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    Despite the scene where a Brachiosaurus is seen munching plants, Sauropods had peg-like teeth and could not chew with their teeth. (From: 'Dinosaur_neill')
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    Dark Force Destructor-chapter 11
    By Dac

    Chapter 11

    Icebreaker has had another small battle against an enemy he left alive: the fire dragon of Banjo-Tooie, Chilli Billi. He has rejoined his friends and allies after throwing his poison mucus snail into the dragon's throat, and now the alliance is looking for a way out, and possibly some people from the Internet that may have landed there to escape the DFD. Little do they know that the moment to meet some old friends is fast approaching...

    21 November 2001
    Banjo-Tooie page
    7.00.00 a.m.

    Icebreaker landed swiftly and smoothly at the entrance to a small green tent at the foot of the volcano. The gang had somehow squeezed everyone in, but the tent was bulging.
    "Better get out, guys, or Sabreman won't give the bear the reward for helping him out."
    After half an hour, everyone was out, groaning at the stiffness of their bodies.
    "The fire dragon's gone. We can head round the volcano with no worries."
    “And the glacier?”
    “Let’s just hope the bear got to the ice dragon sooner than the fire one.”


    The large procession headed through a large archway, which seemed to glow with a cyan light. They walked into it, and came out on the other side, and a strange sight met their eyes.
    After leaving a boiling volcano via a three-meter tunnel, they had emerged on a freezing glacier. Yetis prowled around, and they could’ve sworn they saw an enormous oil drill near the top of the mountain. They decided to climb up towards it, but had barely taken a step when a familiar, rasping, reptilian voice yelled at the top of the mountain.
    Abruptly, the ice dragon (Chilly Willy) started bombarding the group with ice balls. His aim appeared better than the fire dragon’s. It hit a member of the gang.
    “Rancor!” yelled Dino_Dude, but Icebreaker grabbed him.
    “All of you grab Rancor, and take him to the oil drill! We’ll bust in and hide!”
    Everyone grabbed the huge ice cube containing the general, and Icebreaker blasted the door of the building behind the oil drill. Everyone dived inside, and looked at the forlorn ice block.
    “Start a fire. We’ll thaw him out.”
    Soon, the gang had a small but warming fire going in the fireplace. Then Seth gave a yell.
    “I’ve found the computer!”
    Everyone who was not frozen in an ice block followed him into the next room. Sure enough, there was a computer.
    “Well, there’s our way out.”
    “And we could get Rancor thawed out somewhere.”
    “Let’s go get him.”
    But as they entered, they saw three figures hunched over the ice block.
    “Hey! That’s my general you’re jabbing!” roared Dino_Dude, and ran over, picked one of the figures up by the collar and tossed him to the ground. As he did so, the hood fell off the man…and a familiar face was revealed.
    “Spinoboy11!” yelled Evilgrinch, and ran over to his friend. The other two lowered their own hoods, revealing Raptormark and RaptorHiss.
    “How did you three get here?”
    “That’s a long story,” grinned RaptorHiss, his tan skin illuminated by the light of the fire as the three dropped the pokers they had been prodding the ice block with.

    3/22/2003 6:56:28 AM

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