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    Michael Crichton's original plan for the JP novel was for it to be about a combination of dinosaurs and child abuse. When his publisher balked at the idea, he decided instead to focus solely on dinosaurs. (From: 'Chase')
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    Dark Force Destructor: Chapter 18
    By Dac

    Chapter 18

    New allies have come at the most unexpected time! Now Icebreaker has enlisted the help of TRex…Rage!! and his resistance force from Conkula, and they are finally ready to attack Madblast Tower and end the Marjinner reign of terror! But all is not well. Corporal Dino-Snore managed to escape Conkula and get back to Madblast. He has valuable information for his superior officers Dac, Sharkey and Beno-yo, and will not hesitate to give it to them!

    24 November 2001
    Madblast Tower
    1.05.39 a.m.

    Dac sat lazily on a chair in the control room. Sharkey was next to him, asleep in his own chair, and Beno-yo patrolled up and down the room, watching the monitors. The Marjinner working them stiffened every time he passed, and relaxed after he had made sure nothing was wrong and moved on. It was fairly normal in the control room until…
    “Captain! Major! Sergeant! DAC! SHARKEY! BENO!”
    Dac sat bolt upright. Sharkey jerked awake. Beno-yo froze. All three turned to the door just as Dino-Snore burst in, gasping and wheezing for breath. He appeared worn out and petrified. Sharkey’s eyes narrowed.
    “Corporal? Where’s the rest of the troops?”
    “Dead…*gasp*…or captured…ambush…trapped…Torbie…resistance…” he coughed, and sagged to the floor. Beno-yo tossed over a revitalization tonic. Dino-Snore caught it and gulped it down. Then he stood up.
    “It was a god damn trap! We followed your orders, but some of us were caught by a resistance force and the rest were killed by Torbie’s group!”
    “What? Torbie’s group?”
    “Yeah. I didn’t know they were there until I sneaked away from the resistance force and Torbie followed me. I got to the computer and escaped. As far as I know, the others are all dead.”
    Dac stood up angrily.
    “You abandoned your troops to save your own worthless hide?”
    “But captain! I escaped because I thought it would help you to know that there is another resistance force, possibly allying with Torbie as we speak! Both have forces over 200 strong, and that would mean they might attack soon!”
    But at that moment, an alarm went off.
    The four officers turned and ran to the surveillance monitors, one of which had been alarm-activated.
    “Officers! Over here!”
    An anxious operator waved them over frantically. 439 glowing shapes emerged over the far side of the tower on the monitor, about two miles from the tower’s foot. Sharkey was the first to break out of the horrified trance they were all in, and bolted to the intercom.
    “Attention! This is Major Sharkey! Attention! An enemy force is currently heading this way, they are approximately two miles from the West Side of the tower! I want troops rallied and security on full alert! We have about 440 enemies heading, we need firepower! Use everything you have! Major Sharkey, out.”
    He ran back and started barking out orders.
    “Sergeant! Corporal! I want you two to lead the troops into the battle! All of you, (he indicated the monitor operators) I want you to activate any and all security systems we have installed, and then I want you to grab weapons and head into this battle! Captain! You and I must alert the Destructor, and then prepare ourselves! LET’S GO!”
    He and Dac ran for the door. Beno-yo and Dino-Snore were stunned, and then snapped out of it.
    “You heard him! DO IT!” yelled Beno-yo, and he ran to grab weapons and organize the troops. But they were outnumbered, and he knew it. He hoped they could last.


    Dac and Sharkey didn’t wait for the damn lift tube platform. They flew to the top of the shaft and burst into the Dark Lord’s room.
    “Sir! SIR!”
    “What is it?”
    “We have company! An army led by Torbie is heading here now!”
    “It’s true! We have the troop rallied and the security system activated but they outnumber us!”
    “Listen to me. Get back down there and destroy that traitor! And kill all of his friends! I want no survivors! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!!”
    “Yes, sir!”
    “THEN GO NOW!”
    The two men turned and ran. They jumped down the lift tube and grabbed weapons from their quarters. They headed quickly down to the main area where the entire army was waiting. Everyone leveled their guns.

    4/13/2003 3:11:33 AM

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