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    While the male T-rex seems to be bigger than the female in TLW, in reality scientists believe the female was the bigger of the two. (From: 'Rancor')
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    Chaos Effect (Chapter 5)
    By DieHard485

    Dreams. Dreams were the root of Ian Malcolm's problems. The phone began to ring, which saved him from a terrible dream of Velociraptors, that didn't look much like raptors, but many different things all at once. Some had wings and longer snouts, some larger heads, and some just frighteningly deformed. He answered his phone, "Yeah?"
    "Ian," came a voice, "It's Sarah."

    Malcolm looked at his clock, 3 am.

    "Sarah," he said, "It's three 'o clock in the god damn morning, can I call you back later?"

    "No, Ian. We need to talk now, and I know you won't call me back."

    Malcolm wiped away the sleep in his eyes, he knew this would be a long one.

    "Ian?" she said.

    Malcolm groaned his displeasure.

    "I'm coming," she said.

    Malcolm, desperate to get some sleep said, "Fine. You can go, I'll call you later, and if I don't call Richard Levine." He hung up on her and lay back down to rest. Unable to sleep, he got up and drove to Thorne's garage, the man was always there.

    Ian walked up to the door and buzzed in, "It's Ian, Doc." The electronic lock disarmed itself and Malcolm entered the little corner office inside. Next to Thorne was Richard, they seemed to be discussing blueprints. "What's this?" Malcilm asked, as he looked at the upside-down blueprints. "It's a jeep," said Doc, "Just some minor alterations here and there, no more than two days work."
    "Good," said Malcolm, "I want to leave as soon as we can."
    "No problem," said Thorne, "And I already have phones and GPS units and the works for us ready, all that's left is the jeep."
    "Great," said Malcolm.

    Roland called Dodgson and told him to get some people ready for the trip, when he hung up, his phone rang. "Yes?" he said when he answered. "It's Malcolm," he said, "We'll be leaving by the weekend, so have your people ready by then and I'll call you in two days with finalized details." He hung up.

    Two days passed quickly, the jeep was finished, and they were also taking a regular one, as a back up. Malcolm called Roland agan that evening. "Roland," he said, "Are you and your people ready to leave tonight?"
    "Of course," came the reply, "We'll meet you at the Costa Rican airport first thing in the morning?" Malcolm said, "Sure, sounds good."

    TO BE CONTINUED.........

    11/17/2002 6:47:05 AM

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