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By Michael Crichton
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    A 10-minute long JP cartoon pilot was produced, though rumor has it the animators caught Spielberg on a bad day, as he refused even to look at it. (From: Erine)
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    INSOMNIA ((Part 2))
    By Dark Element

    Breath deep, seek space. This cannot be real. I must
    be hallucinating...I'm really still sitting in the bar, passed out from too
    many Jack's. All I have to do--

    David moves over the stick shift and yells in my ear.
    Just say what you want," he says.

    "Alright," I say, "I want to be home! Back in my apartment!"

    As soon as I said it, everything went white.......Nothing
    could be seen or heard, just white.

    Now I can hear a soft voice, it sounds like a woman...

    "He's badly hurt.">

    Then, everything went black, nothing seen or
    heard........just black.

    Then, another soft, calm voice...."This is what happens...This is what
    happens...." I can't tell who it is, "This is what happens...This is
    why...The reason...This is why...It is the reason...I will not let you go."

    I'm now in my apartment.
    Lying on my bed. The room is horribly cold. I look around, everything is the
    same as I had left it.

    I look and see that my door is open about an inch or so. The kitchen light
    peers through the tiny crack, leaving a like a white streak going down the
    floor, up my bed, and straight across my eye. Almost giving me a headache.

    I sit up and come to my senses. I slowly get out of bed. I touch my feet to
    the hard wood floor. The chill from the floor feels like landing on a bed of
    needles. Then, slowly my feet adjust to the temperature, and I start to walk
    out the door.

    I creek open the door, look to my left, and see that the TV is on.

    Maybe I got drunk last night? Maybe I came home, turned on the TV and that’s
    what that voice was! Yeah, that’s got to be it.

    I turn over to the kitchen, walk over to the light switch, and give it a
    flick, and hear the pop the switch makes. And simultaneously the light goes

    Now, everything is dark. Nothing is lighting the room except for the
    Infomercial on the TV.

    I peer across the living room to the electronic clock, it reads:


    I walk over slowly to the TV. The couches that face the TV are right behind
    me. I bend down; hit the power button on the TV and it makes a clicking

    "HEY! What are you doing? I was watching that!"

    Oh my God, that’s David's voice.

    I flip the TV back on and turn around quickly. David is sitting on the couch
    with a Budweiser and a bag of popcorn.

    "I'll tell yah, the manners of some people today," David says.

    "What the hell are you doing in my apartment?" I ask.

    "Well, you said you wanted to be home, back in your apartment; now your home
    back in your apartment. Except, everything is as you remember it. Because…"
    David puts his fingers to his temple, and takes a sip of beer; "…it's taken
    like a picture from your brain."

    I start breathing real heavy.

    "Settle down, pal. Everything is the same...sort of," David says.

    "Your insane! Get the hell how out of my apartment!" I scream at him.

    "Alright. I'll get out...If you do one thing for me. I want you to think of
    one thing...One thing that you want the most out of the ENTIRE world. Then
    I'll get out," He says.

    "Fine. I want you the fuck out of my apartment."

    As I said that, the room got very cold.

    "See yah later," he says to me.

    I look at him real closely...And his hand starts to slowly disappear.
    Blending in with the colors of the couch. Like a Chameleon...And now his
    whole arm...........Until he finally just disappears completely.

    Now, everything is dark. I'm standing in my jeans, and an old white t-shirt.
    I stand there, looking around the apartment...And the green walls start to
    move back and forth.... Almost like their breathing.

    I've got to get to a doctor..........

    It's still raining...

    Raining likes it's never rained before. As I walk down the rainy sidewalk on
    9th street. I can only think of how insane I really am. And the things that
    my mind is doing to itself.........Like my mind is bending and twisting,
    slowly trying to break every bone in its frail body.

    I haven't seen a human being for the last 5 minutes. It's like walking
    through New York's ghost town. I'm only about a mile from the hospital...And
    the reason I'm walking is because of the last thing that happened when I
    took public transportation.

    The raindrops fall and hit my body, and my shoes clap on the wet pavement.
    The street light shines making the raindrops that fall by it look like fire
    drops from the heavens. The light hits the pavement, making it look like
    there’s a sheet of ice over the top of it.

    As I walk down the sidewalk, I look ahead at the intersection coming up.
    Both lights are red. And a smooth fog is rising through the holes of the
    sewer caps.

    Still nobody around.

    Ugh, the taste in my mouth. I haven't brushed today.

    Now, I hear the sound of a car slamming the breaks. I turn around and see a
    teal Ferrari about a block behind me, slamming on it's breaks. The water
    from the ground shoots up behind it, making it look like a jet ski.

    I'm staring at it. It's now completely still. The headlights glisten in the
    pouring rain.

    Now, the engine starts to vroom, but it doesn't go anywhere. It vrooms
    again, but doesn't go anywhere.

    Don't they do this in the movies? Every time a car is about to, race/chase
    someone, it vrooms............................Oh shit. I run as fast as I
    can to the dark alleyway to the right of me. My shoe claps loud against the
    wet floor, and echoes through the thin walls of the alley. That, and my loud
    breathing all I can hear.

    I hear the Ferrari take off; it shoots fear throughout my whole body.

    I'm running so fast that my body is starting to fail to catch up to my legs.

    I hear the Ferrari getting closer, and closer with every step I take. And
    with every step I take, I start to see the little fence thats at the end of
    the alley.

    What if that car has David inside?

    What if he tries to run me down?

    I hear the car turn down the alleyway. The glistening headlights give me
    enough light to see that there is barbed wire on top of the fences.

    The car keeps inching, closer and closer.

    So close to the fence, I just have to get over that barbed wire and I'll
    make it.

    I' m close enough. NOW JUMP!

    My body flings outward at the fence; my fingers in a position to clamp onto
    the holes. And then I notice the tiny sign on the left of it, where the
    light didn't show.


    Everything is white again. All I can
    hear is a faint beeping sound, like a heart monitor. Then I hear something
    faint in the background.

    "Now for the top 10!" It sounds like David Lettermen.

    "The top 10 things to have confidence for on opening day of baseball," He
    says, "Number 10: You don't have the names, Devil, and, Rays, in your name,"
    Then that’s followed with a loud wheezing laugh.

    Then it goes to black, nothing seen or heard, just black.
    And then I fell asleep.

    My right eye slowly creeps open.I can
    feel both my hands twitching. My whole body is jumpy. Then I hear:

    "Are you awake?" It's a woman’s voice, a voice that I've heard before.

    My left eye creeps open. I look around to see that I'm in the passenger’s
    side of a car.................A Ferrari. It's parked though...In I think a
    mall parking lot.

    I slowly turn my head to the left. And see the same woman from the first
    time I met David; Andrea, or something like that.

    Everything is very dark. And I can't see that well. But I can tell that her
    hair is rather short, and kind of just plopping up in different areas.

    "I need a doctor," I say.

    "That's the first place he'll look for you," She says in a light voice.

    "Who? Who will look for me?"

    "David," She returns.

    I sit up and look right at her.


    She slowly looks out the window.

    "You still don't believe him, do you?"

    "What? That I'm in my own mind? Fuck that! There is no way in hell that that
    is possible! Even if I was, why in the hell would David be looking for me?!
    Why doesn't he just come right here, and kill me!" I scream.

    "Listen, very closely, because I'm not going to be able to help you much
    longer. You’re in your own mind, okay? The only reason, David can't find you
    is because that once you enter, David and you are two different beings, well
    thoughts, just not on the outside world. So, he cannot read your mind and
    find out where you are," She says while looking right at me.

    "This is so fucked up," I say.

    "I can't help you anymore. You’re going to have to find your own way out.
    Just stay away from him," She says.

    Then, she opened the door and ran off.

    My hands still tingle. It's been two hours and my
    hands are still tingling.

    I'm sitting in this Teal Ferrari, at 5:45 in the morning. Just outside of a
    mall parking lot. The sun should peak its little head out soon.

    What is going on? I'm sitting in a teal Ferrari, INSIDE MY OWN MIND!? What
    in the fuck is that all about?!

    Maybe I'm asleep...Or in a coma. I slipped out of bed or something.

    If that's so, then why are my hands tingling?

    My body is really starting to hurt, now. I think I need to get to a doctor.

    But, Andrea said that David was probably going to be there.

    So, maybe I should just...Go get some food or something.

    Or, maybe I should wait till' the mall opens and just hang out in there.

    Hehe, Mallrats.

    I am starting to get hungry.

    I could go to that 24-hour restaurant down on 4th.

    They've got good Chicken!

    God, I'm so bored.

    It's settled; I'm going to Weeboes on 4th.

    Right now, my Almond Chicken in its warm, creamy sauce tastes
    like something sucked out of an old woman’s thighs.

    It's 8 o’clock; the sun still hasn't come up.

    And for some reason everyone in the restaurant has a very zombie-like stare
    at his or her food.

    I need some sleep.

    I feel like my head is about to fall into my Almond Chicken. But I don't
    think anyone would notice, considering that they’re too focused on their

    After this, I'm going straight to the doctor because my whole body is
    starting to shake uncontrollably.

    Why the fuck hasn't the sun come up?

    I like darkness, though. I don’t know, I just like that eerie feeling that
    you get when you’re walking in the dark.

    God this chicken tastes like shit.

    That’s it; I'm going to the doctor. End of story; I don't care what that
    woman said; I can't take this anymore.

    Shit, I gotta take a piss.

    I'm standing up, taking a good look at the dark restaurant, taking in the
    deepness of it all. Smelling all the different food odors come to together
    to make one specific odor.

    I'm in the bathroom; it's very dark, almost like a green color. This whole
    place is very moody. I'm taking the piss down the urinal, no sound through
    the whole bathroom...nothing but the splash.

    "Don't shake more than twice."

    Oh my God.... That’s David's voice!

    "Yes, it is me, bitch."

    I'm zipping up, and turn around to see him directly in my face. I look dook
    scooping his body, and see what looks to be a hammer in his right hand.

    "Goodnight," he says.

    And his right hand containing the hammer, swoosh across my face. The head of
    the hammer hitting my face feels worse than any pain in the world. It's like
    it's all in slow motion. I feel the lines in the head of the hammer slowly
    imprint into my skin. And the force of the metal demolishes bones in my

    And then it all goes black..........

    *Extra special thanx to my editor, Chavez. Sorry for not mentioning you befor.

    5/9/2002 10:55:52 PM

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