold, Gizelle, some other kid, and surprisingly, Johnson. “Didn’t you hurt your leg?” Edger asked. “Nothing real major. I’ll be fine. I can join you.” He answered. Two other men were on board, loading weapons and packages. “All aboard!” Johnson said, and with that, they all got on the boat.
    Edger looked out over the water on the side deck, as the boat hummed through the soft waves and windy morning. Rick, Mavis, John, Johnson, and Arnold were all playing some cards inside the small house. Gizelle came next to Edger. “Very nervous.” Gizelle said. “Really? I’m not.” Edger replied. He seemed way more calm with hearing Gizelle saying she was scared. “It shouldn’t be much of a trip.” Edger said.
    Just then, one of the two men reported on a microphone, “We’re tracking down the Diploradon, and it shows that it’s near Costa Rica, some strange five islands.”. “Umm...some people are wrong at some points.” Edger said, smiling. Gizelle laughed briefly. The boat continued to hum on, ripping through the tiny waves. The sun was setting, and it looked pretty to Edger.
    It sure didn’t make up for Gizelle not being around when he saw the Dimorphodons, but it was not bad. Gizelle stared at the sun setting, and said, “It’s very pretty.”. Edger nodded. “Well, sorry we couldn’t go to the prom.” Edger said. Gizelle turned to look at him. “Don’t worry, I understand. All this Dipl...” “Diploradon.” Edger interrupted. “Yeah, that. But, there’s still next year.” She said. She then turned back to the sunset.
    The sun rose, rose, and rose into the sky. Edger watched it all day long. How boring it was. No Edger and Gizelle sat at a table outside. Small table, made of plastic. Nothing fancy. Gizelle was sleeping at Edger’s shoulder, and he didn’t mind at all. He wondered what the boys were doing. Gizelle didn’t seem to snore, and Edger was thankful. He remembered Rick sleeping the night before.
    He looked at his watch, four-twenty three. He sighed. He was starting to get hungry, so he unwrapped a candy bar from his pocket. Then, the same man from before reported something startling. “We are near Costa Rica, and the Diploradon is reported to be a few yards away. Be ready for impact.” Edger shook. He woke up Gizelle. “What?” She asked in a tired voice. “Be prepared for impact.”
    The boat was in silence. Edger and Gizelle went straight to the driver’s room, with the radar. “It’s the yellow dot.” The man said, acting like he knew what they were going to ask him. It was heading for the boat, fast. Edger looked out the window, and noticed the five islands. If they got shipwrecked, they’d land smack in the middle of Isla Sorna. Now the Diploradon was frighteningly close, and it was coming in very fast. “Take over.” the man said, getting a gun and running down. So did the second man.
    Now, the Diploradon was right next to the boat. “Gizelle, hold on to something.” He said quietly. She grabbed a metal pole, as did Edger. Silence. Suddenly, there was a huge impact. Edger tripped and slid to the stairs. “Edger!” Gizelle yelled. The driver’s room was on the second story, but it was small .He could see the men struggling to get up to shoot down the dinosaur, although it wasn’t visible.
    Edger struggled to get up, but once he did, the Diploradon had charged the boat again. This time, Edger tumbled down the stairs, and hit the central deck. “Edger!” Gizelle shouted once more. The men were firing. Edger stood up to see the dinosaur. He saw it alright, he couldn’t take his eyes off it. The thing was huge. It scoot back a little, then charged again, almost sending the boat to it’s side.
    “Shoot!” Mavis said, running out of the small house. So did all the other guys. Johnson was hopping a bit, but looked rather fine. The Diploradon stopped, it had looked at Johnson. He recognized him, Edger thought. This was smarter then any other animal he had seen. The Diploradon retreated to the depths of the sea. “Phew.” Johnson said, looking over the side of the boat. Just then, the Diploradon charged up, and grabbed Johnson in it’s heavy jaws.
    “SHOOT!” Arnold yelled out. The Diploradon’s snout faced the sky, and Johnson was struggling and cursing at the animal. The men fired at it, but no good. It let out a loud roar as it swung Johnson around. It was going to smash it’s snout against the deck, and everybody took a run for it. A smashed right through the boat, with Johnson feeling every single hit.
    Edger’s face was facing the floor, and he could still hear the animal move and Johnson cursing it out. Edger looked back up, and saw a gun that one of the men dropped. They were both on the front deck, toppled onto their backs. Edger grabbed the gun and tried to shoot the eye. He kept missing till he ran out of ammo. Johnson was still cursing the animal, but he was out of breath. He wasn’t struggling anymore. He seemed a bit more comfortable now.
    Finally, he let out a hard punch, and hit the dinosaur right on the side of it’s snout. The dinosaur was furious with this, and retreated under water, with Johnson yelling. Edger looked over the deck, and saw the Diploradon chewing on Johnson, until blood filled the water, and he couldn’t see it. He kept away from the side, just in case. He was stuck on one side of the boat with the two men, with the other people on the other side. Then he remembered, Gizelle!
    She was on the 2nd floor, which was now in two pieces. He rushed up the stairs, and saw she was breathing hard in a corner. “Edger!” She shouted, and gave him a hug. “You ok?” He asked. “Fine, but scared.” She replied. “It’s alright.” Edger told her. “Who was that screaming outside?” She asked. “Johnson.” Edger answered. “He’s dead?” She asked. “Yup.” Edger replied.
    The student that he didn’t know came up the stairs. “You ok?” He asked. “Yeah, fine. My name is Edger. She’s Gizelle.” Edger answered. “I’m Richard.” He said. “Nice to meet you Richard.” Edger said. Then they heard Arnold’s voice, “No time for greetings! Get down from there, now!”. Edger looked at the radar. “Shoot! It’s coming back!” Edger shouted. Gizelle climbed down the stairs quickly, Richard right behind.
    Then, with Edger in the driver’s room, the Diploradon’s long snout popped out, and slammed it on the roof of the driver’s room. Edger jumped off the second floor, and rolled onto the front deck. There he was everybody, including the two men. The Diploradon had completely broken the boat into two pieces. It began to sink fast. They were right next to Isla Sorna, and Edger noticed a cave. “Guys, into the cave!” He said.
    They all dove into the water, while the Diploradon was distracted with the ship. The waves pushed them up inside the caves, where it was a bit wet. Edger entered, followed by the rest of the group. He saw light at the end of the tunnel, and ran for it. He tripped. He hit the rocks on the floor head first. “Ouch!” He yelled. “You alright?” Rick asked, helping him up. “Felt better.” Edger replied.
    They then climbed up the hole, and were suddenly surrounded in trees. “Where in a jungle.” Mavis said. “Where on Isla Sorna, to be exact.” Rick answered. “Oh sweet Jesus...the place with dinosaurs.” Arnold said, shaking. Gizelle sobbed after hearing that. “Sssshhh!!!” Edger said, “You’ll catch they’re attention!” Gizelle nodded. The bushes shook. A head popped out, Eighteen feet above them.
    “Giganotasaurus.” Rick said. “Gigasaurs, for short” Gigasaurs looked like giant Tyrannosauruses. They were a few feet taller then them, and had longer arms, but not as big as Spinosaurus’s. The Gigasaur looked down on them. “Oh shoot.” Rick said, “Run, as fast as you can.” The group ran for it, and the Gigasaur roared loudly. It ripped through the trees, and chased them. “No one told me about this!” One of the gun men said. “Just shut up and run!” Arnold replied, trying to breathe in between words.
    The Gigasaur was catching up, right behind them. He snapped its huge jaws right behind Mavis, who was behind the group. “Mavis, come on, run faster!” Edger shouted. The Gigasaur grabbed Mavis’s jacket, and he yelled. He got out of his jacket, and continued running. The Gigasaur ripped the jacket apart, then resumed the chase. “Phew, that was close!” Mavis said.
    The Gigasaur was catching up again. Mavis was now ahead of the group, running as fast as he could. Then, Edger heard one of the gun men fall. It was the second one, the one that wasn’t driving the ship. The group ran into the foliage, and watched as the man struggled to get up. Too late.
    The Gigasaur rose it’s foot, and the man rolled over. It missed by an inch. Then, the Gigasaur rose it’s other foot, and the man tried to roll. He was too slow, and the foot caught him. His waste and under area was being crushed, and he yelled loudly. The Gigasaur opened his jaws, and grabbed the man’s upper area.(above the waste) The Gigasaur ripped it clean off, with a loud ripping noise. Gizelle turned around, and everyone was speechless.
    The Gigasaur devoured the man, and when it was done, it walked away. “We better get off this island....fast.” John said, out of breath. They stood behind the foliage for a while, waiting to see if the Gigasaur left. They stepped out silently, and looked around the area, to check if it was safe. “Safe, all right.” Edger said silently, but loud enough for the whole group to here. They followed the road to the left, seeing foliage on both sides, and stumps, footprints, and remains of dinosaurs.
    It was quiet, and in a place like that, silence was the deadliest thing that can happen to you. “What kind of territory do you think this belongs to?” Arnold asked Rick. “It’s pretty swampy and all, I’d guess a large carnivore.” He replied. “Figures why we saw that...” “Giganotasaurus, and Gigasaur for short.” Rick broke in. “Second time you’ve said that.” The boat driver said. “Besides, I never told you my name. It’s Udesky.” He said. “Speaking of, where’s our journalist George?” Edger asked.
    “Shoot! I knew I forgot someone. He most likely chickened out.” Arnold said. “Just like him.” John said. “Left us on an island full of dinosaurs and he’s at home watching TV or hanging out with women. He better stick away from my girlfriend or I’m going to eat him.” Mavis said, slamming his fist into his other hand. “Well, I wish I stayed home.” Gizelle said. “Rick’s been worse.” Edger said. Rick gave him a friendly punch in the shoulder.
    “He cried for about an hour yesterday. Worried about his dog, I think.” Edger said. Everyone silently chuckled so they wouldn’t catch the wrong attention. Rick blushed a bit, he didn’t want Edger to tell everyone. “Where are we going?” John asked Edger, who was playing ‘leader’. “Heading for the shore.” Edger said. “What good would that do?” Udesky asked. “He has a point.” Arnold said to Edger. “What do you mean, Udesky?” He asked.
    “Well, if we shout and wave, that won’t attract any boats, even if they dare go near this island, and if we shout, we run again.” He answered. Edger nodded, “True.”. They stopped, right there. “Then what are we going to do?” Gizelle asked. Edger felt his pockets. “Excellent! I got my cell right here.” Edger said. He pulled out the phone, and dialed up George. “Shoot. Doesn’t work under all this foliage, going to have to head to the beach.”
    “What about that man’s satellite phone?” Mavis asked. “He pulled one out when we played cards, to call his mother I think.”. Udesky looked at the jungle floor. “Gone.” He said. Then, they heard that annoying tune the satellite phone played when someone called. “Wait a second, if that man had the phone...” Edger started. They looked back. There it was. The Giganotasaurus, standing right there. “Aw shoot!” John said. The Gigasaur roared out loud, and birds flew from atop the foliage.
    The group started running for their lives. “Man were gonna lose some pounds on this trip.” Udesky said. The Gigasaur followed close behind, roaring out loud as it got closer and closer. Once it got close enough, it tried snapping at them. Edger could smell the disgusting odor of it’s breath, and the snapping noise the Gigasaur’s teeth made when it attempted to grab them.
    “Head right!” Edger shouted. They crossed through the shallow water, which slowed them down a bit. Then, they made it to the other side. The Gigasaur practically jumped over the swampy water, then roared. “Where’s the end to this swamp?” Arnold asked. “I’m not sure, large carnivores own a lot of territory.” Rick replied.
    The Gigasaur was still close behind them. “Slip in the foliage!” yelled out Mavis. After a while of foliage, they went into an open path. They stopped. The Gigasaur was gone. “Phew.” Rick said. “This place is the scariest thing I’ve ever seen.” Then, the Gigasaur appeared, right in front of them. The group stood still. “Aw, shoot!” Rick shouted, and ran down the open path. “Rick!” Edger shouted.
    Too late, the Gigasaur roared and began to chase Rick. “Hide here.” Edger said. After the group slipped into the foliage, Edger followed the Gigasaur and Rick. There was a turn, and at the end was foliage again. Rick had almost reached the end, and Edger slipped into the foliage to the right, where the Gigasaur couldn’t see him. The Gigasaur stood there, and Edger stood behind the foliage, and watched.
    He could only see Rick’s feet sticking out of the foliage. He tripped. Edger knew he was going to die. Edger also noticed Rick was holding onto a tree in the foliage. A tree trunk. The Gigasaur lowered it’s head, and sniffed Rick’s feet. Then, it pulled on his left foot. Rick held on, and yelled for help. Edger heard a rip, as the Gigasaur ripped the left foot right off. Rick screamed in pain. Edger watch in terror as the Gigasaur ate his best friend’s foot.
    Edger was scared to the maximum. The Gigasaur ripped Rick’s right foot right off, and Rick screamed in pain. The Gigasaur seemed confused at Rick’s reactions. Rick was also alive through all of the torture, and it gave Edger a shiver. The Gigasaur tugged on Rick’s right leg, and Rick tried his hardest to not be pulled out. The Gigasaur tried his hardest to pull him out, and finally got Rick out of the foliage.
    The Gigasaur flipped him over, and picked him up in his jaws, so his waste and up area didn’t show. The Gigasaur shook him real fast and real strong, so strong, Rick’s legs went flying. Edger covered his eyes at this point. The Gigasaur chewed on Rick’s body, then looked through the foliage for the legs. Edger looked around. There was a leg right next to him. The Gigasaur was heading straight for that leg, too.
    Edger tried his hardest to slip out from beneath all the trees and leaves. Too late, the Gigasaur had spotted him. It growled a loud growl, and Edger dashed out of the location. The Gigasaur roared, grabbed the leg and chased after Edger. Edger ran out into the path, and followed it back to where the group was. Before the Gigasaur could see him, he slipped into the foliage where the group had been hiding.
    “Shoot, it’s here.” Edger heard, it sounded like Arnold. “It’s just me.” Edger said. “Oh, ok.” Mavis said in relief. “Where’s Rick?” He asked. “Too late, the Gigasaur got him.” Edger answered, looking at the floor. Just then he heard a rumble. John looked around. “Don’t worry, it’s probably just the Gigasaur going back to it’s place. Let’s stay here for a few minutes.” Edger said. Everyone nodded. It was very dangerous on that island, and now Edger was head honcho, he had to know what’s going on, and lead his group to victory, or, the exit.

    Time passed, and they stayed in the bushes. “It should be empty now.” John suggested. Edger nodded. They walked outside into the path. Emptiness. “Yup, empty alright.” Udesky said. They tried to get back where they were before, back in the swamp. They walked through the foliage, and back to the swamp area. They headed to the right, where they were going before. “Hopefully, we don’t attract it again.” said Gizelle, looking around nervously. “It’s alright.” Edger said, patting his hand on her shoulder.
    “They look like they like each other.” Arnold whispered in Udesky’s ear. Udesky smiled, then nodded. “No doubt.” He whispered back. They walked down the side of the swampy waters, and kept an eye out for any unwanted visitors. Of course, trouble couldn’t be far off on this island. Right there and then, Edger saw a weird, lizard like creature with a sail on it’s back.
    “I know this one.” Mavis said. “Dimetron.” Edger thought it didn’t look too dangerous. “I think it’s a herbivore.” Mavis said, pointing at it’s snout. But, it showed it’s teeth, and they looked pretty sharp to Edger. Then, another came out, standing right besides the first one. “Packers, I guess?” Udesky asked. “What does that mean?” Mavis asked. “Traveling in packs.” Udesky answered. “Oh, yes.” Mavis said.
    The Dimetrons let out a low growl, almost soothing. Edger stared at the patterns on their sails. There were yellow spots, around maybe five or six of them. On the second, there were parallel yellowish-greenish lines. “Strange patterns.” Edger said. “Well, maybe they’re used to mate.” John pointed out. Edger nodded. “It makes sense to me.” Mavis crouched next to the first Dimetron. It let out a growl as if he got to close.
    Mavis moved back a bit. The Dimetron still growled. “I don’t think it’s a herbivore.” Edger said. “Don’t worry.” Mavis said, looking back. The Dimetron dove to bite Mavis, but right then and there, a dinosaur with a long snout came out and grabbed it by the sail. “Sweet Jesus!” Mavis yelled, falling on his back. This dinosaur had a sail on it’s back too, it was a Spinosaurus.
    The Spinosaurus(Spinosaur for short) fed on the unlucky Dimetron. Mavis jumped to his feet, and the group ran for it. The other Dimetron moved back, giving out soft roars. The Spinosaur gave a loud roar, and the Dimetron retreated into the foliage. “That body won’t last long.” Udesky said. They slipped into some bushes, crouched, and waited. They heard the Spinosaur feeding on the unlucky dinosaur.
    Gizelle covered her ears. Edger looked at her, then nodded. Gizelle wondered why, but that was the least of her problems. The Spinosaur let out a roar, facing the sky. Edger saw it was done with the Dimetron, but, they were in Gigantosaurus territory, where the Spinosaur shouldn’t have been. Out of the foliage across the swampy river, the Gigasaur ran out of the bush, roaring at the Spinosaur.
    The Spinosaur roared back at it, lowering it’s head. At this, the Gigasaur lowered it’s head and grabbed the Spinosaur by the neck, and thrashed around. The Spinosaur tripped and fell onto it’s left side. The Gigasaur lifted it’s leg, and slammed it on the Spinosaur’s stomach. The Spinosaur yelled in pain at this, and the Gigasaure put it’s neck in it’s mouth, and twisted.
    Edger heard a crack. The Gigasaur cracked the Spinosaur’s neck! After this, the Gigasaur started to feast on it’s huge victim. Edger, thinking it may take a while, led the group through the bushes, and into the path that Rick was eaten in. They followed the road, and when they got to the turn, they get going straight right into the foliage, out of Gigasaur territory. “Phew, that was hell on earth, all in one area.” Arnold said, a bit louder then he was in the swamp.
    “Agreed.” Udesky said, cracking his fingers. “I never want to go into that swamp again.” Everybody nodded to this. “I have never heard anything more true in my life.” said John, looking back at the foliage that blocked the swampy area. Now, they were in an open field. They could see a river running to the right, with Diplodocus drinking the water from it. A bit farther they saw some Stegosaurs, then some Triceratops. To the left, Edger could see some duck-billed dinosaurs, but he didn’t know the name for them. If only Rick was around.
    “Well, it looks all beautiful and all, but don’t say anything.” Udesky said, “You’ll just be wanting to get the heck of the island once that Tricicaplots comes out to get you.” Udesky said. Edger nodded, knowing it was really true. “This looks a lot like where Allosaurus would hunt.” John said. Udesky looked at John with a questioned face. “Allosaurs, a bit smaller then what’s been chasing us for the whole day.” Udesky nodded.
    After that, they continued walking. But, they heard screaming and roaring, and they stopped, then and there. They looked to the Diplodocus. Two Allosaurs had attacked one. One jumped into the air, kicking the Diplodocus. The other fought with the huge animal’s tail. Then, the second Allosaur bit the tail, and pulled hard. The other Allosaur jumped and bit the neck, and tugged it down. The Diplodocus groaned out loud, and the other herbivores ran away.
    The Diplodocus fell to the ground, making a huge rumble. The Allosaurs started to feast on their new meal, and the group was left speechless. Then, they heard rumbling from the foliage behind them. They looked back. One, two, three, no four! Four Allosaurs were staring them down. “Oh shoot.” Udesky said. “Run, now!” Edger shouted. They all ran across the plain, the four Allosaurs close behind.
    The other two Allosaurs looked across the field, and saw them running. But, they still ate on what they had caught. The four Allosaurs kept close to the group. They looked like the Gigantosaurus from before, but were a darkish brown color, and about twelve feet high. Still, these hunted in packs, and were basically worse then the Gigasaur. They were basically over grown raptors.
    “Let’s split up here.” Arnold said, once they reached the foliage. Edger, Mavis, and Gizelle went to the left, and Arnold, Udesky, and John went right. Two Allosaurs followed each group. All the herbivores on the field were watching from a safe distance, not making a sound.

    Edger pushed the leaves and branches aside, and Gizelle and Mavis followed closely. The two Allosaurs just ripped through the foliage, and roared as they did. It bothered Edger and his group, but they kept running at a fast pace. “Edger, I’m getting real tired.” Mavis said. Edger noticed he was slowing down. “Don’t get clumsy on me!” Edger shouted. Too late, Mavis had tripped.
    Edger and Gizelle ran too fast to help him, and the Allosaurs got him. He heard them scowling and biting. Edger and Gizelle stopped to look back. “Sweet Jesus.” Edger said, in surprise. The Allosaurs hadn’t eaten him yet, they were fighting for him. Mavis stood up, and ran to Edger’s and Gizelle’s location, and they continued to run, while the Allosaurs continued to fight behind them.
    Edger and his group reach a fairly big opening. Edger noticed the Allosaurs had stopped chasing them, they probably forgot them after they got into a fight. They tried to catch their breath. “I thought I was dead there.” Mavis said. “Us too.” Edger replied, sighing. Gizelle didn’t say a word, she was too scared.

    Arnold’s group was now near the swampy area again. They knew this was the Gigasaur’s territory, and Arnold wondered if it was done with the Spinosaur yet. No time to think, Arnold thought. The Allosaurs caught up behind them. “Man, I’m starting to get tired Doc!” John shouted. “Cross the river!” Udesky shouted, ignoring John’s whining. They crossed the river, but Arnold heard John fall, right in the river.
    He stopped, along with Udesky, and looked back. The Allosaurs were biting at something in the water, and Arnold had nasty thoughts in his mind. Suddenly, one Allosaur raised John out of the water by the leg, and growled. The other Allosaur grabbed the other leg, and tried to feast on it. John was screaming the whole time.
    Both Allosaurs dropped him, in the water again. Both legs disabled. He crawled outside of the water, where he was stopped. One Allosaur lifted him by the leg again, and threw him in the air. His upper body landed in the Allosaur’s mouth, and the other Allosaur grabbed the lower body. Both pulled until they ripped him in two. “Aw shoot!” Arnold shouted, and the two ran into the foliage, while the Allosaurs ate.
    They kept running, and as they did, they heard the Allosaurs snarling, and then they felt a rumble. “They’re done.” Arnold said. He was wrong, because as he opened the final bushes of the foliage, the Giganotasaurus was running right towards them. “Oh shoot!” He yelled. They rolled to the right, and saw the two Allosaurs appear. They roared at each other, while Arnold and Udesky went to find a hiding spot somewhere in the foliage. The Allosaurs began to attack the Gigasaur, striking at the legs.
    After a while, the Gigasaur fell to it’s side, and the Allosaurs bit at it. One Allosaur put it’s leg on the Gigasaur, waiting to take a bite. Before the Allosaur could do anything, the Gigasaur let out a loud roar. The Allosaur plunged for the bite anyways, but was attacked by another Gigasaur. “The female.” Arnold whispered. The male Gigasaur got to it’s feet, and the two roared at the Allosaurs. “It’s like how my wife gets when I go into our room.” Udesky said. “If it’s yours and your wife’s room, then why cant you get in?” Arnold asked. “I see you don’t have a wife.”
    The Allosaurs growled back at the Gigasaurs, walking back as they roared. The Gigasaurs were bigger though, and were tougher. Finally, an Allosaur dove to attack the female. Ever so quickly, the male Gigasaur bit the Allosaur by the neck, sending it to the ground. The male pressed it’s foot against the Allosaur’s neck, choking it to it’s death. Then, the male and female charged the second Allosaur together, and they ripped it’s head clean off.
    “Does your wife do that?” Arnold asked. “She tried to rip my other head off.” Udesky replied. “Ouch.” Then, the Gigasaurs starting eating their new dinner. The thing was, one Gigasaur dragged one Allosaur, and the other Gigasaur dragged the other Allosaur. “Must be a nest near by.” Arnold whispered. “Then we better get out of here.” Udesky whispered back.
    They ran into a small open space, and saw Edger’s group. “Missing one.” Edger said. “John? He got eaten...” Arnold said, sadly. “We almost did, too. But the Allosaurs got killed.” Udesky reported. “By what?” Mavis asked. It looked like he had blood marks. “Gigasaurs. What happened to you?” Udesky asked. “Allosaurs...wait a second...did you say, Gigasaurs? As in, more then one?” Mavis asked. Arnold broke in, “There’s two, and they have a nest near by.

    “How do you know?” Edger asked. “They were dragging the dead Allosaurs somewhere, most likely their nest.” Arnold answered. “Come on, walk and talk.” Gizelle said. “She speaks!” Arnold said, raising his hands into the air. They walked back to the open field that they were first attacked by the Allosaurs. The Allosaurs were gone, and the herbivores started to return. They saw some of the Diplodocus’ carcass, not all of it was there.
    They walked back on the path they had before, straight through the field. It was quite a walk, the field was big. Edger heard squeaking. “What’s that noise?” He asked. “I don’t know.” Udesky said. Edger looked down. “Hmm, Compy.” Arnold said. “Didn’t we see one of these?” Edger asked. “I believe so.” Mavis answered. Edger kicked the Compy, and it went flying. “The suckers of the Jurassic.” Edger said, looking at it fly.
    “Scavengers, I believe.” Arnold said, scratching his chin. “They couldn’t eat a ant, so they probably are scavengers.” Edger said. “Let’s not just stand here, we got enough of that sport.” Gizelle said, walking ahead. “Stay in a group, Gizelle.” Edger said. “Why? You guys are going to stand their all day.” She snapped. “Gizelle..” Edger said. “What do you want?” She said with a stubborn voice.
    Too late, a raptor jumped up a pinned her to the ground. “Help me! Help me!” she shouted. “Get off!” Edger said, kicking the Velociraptor back. The raptor fell, and Gizelle jumped to her feet. Now, more raptors raised their heads above the tall grass. “Oh shoot!” Udesky shouted. “Run! Run! RUN!” Edger commanded. The raptors chased them, close behind.
    “These things are fast. You better run faster.” Mavis said, in between breaths. No one answered, they were busy trying to breathe and run. As fast as they ran, the raptors still caught up. So close, in fact, they started to pounce. One went for Edger, who was in front, and missed. Udesky tripped over the raptor, which screamed in pain. Arnold helped Udesky up, and they ran for it as a raptor pounced right were they had been.
    There was a lot of open field to run. They had almost reached the end, until these raptors showed up. They crashed into foliage. They hadn’t been in this area, though. Edger slipped and slid down hill, followed by the others. The raptors slid on their feet, as if they knew this fall was coming.
    It was like a slide at the fair, turning and turning and dropping. Until, it reached a cliff. Edger flew off, but grabbed onto the edge. Mavis, Gizelle, Arnold, and Udesky flew off, and dropped into the water far below. If only Edger didn’t grab the branch, he could’ve done that too. The water was pretty deep, but shallow. Just enough space for a landing. But, there was a hard, stone platform about forty feet under Edger.
    Mavis, Gizelle, Arnold, and Udesky went to the near by shore, and looked up at Edger, who hang on for dear life. Where had the raptors gone?, he thought. Then, there they came, sliding down. One went soaring, straight for the water. What happened now was amazing. A Pteranodon flew, out of nowhere, and snatched the raptor in it’s pointy fingers. The other raptor fell, and grabbed Edger’s legs with it’s arms.
    Edger yelled in pain as the raptor scratched Edger’s legs. Edger had no choice, and let go of the edge. As he fell, he got an idea. He kicked the raptor, and gained speed. He just missed the platform, and went straight in the water. Excellent!, he thought. The raptor landed with a loud THUD! on the platform. He swam to the shore, were the others helped him.
    “This river should lead to the ocean.” Edger said. “Darn it Edger, were in the open!” Udesky said, “Call!” Edger opened his pocket, and picked up the phone, then he put it to his ear. “Shoot!” He said, and threw his phone in the river. “What the.......why did you do that?” Mavis said. “Our freedom just swam down the river!” Edger cursed. “It doesn’t work!” He yelled.
    They suddenly heard screeching. They looked above them, and saw Pteranodons flying above. “Aw shoot!” Udesky said, “When does the abuse stop?” “Until we get off the freaking island.” Edger said. With that, they ran up the shore, and found what looked like a cave. As much as it was a bad idea, they ran in. The Pteranodons landed outside, squawking, trying to lure them out.
    “I have a bad feeling about this.” Gizelle said. “Don’t worry. There’s not much to live off here.” Edger said. The cave was pretty big, but the Pteranodons still didn’t enter. “Strange they didn’t follow.” Mavis said, “There must be something in here.” Edger ignored their whining, and continued on. They heard a soft growl. “I think your right.” Edger said, shaking.
    At the end of the darkness, a huge Pteranodon walked out on it’s wings. “It’s papa.” Gizelle said, walking back. “Run, now. Run!” Edger shouted. They ran outside the cave, and the Pteranodons flew away, frightened. The group jumped into the river, while the huge Pterasaur flew out, letting out a huge squawking noise. It took off into the air, scaring all other Pteranodons away. “The head honcho hear.” Edger said, trying to swim at the same time. No one heard him.
    “Do you hear that?” Udesky yelled. Edger tried to hear, as he let the river take him. So did everybody else. “Waterfall!” Mavis shouted. They tried to swim the opposite way, but the river was stronger. Then, one by one, they fell down the waterfall, screaming for help. One by one, they slammed into the open ocean, and they knew what lurked there. “At least were off the island.” Udesky said. “I hope you know how to swim.”
    “Where to?” Gizelle asked. “The girl got a point, Udesky.” Arnold said, nodding. They saw a sudden break in the water, few yards away. “Just what I was afraid of.” Edger said, shaking. The Diploradon splashed out of the water, roaring out loud. It’s roar was still deafening, and it’s sharp teeth were still terrifying. Udesky, Gizelle, Mavis, and Arnold swam back, but Edger was petrified. The Diploradon lowered it’s head to look at Edger. “Shoot.” He whispered.
    The Diploradon opened it’s snout, and grabbed Edger. He shook him in the air violently. Edger knew he was going to die. He started to shout. Suddenly, he was dropped. The Diploradon was roaring in pain. Edger retreated with the others, toward the waterfall. The Diploradon’s head fell to it’s left side, creating a huge splash. Behind it, George stood their, with a rife, on his boat.
    The Diploradon was dead. “I knew I’d find you here.” George said, “Get over here, before we see another.” Edger sighed, “There’s only one.” George gave them a hand, helping them onto the boat. “How did you know we’d be hear?” Edger asked. “You guys didn’t stop talking about these five deaths. I figured the Diploradon would come back to it’s habitat after eating some food to fill him up.” George answered.
    “Where are the others?” Edger looked at the boat.” The ones that aren’t here, are sadly dead.” He said. “Rick and John...poor guys.” He said. Edger then had a thought. “What the heck happened to that student anyway?” He asked. “You mean Richard?” Gizelle asked. “Last I saw him, he was on the boat.” Everybody now wondered where he was.

    Richard hid in the bushes. He was hiding from some giant dinosaur. It had a huge mouth, two small hands, and two large feet. About fourteen feet. Then he thought, Tyrannosaurus. He walked slowly, until he reached an open field. He saw a few herbivores here and there, not knowing a thing about them. He was frightened they would eat him.
    Around him, he saw tails rising. Then, a small snout appeared. He saw the full head of the dinosaurs now. They looked like lizards. “Raptors.” He said. “Looks like the road ends here.” The raptors jumped all over him, ripping him piece by piece. He shouted, but he knew no one could hear him scream.

    The boat broke through the waves, heading to Costa Rica. “We need a hospital, most of us have been badly injured.” Udesky told George. “Sure thing.” George replied. Above them, the group saw Pteranodons flying to the mainland. “Oh shoot.” George said. “If they get to the mainland, were screwed.” Udesky sighed. “Probably heading for nesting grounds.”
    “We should just kill them off though.” George said. Udesky shook his head. “No, killing won’t solve a thing. It just worsens are problem, kid.” “George.” George broke in. “Yeah. If we just, let life go on its own. Maybe, life can find a way. We shouldn’t tell nature how to do her job, we should let her do her job. Dinosaurs were meant to die, they were selected, and here men are, recreating them as their creations.
    “We should just stop all of this, stop cloning, stop creating our own creatures, just let God and nature do their stuff, taking care of the world, and loving their creatures. We should just live how we are supposed to live, loving, caring, and such. Maybe, if we do, just maybe, the world can come to peace.”. George nodded, and they looked up at the flying Pteranodons. Costa Rica wasn’t too far away.
    The End

    1/18/02 6:39:35 PM

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