The Lost World
By Michael Crichton
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    During the 1994 MTV Movie Awards, a short film spoof of JP with chimps being attacked by a t-rex was shown. (From: MegaRaptor500)
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    Chaos Effect (Chapter 7)
    By DieHard485

    Malcolm's nerves were getting to him. He didn't want to be there at night. He kept saying, "This was a bad idea. I know it was mine, but it's still a bad one. What the hell could I have possibly been thinking?" The sun sank lower over the mountains, and the island was almost fully dark.

    Before long, they had the jeeps and the equipment unpacked and ready to go. The jeeps rolled in a line down a jungle path, as they looked for the old InGen villiage. Their headlights shone brightly in the darkness that was on the island, cutting through it like a lazer. So it was that the group moved on in this manner: Malcolm, Doc, Richard and Sarah in the front; Nick, and the 3 unkown BioSyn employees in the middle; and Dodgson and Roland in the back.

    Doc screeched to a halt in the middle of the road, causing the other jeeps to stop also. "What's wrong?" Malcolm asked. Doc shushed him. He heard it again, a snarl, from not too far off to the left. After a long pause, Doc Thorne pulled the jeep up around a bend in the road and befoe them was the old villiage. He pulled up to the old visitor's center, and got out, the others following his example.

    From the back of th jeeps, everyone got a weapon, they were all the same, military issue M-16's. Malcolm led the party forward, cautiously. He stopped at the sound of a twig cracking. After a moment he continued on. Malcolm tried to puch the front door open, but it wouldn't budge. Nick came up from behind and put his equipment down to help Malcolm. With their combined force, they managed to push the door open, knocking over the desk that blocked it. Inside, there were fossilized bones all over the floor from the two skeletons that used to be there, the stands were still there, untouched.

    The steps to the upstairs wound around the stands, but half of them were missing or broken. Malcolm shuddered at his memories from years before. Nick had wandered off and started filming parts of the old building.

    Something large fell, causing a large bang. Nick jumped to the side and looked, it was an old filing cabinet. He had gone into a small office that was near the lobby. The wall that was next to the cabinet was made of glass, but it had been broken out long before. He climbed out through the huge opening to take a look in the corridor. There was nothing out there, it was very plain, except for a few doors dotting the walls through the length of the hall. Most were broken or open, and a few were just gone.

    He walked a little way down the hall, and he heard something in an office close by, it sounded like breathing. He poked his camera around the corner and then peeked over himself. He saw a small bipedal animal with a smaller dead animal beneath. It was going to eat it. The animal was as tall as Nick's waist, but had a large head. It turned to look at him, it had the snout of a vlociraptor, but the bony crest of a Parasaur, and it had raptor feet, that were too large for it's body. It's body was a mix between a raptor and a para. It had a low belly like a para, but the muscles of a raptor. It turned its body around to match its head. It snarled at Nick and lunged forward.

    TO BE CONTINUED..........

    11/18/2002 1:35:05 AM

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