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    Jurassic Park V: Evolution (Part2)
    By Crisco

    Part 2:

    “Rachel Chase here reporting live for San Diego’s Channel 13. I have bad news.” Rachel paused, pulled on her blouse and strung her hair behind her ear. “The Orion, the NASA biological spacecraft has crashed. Their crash from the stars was unnoticed; no distress signal was sent out and no communication was made by the 4-person crew. Their decent was silent to all but a local fisherman who reported the news to the police. Investigation will soon be underway to find out what went wrong with the Orion. This is a sad day for the families of the crew. Stay tuned to San Diego’s Channel 13 for updates.”

    “Damn It!” Bruce Ingalls yelled at the television as secretaries and other workers were running behind him. He turned to his assistant.

    “How’d this bitch find out before we did?” He asked.

    Geneice his assistant shrugged, “She’s from San Diego, why don’t we just ask her?”

    “Exactly I want someone to pick her up ASAP and bring her to me, also get Philips on the line I want him here now. Oh, and Geneice, have 3rd floor do some tracking I want to know where it hit.”

    Geneice nodded and walked away.

    “I can’t believe it.” Bruce muttered to himself.

    Ian Malcolm sat in front of his television and sipped his coffee. He was still in his robe and half-conscious he had a lazy stare.

    “Slow morning?” Kelly, his daughter, asked as she handed him a donut.

    Ian nodded; he was too lazy to speak.

    “Dad don’t make me find you one of those self-help groups. I’m sick of you like this.” Kelly said nudging his shoulder.

    “Oh, like it matters that I stay tuned in to the TV. So what if I’m like every other frickin’ American? I’m sick of putting myself out there and then being perceived as a loon.”

    “What about me and Sarah, and the people that are interested and want you to be an active person.”

    “Sarah, yea she loves her work more than me.”
    “Yea, It’s always been like that Dad, you used to like it that way, because you were the same way.”

    “Whatever.” Malcolm said imitating the girl on the screen. Then he smiled, sipped his coffee and chuckled to himself.

    Kelly smiled and threw a napkin at him.

    Rachel was in her office with about all the staff, all trying to make arrangements to find where the Orion crashed and how to get there quick. Adam, Rachel’s colleague had a huge map of Central America laid out on the table, he drew a box around a small area.

    “Rachel are you sure it’s not in the Ocean?” Adam yelled across the room.

    “Positive, Mack told me. Don’t you people ever listen? Jesus Christ.” Rachel said shaking her head in disgust.

    “Well it’s unbelievable then because there is barely no islands where the Orion was suppose to have landed. NASA is very lucky it landed on an island in the first place.”

    “Yea I don’t really care, just find which Goddam island!” Rachel yelled.

    “Ok, Ok but its gonna take me a while so be patient.” Adam said sitting down to his laptop.

    Then the doors burst open; two men in black suits and two in fatigue walked into the room. One of the suit guys raised his voice, “We need to speak to Ms. Rachel Chase immediately.”

    “Calm down boys,” Rachel said pushing her way around her fellow workers whole busily wrote down notes and looked through files.

    “Ms. Chase, I am private Watts and this is my partner private Wilkenson. We work for the US Military. We need you to come with us immediately.”

    “Why do you need me?” Rachel asked squinting at Watt’s nametag.

    “All will be explained later, we need you to come with us now, take anything you need from the room.”

    “Alright.” Rachel said. She turned away from the men and shrugged to her peers. And then grasped air and whispered, “Yes”. She took her purse and her emergency bag; it wasn’t used for emergencies but for her if she needed to go somewhere on a report without time, sort of an over-night bag. She picked it up and said to herself, “the first time I’ve used this.” Then she grabbed her cell-phone, a recorder, and a Diet Coke from the fridge. Then she tugged on Gary’s shirt, “Get your shit together.” He grabbed his camera pack and they followed the men into the parking lot.

    “Ok, Ok but its gonna take me a while so be patient.” Adam said sitting down to his laptop.

    Then the doors burst open; two men in black suits and two in fatigue walked into the room. One of the suit guys raised his voice, “We need to speak to Ms. Rachel Chase immediately.”

    “Calm down boys,” Rachel said pushing her way around her fellow workers whole busily wrote down notes and looked through files.

    “Ms. Chase, I am private Watts and this is my partner private Wilkenson. We work for the US Military. We need you to come with us immediately.”

    “Why do you need me?” Rachel asked squinting at Watt’s nametag.

    “All will be explained later, we need you to come with us now, take anything you need from the room.”

    “Alright.” Rachel said. She turned away from the men and shrugged to her peers. And then grasped air and whispered, “Yes”. She took her purse and her emergency bag; it wasn’t used for emergencies but for her if she needed to go somewhere on a report without time, sort of an over-night bag. She picked it up and said to herself, “the first time I’ve used this.” Then she grabbed her cell-phone, a recorder, and a Diet Coke from the fridge. Then she tugged on Gary’s shirt, “Get your shit together.” He grabbed his camera pack and they followed the men into the parking lot.


    7/2/2003 6:39:01 PM
    (Updated: 7/2/2003 6:39:52 PM)

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