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    The Japanese businessmen running from the rex in the San Diego sequence of TLW are saying 'I left Tokyo to get away from this!' in their native language.
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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction (Part 7)
    By Crisco

    Chris Connors pulled up to the main gate at the BioSyn compound. He pushed his hand in the warm blue gel and the gate opened. The first thing he looked for when he drove down the road to Dodgson's office was the Hummer.
    "That son of a bi*** better watch his back" Connors said to himself as he saw the Hummer parked outside the office.
    Chris walked in the door and kept walking straigh into Dodgson's office.
    "We'res the kid who came in from the pick-up this morning?"
    "He died shortly after arriving" Dodgson said smiling.
    Chris looked at him strangely. He had talked to Dodgson a lot and the man always had a wierd look on his face. He was truly odd. He defenitely didnt have all of his screws bolted. Dodgson was a buff man of 40. He always wore his dockers and hawaiian shirt. His hair was brown/grey with a bald spot in the back. He was old but in good shape.
    "Well i lost the other two men.." Chris said.
    "Dilophosaurs?" Dodgson asked.
    "Yea, I also got the disks you wanted. How'd you know it was dilos?"
    "I knew there was a nest there"
    "Then why would didnt you call us back?"
    "Because I wouldnt have gotten these" Dodgson said holding up the disks. Chris held his tongue and clenched his fist. As much as he hated Dodgson he knew that he was a dangerous man. He was always suspicious of some of the "deaths" Dodgson had talked about and he didnt want to get on Dodgson's bad side.
    "Thank you Connors, you're a good man, now if you please i'd like to examine the data alone" Dodgson said. Chris nodded and left the room.
    Dodgson popped in the unlabeled disk into his laptop. The Ingen logo came up and disappeared again. Then a document pulled up....
    the article when on to explain about how the frog DNA for some reason wasnt compatible with the Carnotaur DNA. It then went through a list of DNA tested in red, then in blue was:
    Dodgson had a confused look on his face.
    The three specimens have the ability to change pigmentation slightly, only into simple, natural colors.
    He then saw a picture and started writing a note for the disk to be sent to the labs. He then popped out the disk and pushed in the next labeled:
    he pulled up the document and it went on to talk about how there was an unrecognizable DNA fragment that was sent to Sorna. There they hatched the 3 creatures and recognized them as Suchomimus. Two were sent to the park on nublar and one kept for research on sorna. The creatures were thought to be as big as t-rex and not as agressive.
    "Those must be the spinosaurs" Dodgson said to himself.

    It was dark and the helicopter could barely be seen through the cloudy sky. The dark figure of Isla Nublar lie ahead and Sarah Harding was packing her equipment. It was heavily raining and thunder rolled through the sky. Sarah looked out the window and saw lighting flash. In that instant she saw the island's figure and the ocean water bashing against the cliffs.
    "We'll be there in 10 minutes maam" The pilot said.
    "Thank you"
    The next couple of minutes went by quickly and suddenly out of the blue. There was a huge bang against the helicopter door.
    "What the hell?" the pilot asked.
    The pteranodons kept flying into the coptor. One hit the coptor so hard that door swung open. Causing the coptor to dive side ways. Sarah hung on to the railing and her bags fell into the ocean.
    "Damn it!" She yelled. Then the coptor leveled out again. She sighed and then heard a cry. She looked out the still open door and say a pteranodon flying straight for it. It slowed down and grabbed on to the copter. Its head was inside and trying to grab Sarah. She looked around and saw the Fire Estinguisher. She punched through the glass and with her bloody hand rammed it into the pteranodons' face. It then spiraled down to the water. Then a huge crash came and sarah looked at the pilot. His head was bloodied and another pteranodon's head poked into the copter. The coptor was going into the ocean and Sarah knew she had to get as far away from it as possible.
    Sarah Harding looked down into the ocean 50 ft. down. She closed her eyes and dived...

    12/13/2002 3:46:21 PM

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