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    Dark Force Destructor-chapter 16
    By Dac

    Chapter 16

    Several new plotlines have crossed over now. By order of the Dark Force Destructor, Agent Matrix has released one deadly creation, which happens to be heading towards the same site that Icebreaker’s group is headed! Cyros, ever loyal, sacrificed half of his leg to save his friends, and gave the plausible Sergeant Beno-yo a handful of lies that he somehow swallowed! And the sinister Destructor has given the menacing Captain Dac a test, putting his training skills to the test after a brutal torture! But let us leave the evil Marjinners to their own private and evil devices, and return to Icebreaker and his adventures on Yahoo!

    22 November 2001
    7.45.20 a.m.
    Banjo-Tooie Page

    Everyone yawned and stretched themselves out. After an uncomfortable night on the floor of the oil drill building on the Banjo-Tooie Page, they were ready to hit Yahoo and enlist some more allies. Seth climbed to his feet and hobbled over to the computer. He programmed the co-ordinates and double-checked them, not wishing to make Post Grant’s mistake and send them god knows where. Icebreaker stumbled over.
    “Yep. Went over it. Time for Yahoo. You guys know the drill. Hands in the slot.”
    The now-familiar feeling encased their bodies and in an instant they were transported to a small alleyway in Yahoo. However, it was how Raptormark had described barren and empty. Feeling crestfallen, Vader spoke up.
    “Guess that sucks. No one here. No new allies to enlist. We came here for nothing. And we have to find the computer here!”
    However, he spoke too soon. At that moment, a high-pitched scream echoed around the alley, and everyone prepared their weapons and edged around the corner. Nothing, but the screaming was getting louder, and an odd hissing, spitting noise met their ears now, too. They turned off the small street they were in to the main road. What they saw nearly knocked them flat with shock. Converging on two men and a woman was the vilest creature any of them had ever seen. It had a dark brown body like a Velociraptor, and two scaly, bottle green Pteranodon wings extended from the back, beating loudly. But the head was what disgusted them most. It was jet black, rather flat, and was identical to a snake’s. It hissed and spat at the three it was stalking towards, and suddenly TyrannoRex112 let loose a clip from his machine gun. It grazed the monster, which turned and let out a full-throated roar, revealing disgusting breath and foul-looking teeth. It turned from the three huddled under a bench and stalked towards the alliance. Icebreaker glanced at the others. Evilgrinch gaped, Vader stared, Seth was pale and Dino_Dude had gone rigid. Quickly, he lifted from the ground and shot toward the creature. It saw him coming and beat its wings. It lifted from the ground and an aerial combat match ensued. The monster lunged and snapped, its venomous fangs dripping with green goo. Icebreaker shot around it, dodging its mouth, arms and foot claws, and sent a couple of blasts. However, his blasts were in vain: whenever one came near, the beast wrapped itself up in its wings, which brushed off the beams. It lost altitude in doing this, but it spread its wings after the attacks subsided and caught a thermal. Ice was tiring fast, while the monster seemed to never even break a sweat.
    Then, it happened.
    Ice let his guard down for a second, and the creature used it to its advantage. It lunged forward and snapped its reptilian jaws onto his arm. He screamed in horror and pain as the fluids slowly pumped into its body. The monster, while never releasing its grip, made an odd racking noise as though it was laughing. But it, too, made the mistake of letting its guard down.
    Just as Ice’s body started to sag, three blasts, one red, one yellow and one orange shot from somewhere on the ground. The creature noticed them a fraction of a second before they all collided with it, and howling in pain, it blew backwards into a building with an almighty explosion. Ice’s failing senses noticed its energy fading, but not disappearing, before he blacked out. He hit the ground with a thud. Dino_Dude hurried over.
    “Ice! ICE!”
    Ice was unconscious, but not dead. Dino_Dude turned and looked at Evilgrinch, Vader and Seth. All three were in blast positions, arms extended and palms out. All wore expressions of rage on their faces, and were aiming their hands at the spot the thing had been before it had been blown away. The smoke cleared and revealed the monster was gone. At that moment, the creature appeared again. Two brown arms dragged itself out of the hole in the building it had blown. The ugly head, one side slightly maimed, glared at them. It climbed to its feet and beat its wings in the darkness, and launched itself from the building. Everyone braced himself or herself for a swooping, but the reptile had barely flown two meters when it crashed to the ground. Everyone looked at it, and then they saw why it had bombed out. One of the blasts had mangled the left wing. It was incapable of flight and it knew it. Instead, it ran straight at its three unexpected attackers…who immediately did what the monster could no longer do. They lifted from the ground and dived at it. All three came from different directions, and its head snapped from side to side to front as all three zeroed in. Seth extended a dagger, Evilgrinch raised a fist and Vader aimed a kick. The monster didn’t know what to do, and was slashed, smashed and crashed. It fell to the ground, stunned.
    “Now! FINISH IT OFF!” yelled Evilgrinch, and all three raised their hands again.
    “Haakaa FIRE!” roared Vader
    “Purple BLASTER!” howled Seth
    “Hyper COMET!” finished Evilgrinch, and the three blasts fired and literally consumed the knocked out lizard.
    A smoky crater was all that was left of the repulsive reptile. Once all three were sure it was dead, they landed next to the slumped body of their friend they had saved.
    “Well?” asked Seth. “How’s he keeping?”
    “He’s still breathing, as far as I can tell,” said Dino_Dude. “But I think that bastard of a thing poisoned him. We need an antidote for snake poison.”
    “Um, excuse me,” said a nervous voice. Everyone turned. The three people they had saved were climbing out from underneath the bench. The woman was talking.
    “We live here, and Yahoo is a region of poisonous reptiles in the swamps. We developed a remedy for any and all reptile poisons. I have one here. It should help your friend.”
    She tossed a small bottle to Seth. He caught it and looked at it while the others opened Ice’s mouth.
    “How much do I give him?”
    “Er…I’d say about half the bottle. And it’ll take him about five minutes to recover, so don’t expect him to sit up straight away.”
    Seth poured it into Ice’s mouth, put the bottle top on and tossed it back to the woman.
    “Think nothing of it. We owe you all a favour for saving us,” said one of them men. He then introduced them.
    “I’m CarnaRaptor, this is Brad and Yvonne.”
    “And you are…”
    “I’m Dino_Dude. This is Seth Rex, Vader, Evilgrinch, Spinoboy11, Raptormark, RaptorHiss…” and so forth.
    After exactly seven minutes with no sign, no one noticed Ice’s eyes snap open.
    “What the…bloody hell…”
    “Jesus, Ice, don’t do that to us!”
    “What’s up?”
    They told him what happened, and he thanked the new three for their help.
    “So, what are you guys planning to do?”
    “We don’t know. Ever since the news got out about the Dark Force Destructor, Yahoo cleaned out. We hid here. What about you?”
    “We’re on our way to storm that guy and his minions.”
    “Really? Would you be in need of assistance? I mean, extra assistance?” suggested Yvonne, looking at the DD Gang and their arsenal of weapons.
    “Well, we wouldn’t want to endanger you…” said Seth hurriedly.
    “No, no, it’s quite all right. Our friends are stuck in their prison, and we’d gladly help you,” insisted Brad, speaking for the first time.
    “Well, if you insist,” said Ice uneasily. “And you did save me, so I guess I owe you a favour…”
    ‘Oh, here we go again,’ thought Evilgrinch.


    Again, the visual of the Marjinner’s scout had an image implant. This time, Corporal Dino-Snore was operating the monitor, and it was Captain Dac leaning over his shoulder. He had healed from the beating the Dark Lord had given him, and Sharkey had filled him in on everything. They were inspecting other sites, trying to decide which was next in line for conquest, when the image minimized and a message flashed up: INCOMING FROM YAHOO.
    “Oh, this’ll be the Ezcar,” said Dac, and both watched the image.
    They gaped at the beating the Ezcar had taken from Ice’s three friends. Once again, an identity check was run, and the wanted list grew larger. Dac left the room in silence, thinking about what had happened, and was going to report to Sharkey, when a Marjinner scout ran up to him.
    “Yes, Dark Hunter?”
    “Sir, I was just sent to scout AskJeeves, and there are no life forms on that site. I ran a check and I was the first living organism to go there since two weeks ago.”
    Dac was bolt upright.
    “You mean…”
    “Yes. Cyros lied. RiverWorld was not the one to visit, and he never went to AskJeeves.”
    Dac wheeled and ran for the major’s quarters, muttering on the way.
    “Need another raid to subdue this lot, but where to raid…”

    4/6/2003 7:41:41 AM

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