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    Star Wars fans might recognize the redwood forests Ian & Co. walk through in TLW as Endor from ROTJ -- the same Northern California forests were used. (From: 'Vader')
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    Jurassic Park V: Evolution (Part 6)
    By Crisco

    Part 6:

    Kate Banks' short brown hair glistened in the fluorescent light as she ambled down to Ingall's office. She held a briefcase that was carried just above her waist, as she was a very tall woman. Her broad shoulders were the first thing one would notice when seeing her for the first time, they were the result of years of swimming for both High School and College. Her face was old and worn, covered in make-up. She had big cheek bones that headed out from her face and deep gray-green eyes that penetrated any who saw them. She wasn't what society would call attractive, but she had something about her that made you stare and wonder.

    Kate Banks was head of Biological studies at NASA. She had studied to become an astronaut for NASA right out of USC: Santa Cruz, but halfway through training decided it was not for her. Kate went back to school and studied zoology and botany. When she was approached to complete her training months after she had quit she decided to go along with the program. She didn't want to become an astronaut, but she was half-way there and it was an awesome thing to have under her belt. She kept saying these things over and over to herself during the remaining training sessions. After being at NASA headquarters all day long for 4 months it had begun to grow on her. Workers would often find her in someone's office reading stacks of paper hours after class, or find her in the research room, with all equipment on, standing over one of the botanists. One day her teacher had been approached about her behavior and her resume was looked over for a internship. She was granted one for Research in Biology at NASA, given that she completed her training. Kate was thrilled that they would offer such a position to her and finished her training allowing her to officially become a part of the company. That was years ago, and now she was head of Biological Studies. For 5 years she had diligently worked as a researcher, then a botanist and now the head of the division.

    "Ms. Banks, so nice to see you, how long has it been?" Ingalls said putting on the best smile he could come up with.

    "Oh fine Bruce, It‘s been a long time.” Kate painted on a equally fake smile, but that wasn’t her style so she stopped smiling and asked what she wanted. “Have you sent your team already."

    "As a matter of fact I have. I have no regrets either, there is no place for NASA to be scrounging around alongside the government on this particular mission, Kate we don't need another expedition."

    Bruce had expected Kate to start screaming but she stood beside his desk with the same expression she had come in with. She wasn't phased by Bruce's decision and spoke quietly after his loud speech.

    "I came here to be a part of your mission, not to go and make my own. I want to make sure NASA gets the facts at least." Kate pulled on her jacket, straightening it .

    Malcolm sat in the corner of the room, legs crossed stirring his coffee observing the two "important" people. Important? Were they really? Society often thinks of these people as important, but in truth they were not. They were normal people with the same emotions and temptations. Power, lust, and greed plagued these "important" people as much as the next man, however the consequences these "important" people were dealt with were on a larger scale than that of the common man. These three things can corrupt anyone, no matter what their social class may be. You may hear it in the news if a celebrity commits a crime or someone else who is claimed to be "important" does, but common man commits them daily. But the truth to these so-called "important" people is that they are faced with important decisions. Decisions that can be corrupted by the same temptations, lust can overcome the decision to finish taxes as greed can overcome a decision to bomb a foreign city. Once someone has reached the status of being “important” they change. Not a change of wardrobe or physical fitness, but a change of mind. What once seemed as a reasonable goal is now seen as a small feat. The people set higher goals, for power and control. Aspirations change, the “important” people evolve.

    “What is to become of this story for the public?” Ms. Banks asked after a long silence.

    “That is one thing I cannot determine as of yet.” Bruce answered while rubbing his eyelids.

    Bruce stalled, eventually spitting out “However, there is a reporter along with the crew,” Bruce was definitely having second thoughts about Chase and why he brought her. He allowed himself a few seconds before he continued to formulate a plot that allowed a passing reason for her involvement. “I’m hoping that she can accurately relay the information to the public.” Bruce realized he just contradicted himself and kept shut, his mind racing fast so he could find out where he stood. Ingalls did not expect to have to find a concrete “stance” on any issues in this mission, He didn’t know that the ice-queen Banks was going to be involved and he was going to have to become defensive.

    Kate smiled as she saw the older man become weak. She knew he wasn’t ready for her, it was now that she finally knew she had a reputation outside of NASA. “Mr. Ingalls calm down, I’m not mad that you allowed some stupid reporter to go rather than someone from my company, just disappointed.”

    Bruce stood from his chair revealing his height, “I have no regrets Ms. Banks.”

    Ian observed the two adults at a stand still, like two gorillas before a fight for dominance, he decided to brake the silence, “ So Bruce, explain to me how the connection will work.”

    Ingalls turned to Ian looking confused, then his eyebrows straightened and he replied, “ The computer is in another floor of the building, I’ll have someone bring it here, there will just be some headsets and the satellites will do most of the work.” Ingalls said confidently.

    “How often are the checks?” Malcolm asked again.

    “Every 6 hours, I think we’ll be in this room the whole time, so I suggest you get yourself cleaned up and get something to eat.” Ingalls said. “There’s a Rubio’s down the street.”

    “Thanks” Malcolm said throwing away his cardboard cup and picking up his coat. As he left Kate picked up her briefcase.

    “I think I’ll do the same.” Kate said.

    “You’re staying then?” Ingalls asked.

    Kate looked at him and smiled, “Of course”.


    The eight people that made up the retrieval unit stood on the asphalt watching the two hummers with bikes attached being air-lifted to their destination. They all wore all black outfits with many stuffed pockets. Carmen’s hair was tucked in a tight bun under a black hat. Gary wore a green shirt, a thick vest, and khakis. Rachel wore a dark blue blouse and khaki pants, her hair in a tight pony tail.

    “How far away is our drop-off from theirs?” Ben Hume asked.

    “A two-hour walk” Phillips answered. “ We’re going to be dropped at an observation tower on the north end of the island. The tower is just feet away from the helipad so we thought it was the best location. Once we get there, we are going to broadcast to Ingalls and Dr. Malcolm, and then going to bed, in the morning we’ll get the hummers.”

    Mark nodded as Jesse patted him on the back. “I trust that this will be quick and easy, they picked us all for a reason.”

    Rachel interrupted, “And what is that?”

    “Cuz’ we’re the best damn team you’ll ever meet.” Dan answered in his southern accent.

    Gary smiled at the group. He had always wanted to join the military but ended up being a cameraman. He really wished Rachel would humble herself for once.

    A man with a headset approached them, “ I’m Lenny Walker and I’ll be your captain, we’re all ready and waiting.”

    The team all got up at the same time and followed the man into the long black chopper. The inside was lined with small gray seats just below the circular windows. There was railing along the ceiling and parachutes under each seat.

    “This is pretty nice” Carmen said. “I wish I could’ve flew this bird.”

    They all found seats, Rachel sat in between Gary and Dan on one side and on the other Mark sat between Ben and Carmen. Jesse found a seat near the pilot’s cabin.

    “Ever flown in a chopper before Ms. Chase?” Dan asked.

    Rachel shook her head.

    “It’s not bad at all, pretty smooth ride, it’s the lift that might get you.”

    “Thanks” Rachel said sarcastically.

    The helicopter’s blades started to spin and Jesse buckled up. Everyone followed suit except for Ricky who stood in the center of the chopper, hands apart for balance.

    Ben rolled his eyes and Dan smiled.

    The chopper lifted and Ricky almost lost his footing, he started nodding his head at everyone, the kind of nod that someone does to gloat.

    As the chopper continued to rise Ricky remained standing. Mark closed his eyes pretending to take a nap when he kicked Ricky, who fell to the floor. Everyone started laughing, even Ricky. Rachel cracked a smile and decided to look out of the window.

    Ricky got back up and “bucked” at Mark as he regained his balance. Carmen pretended to kick him and he jumped up, grabbing the railing.

    “Ahaa” Ricky said tilting his head and smirking at Carmen.

    “Ricky sit down and shut up” Philips said.

    “Yes sir!” Ricky said saluting him, chest out and hand on his forehead.

    Ben turned away from the group leaning against the side of the chopper, preparing to sleep.

    Rachel looked at the deep blue ocean below , the waves crashing into each other. The sun was setting in the sky, turning darker yellow and the sky beginning to become orange.

    “When I was a kid I was fascinated with dinosaurs.” Dan said to the group.

    “I think every kid was.” Mark said.

    “I don’t know, I really have no desire to see them.” Carmen said. “I mean, they were put off this earth for a reason.”

    “I think they did a better job with the earth than we have.” Rachel said, joining the conversation.

    “Was Ms. Chase a dino-fan when she was young?” Jesse asked.

    “Not anymore than the next person” Rachel said.

    Jesse nodded, “Fair enough.”

    “I never knew about them until high school, and even then I didn’t care.” Ricky said. “But when I saw that footage of the Tyrannosaur in San Diego I couldn’t help but be interested.”

    “Yea, that was incredible.” Gary added.

    “The things InGen created are not the “real thing” only clones. They are not meant to be here.” Rachel said. She had researched the incident as an intern.

    “So they have no right to live” Ben said, realizing he was not going to get any rest.

    “That’s right, I don’t want anyone to be weapon shy once we get to the island, however we only should use them if necessary.” Philips said.

    “I can’t help but think it will become necessary.” Mark said bent over, resting on his knees.

    “Well if it does, we’ll be prepared.” Ricky replied.

    Night was beginning to fall on the sky. The sun had turned orange-red the rest of the sky became orange-pink. The moon could be seen in the sky like a man in line waiting for his turn. Soon it would be his turn. The ocean would become black and the stars would shine. Soon they would reach Isla Sorna.

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    11/30/2003 12:03:02 PM

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