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    Jurassic Park: Evolution
    By Crisco

    Narrator: On an island that time has forgotten…

    Isla Sorna is seen through the mist
    A parasauralophus emits a mournful cry

    Narrator: Nature was left to fend for itself.

    Shows mossy ruins of a building
    Raptors run over a dam

    Narrator: It grew more beautiful…

    A triceratops’ horn shines in the sun, different colors appear on it’s forehead
    An infant corythosaur wades in a pond

    Narrator: And even more deadly.

    A dilophosaur unveils its’ colorful frill and its’ mouth, revealing it’s sharp teeth
    A raptor leaps 6 feet in the air ready to pounce, it’s long claw glints in the sunlight

    A young Spanish man in military fatigue looks through a binder with various pictures of dinosaurs, “These look like totally different species.”

    Ian Malcolm sits at a computer looking intently at the screen and speaking into a headset, “I knew this was going to happen”

    A ceratosaur walks into the moonlight, its colors slowly change…

    Malcolm, “These animals have been in a confined area, too many predators, not enough prey, many things have happened, natural selection, species extinction, they’re in a different time period, different conditions…”

    “Evolution?” An elderly black man in fatigue interrupts.

    Malcolm, “To the worst degree”.

    A group of Marines travel waist deep through a swamp
    A blonde aims a handgun
    Men walk in to a clearing in the middle of the night, it’s pitch black
    A man taps his flashlight and points it directly ahead of him revealing a sleeping spinosaur
    The blonde woman is held close with a knife at her throat, a middle-eastern man yells in her ear, “Give me the location”
    A gallimimus herd is franticly running from a raptor
    A brachiosaur’s head is silhouetted against the full moon
    An Asian man is shooting a machine gun; bullet casings fly everywhere.
    A Wide shot of the old village on fire.

    “Something’s wrong, they need help,” Malcolm says.
    “They just said they were fine” The elderly black man answers.
    “Something’s wrong.” Malcolm replies.

    “Oh my God” The blonde says surveying a clearing full of dead and bloodied dinosaurs.
    A pteranodon swoops right over a young man in fatigue, barely missing his head.


    post a reply if you want to read the story!

    11/13/2005 1:07:44 PM
    (Updated: 11/13/2005 1:09:02 PM)

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