The Lost World
By Michael Crichton
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    Since a full skeleton of a pachycephlasaurus has never been found, TLW producers build half of it using "educated" guesswork. (From: Adam)
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    Cold-Blood ch4
    By DieHard485

    Richard looked up at the sky, and a dark bird-like shape blocked the sun for a second. It was hard to see it through the trees. He heard the screech again, but this time louder, and closer. He pulled the gun off his back and flipped off the safety. He clutched it tightly in fear. A little bit off to his right, he heard something big drop from above. He went to investigate, his gun pointed toward the bushes where he heard the sound. He could see a dark lizard-shaped silhouette through the foliage. It moved, ever so slightly, toward him, cautiously, slowly. In a flash the animal leaped into the air and jumped on top of Richard, knocking the wind out of him. The Raptor tried to bite at his face, but Richard shoved the barrel of the gun down its throat, and machine gun fire could be heard, as the raptor's brains shot through the back of it's skull.

    "Well, Roland," Bill said, "I need you to go to Isla Sorna, I know you've been there, and I know that you have great hunting skills, and I wondered if perhaps you would head a team for me?" There was a silence, "No," said Roland, "more than once is already too much for me, I'm sorry, Good-Bye Mr. Ritch." The line went dead, Roland had hung up on him.

    Richard looked at his kill, the lifeless body of a Velociraptor, curled up, with head sticking out wildly. SNAP! A branch could be heard, somewhere off to his left, or maybe behind him. He turned, and there, another raptor shot out of the bushes, with only one intention, to get Richard. He ran blindly through the woods, raptors right on his tail.

    He could see a truck or jeep up ahead, if only he could make it. Richard ran hard, and fast, but the raptors were quickly gaining on him, fear swept his body. He reached the truck, and swinging open a door, hit the raptor closest behind him. He hopped in and slammed the door, locking it. He turned and locked the door on the other side.

    In the steamy jungle air, all he could see were dark shapes all around, watching, waiting. He lay in the seat until sunset, when one of the raptors jumped on the hood of the truck, and tried to smash the glass. He shot it through the glass, throwing it off the truck. Richard climbed out through the windsheild and hopped on the roof, where he could shoot at anything, if need be. In the front of he car, the sunset could be seen plain as day.

    The light cast wild shadows all around him. The clouds were turning a dark crimson, and the day was almost spent. Richard sat waiting, when a raptor got too close, he took it down with two short bursts of gunfire, the second being precautionary. He looked out over the mountains, where the light was still bright orange, and saw the last wisps of the sun. He knew he had no chance in the dark. He jumped off the truck, and strafing, fired his gun wildly at anything that moved, and he took off into the woods. He knew a rough direction of where the old villiage was, he just hoped it was safe.

    TO BE CONTINUED........

    11/17/2002 5:48:55 AM

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