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    On May 28, 1997, the official TLW website was hacked -- intruders changed the opening graphic to read 'The Duck World: Jurassic Pond'.
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    ISLAND, chapters 6 and 7
    By Dino_Dude

    It was the morning after the storm and the terrible accident with the boat. The skies were now clear and the sun shone brightly over the many small islands somewhere in the north pacific.
    On one particular island's south side beach, lay the wreckage of the 3X4 model boat. The boat lay on it's side, everything on it's deck had been smashed and washed away. The cabin was no longer there, it had been smashed to pieces and was probably at the bottom of the sea somewhere. All the controls and electronic equipment that were inside it were either gone or totally water logged and destroyed. Luckily, the boat's structure was still intact which meant that the hull hadn't been infilltrated with water, which meant the the people were still alive, if they survived being knocked around the hull during the night.

    Suddenly the hull hatch got smacked open, and Ben fell out and rolled down the deck and straight onto the wet beach sand. (Since the fence going around the boat had been washed away).
    Ben lay there, gasping in the fresh air, then suddenly his eyes went wide and he hopped up, remembering everyone else was still unconcious in the boat.
    Ben was alright except for a few cuts on his arms and head and a cut that had gone right through his pants onto his leg.
    Ben scrambled back up the deck slipping a few times before reaching the hull hatch and holding onto it to prevent slipping off again (Remember the boat was tipped on it's side).
    Ben yelled out weakily to everyone,
    BEN: "hey, anyone else awake down there".
    Suddenly Arc popped his head out of the hatch making Ben jump. Arc was holding a cut on his head and moaning. Arc looked out past Ben and saw the beach and the jungle line up past the sand.
    ARC: "we, we're alive".
    BEN: "yes i would say we are".
    Arc clambered out the hull and steadied himself on the deck. Max started to climb out next, while Ben and Arc helped him.
    Max slid down the deck and onto the beach, he didn't appear to have any visible injuries.
    Ben looked down into the hull and no one else had woken up yet.
    BEN (talking to Arc):"It's best we leave them there and let them wake up by themselves".
    ARC:"Right, ok".
    Ben and Arc slid down the deck and joined Max on the beach.
    The walked forward a bit and looked up at the jungle, then out at the sea, no ships or anything, no sign of cilvilisation.
    MAX:"Oh no".
    MAX:"Don't tell me this island is, is deserted".
    ARC:"That means, we're stuck here like castaways, like those people on Gilligan's Island!"
    Ben shook his head and sighed.
    BEN: "you two just had to say that didn't you".
    The three of them walked around the boat and looked down the other direction of the beach, and cried out in relief! About 3 miles down the beach was a wharf and at the end of it was a small boat, and there was dirt road heading into the jungle.
    Max started running down the beach and Ben and Arc followed. They reached the wharf and ran down it to the boat. The wharf creaked, meaning it was old and and hadn't had weight on it for a while.
    Ben climbed down into the boat and headed upto the front of it to check the controls. Arc went with him, while Max waited on the wharf.
    Ben and Arc examined the boat's controls.
    BEN (Blowing some dust off some diles and gauges): "this thing hasn't been moved or used for quite some time".
    ARC: "tell me about it! this thing is a 91 model! I mean it would have been good in it's time but we are way past this now".
    Ben found the fuel guage and sighed.
    BEN:"great, just great. this thing is empty".
    The two of them started looking around the small boat for any fuel drums but there were none.
    The both climbed out the boat and saw that Max was back down the start of the wharf and was looking down the dirt road that lead into the jungle.
    They both started walking back to tell Max the good news.
    As they walked Arc turned to Ben.
    ARC: "thanks"
    BEN: "what?"
    ARC: "i know your the one that saved me when i got knocked down on the boat last night".
    BEN: " but you were unconcious?"
    ARC: "not totally".
    Ben just managed a smile and patted Arc on the back, making him stumble forward.
    BEN: "your welcome mate".
    They came up beside Max and they all stared down the dirt road. They couldn't see where it led or how long it was because it turned a corner not far along.
    Max had a eyeing look on his face.
    MAX:"something, something's down there in the jungle somewhere".
    Ben and Arc just laughed as the headed back towards their boat on the beach. Max quickly followed.
    MAX:"hey so is that boat on the wharf ready to get us off this place?'.
    BEN:"that boat down there has no fuel, so Arc and I have decided to get the others and see who is gonna come with us down the track to see where it leads".
    ARC:" And hopefully we will find some fuel".

    The three of them got back to the boat to see Johnny sitting on the beach with Jean, while Steve threw the wheelchair down.
    JOHNNY:"careful please!"
    STEVE:"sorry mate, not really in the mood for being careful".
    Steve wasn't his usual cheerful self.
    Steve banged on the boat.
    STEVE:"skoan! wake up and get out here!".
    Arc helped Johnny into his wheelchair while Jean smiled a him.
    ARC:"no prob".
    Arc smiled back.
    Suddenly Bill came tumbling down the deck and landed face first in the sand.
    PLAA! Bill spat out a mouth of sand and wiped his mouth.
    BILL:"haha, we're all alive!"
    Bill ran over and hugged his wife, and Jean hugged him back.
    MAX:"so now you comfort her Skoan!"
    JEAN(letting go of Bill):"Bill, what does that mean?"
    Bill turned around and faced Max eyeing him menacingly.
    BILL: "Nothing dear".

    After a few minutes, Ben had gathered a few supplies from the hull and stuffed them in a backpack, while Arc explained to everyone their situation with the boat and the fuel.
    After that they all started back towards the wharf and the dirt road.
    Johnny was getting frustrated by the diffuculty of moving his chair through the sand, but once they reached the dirt road it was much easier.

    So the 7 of them started down the dirt road, and Max still eyed the jungle surroundings cautiously, he was sure he had seen something watching him earlier...

    The group of 7 slowly walked along the dirt road admiring the surrounding jungle. They had been walking along the road for about 10 minutes and hadn't seen a sign of any buildings or structures.
    The road had twisted and turned it's way through the jungle which stopped any hopes of looking up ahead.
    The jungle looked and sounded normal, the bird's calls off in the distant trees, and the occasional strange hooting noise which sounded like some sort of monkey.
    Suddenly Bill tripped and stumbled on a protruding root. THUMP. He fell on his hands and knees.
    BILL:"Oh god, i have to stop for a moment".
    The others just kept walking.
    Ben called out to Bill as they turned a corner and went out of sight.
    BEN:"well Mr Skoan, just catch up when your ready".
    Bill sat on a log at the side of the dirt road. OW! Bill had put his hand on the log and a piece of protruding bark had stabbed him.
    BILL(rubbing his hand):"Bloody hell".
    Suddenly the sound of a large tree snapping came from the jungle behind Bill. He jumped up and looked into the trees but could only hear the sound of birds flying away.
    Bill just kicked the log and started walking along the road again, keeping an eye on the jungle to his right.

    Meanwhile, up ahead on the track, the other 6 had finally found something. A wire gate was crossing the road, except it was open and had a big dent in it, like somehting had come along and barged into it causing it to open.
    Ben, Arc, Johnny, Max and Jean walked through the gate to continue but just before Steve went through he caught site of something off the side of the road on the edge of the jungle.
    He walked over to it and realised it was a jeep tipped on it's side.
    STEVE:"hey guys look at this".
    The others turned back and saw Steve walking into the edge of the trees.
    BEN:"you guys stand here, i'll go see what has caught Steve's attention".
    Ben quickly walked back to where Steve had walked into the jungle.
    STEVE:"Holy shit!"
    Ben pushed some vines aside and saw Steve standing over a tipped jeep.
    STEVE:"There's a, a dead body here!!"
    Ben walked round the jeep and saw what Steve was talking about.
    Right beside the jeep was a human skeleton, with a few bones missing, but still distinguishable.
    BEN:"damn, it's a skeleton".
    STEVE:"you mean someone died here?!"
    BEN:"i guess so, looks like he crashed his jeep and no one found him".
    STEVE:"How could no one find him!? I saw the jeep just from walking passed!"
    BEN:"hmmm. let's not tell the others about this. I think something bad happened on this island, i've just got a feeling".
    STEVE:"a feeling?!" "someone has obviously died here and no one came looking! I know something bad happened here".
    BEN: "yes, and it looks like something
    fed on this poor man (Ben mentioned towards the skeleton and how parts were missing, and the skeleton itself was twisted on the ground)".
    STEVE:"god, um, can we go now?".
    BEN:"yeah come on, but don't tell the others".
    Ben and Steve made there way back onto the road and walked back through the gate and upto where the others were waiting. Bill was now waiting there with them.
    They were all laughing except Bill and Max.
    ARC:"hey guys, Skoan here thinks something was chasing him in the jungle".
    BILL:"No! I saw something in the jungle, it didn't chase me".
    MAX:"just like i saw something earlier".
    JEAN:"I think the two of you just need to relax a bit, get used to the jungle".
    Ben and Steve didn't say anything, Ben just mentioned for them to keep walking.
    ARC:"so Steve, what was it you saw over there?"
    BEN:"Just a bird".
    Ben knew that sounded lame straight away.
    ARC:"Since when is Steve interested in birds?"
    Arc just laughed as Steve didn't reply, Steve just looked straight ahead hoping the would find a building or something soon.

    Another few minutes passed and the group finally caught site of something ahead! They started to run while Johnny wheeled faster.
    The road ended and they ran into a clear area with old cars and jeeps parked everywhere. At the end of the clear zone stood a huge 2 story building, it had vines growing all over it and looked like there was another clear area behind it.
    Everyone walked quickly towards the building, walking past all the vehicles that looked in fine condition except the were so old and if they had remained idle as long as that boat, they probably didn't work anymore.
    The group walked upto the double-door entry of the building. One of the doors was still open.
    MAX:"now why would they just leave the front door unlocked like that?"
    BEN:"i don't think they did. I'm getting the feeling that this place IS totally deserted".
    ARC:"great, well then where'd all the people go?"

    They all walked through the doors and came to a main desk and on both sides were doors. Ben walked upto the desk and wiped some mould off of a map.
    BEN:"look, this shows the whole building".
    The map showed where they were standing at the desk. It showed that the door to the right of the desk lead down a corridor with lots of different rooms marked with names like, First Aid, Storage, Weaponry.
    BILL:"Guns! I think we will need some of them".
    Everyone looked at Bill.
    JEAN:"Bill, you haven't ever touched a gun in your life!"
    BILL:"well, i'm sure someone here has?"
    Max put his hand up.
    MAX:"i have, and i think we will need weapons too".
    BEN:"no, we haven't seen anything threatening yet, and our main concern is finding fuel".
    Ben's eyes scrolled the map. at the end of the right corridor were stairs leading upto the second floor where the bunks were. The left door was a corridor leading down to a Kitchen, and at the end, a large circular main labratory. At one end of the labratory was a door leading outside to the clear area at the back. There was also a small room leading off from the lab marked, 'Fuel Storage'.
    BEN (tapping on that spot of the map):"there! That's where we are going".

    So the group walked through the left door and started down the corridor towards the lab.
    Meanwhile a reptile-like creature pondered it's way through the the main doors and upto the desk, sniffing the scent of the humans. It was about 9 foot high and 5 foot in length including it's tail. It had sharp plates running from the top of it's head to the end of it's tail. It had a think neck and head and had a snout (Not quite as long as a raptor's snout).
    It was silver in color with the plates being more black. Basically it look like a giant lizard with back plates, except it stood on it's hind legs with it's front claws free.
    It sniffed the desk, and looked towrds the left door, and let out a quiet sort of half snarl-half hiss.

    It knew more humans had come to the island, the same species that had kept it contained in a cage for so many years. There was no way the reptile was going to let these humans cage her again, no way.....

    To Be Continued....

    „h Copyright to Adam Pratt, Harsh Productions..

    8/16/01 4:25:48 AM
    (Updated: 4/17/2005 9:10:37 AM)

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