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    The crew of JP suffered through Hurricane Iniki, which blew through Hawaii during filming, damanging sets and delaying filming.
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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction (Part18)
    By Crisco

    Sarah Harding ran through the hallways of the BioSyn facility. Her hair was in a tight pony tail, but loose strands, that were beaded with sweat slapped across her face as she ran past confused workers.

    She had just escaped two large predators whom she recognized as Allosaurs. They are slightly smaller than the Tyrannosaur, but a little more lethal, they could run faster, and hunted in groups. These allosaurs seemed pretty smart, being in a confined area can do that to animals, they are forced to think out of the box, to develop new ways to get want they want, and that usually is food.

    She heard a scream, over the loud alarm farther behind her in the hallway, she knew it was those allosaurs, she picked up her pace and kept moving. Sarah opened a door and she was now outside of a building. She turned left and head for a large building, it was now the early morning, and the sun was just peaking over the trees in the distance, pass the great wall that divided man, from beast.

    The building was large and wide, weight lifting machinery and tredmills were placed along the edges of the room, with a large mat in the center, the room was silent except for a man reading in a desk at the side of the wall, he was staring at his magazine and didn't notice Sarah, who crept alongside the wall in between the machinery. She just made it to the door when the doors she had came through burst open and the hungry allosaurs bellowed through the Gym. The man at the desk got up and ran for his life, but the larger allosaur quickly sprung on top of him and engulfed his small head, Sarah gasped at the gore in front of her and the smaller allosaur looked up, growling at the woman, who was runing out the door.

    Sarah was in a locker room now, she was surprised it didn't smell bad, it was probably because noone was ever there. Towels were folded neatly in a pile and all the lockers were closed. She ran on top of the bench and bust through the door at the end of the room. She now was in a huge pool room, the clear water was still and she was deciding wether to swim or run. The sun peaked through the glass roof and tinted the whole area an orange-red. Sarah ran alongside the pool to the doors at the other end. She was just turning the second corner when the allosaurs leveled te door and jumped to the edge of the pool. The allosaurs didn't know what to do with the water, the smaller one lapped at it, and blew bubbles through it's nose. Sarah was now on the other side of the pool, and she took a breather, the allosaurs had never seen a body of water in their life, and she had a huge pool in between them. The smaller allosaur walked back to the broken locker-room door, seemingly defeated, then turned around and took a running jump into the crystal clear water, it tredded water with it's snout in the air , along with the tip of it's tail. The other followed the example and they both headed for Sarah who watched in amazement.

    Sarah grabbed a long pool chair and threw it at the advancing predators, the smaller one swam around it and the larger got on top of it for support, the pool chair quickly sank and the larger kept swimming toward the edge. Sarah ran to the door and closed it behind her, she got into an empty forlift and turned the keys, which were in the ignition. She drove the forklift right to the front of the door and parked it, leaving no wasy of escape for the angry allosaurs, who were banging on the door with all of the their weight. Sarah jumped off the forklift and ran alongside the steel wall to another smaller building, she was just at the door, when a guard spotted her and started shooting, she closed the door behind her just in time, as the guard reloaded and struck the door's handle with his rifle.

    Sarah was lost, she was at the side of a hallway and heard footsteps coming towards her, she ducked behind a janitor's cart and listened for the footsteps to pass, she heard talking and listened intently.

    "Mr. Dodgson, Rich Parker your seizmotologist, this eruption is going to destroy your facility, your best bet is to pack up and move out, today."

    "Fu*k this dam* volcano, i don't have time for this." Dodgson replied.

    "It's not like you can control it." Mr. Parker said.

    "Shut up you fool! Dodgson said. Then he turned to another man walking with him and said, make preparations for me to leave, your going to be in charge of the facility then, do you hear me?" Dodgson said, grabbing the bulky man's shirt.

    "Yes boss." the man replied.

    "Good Howard, now i also want you to go into the hangar and..."

    The voices trailed off and Sarah walked past them, in the opposite direction.

    If you just read this, please comment to let me know, please, i will appreciate any extra comments, praise or criticism.

    2/8/2003 10:59:32 AM
    (Updated: 2/8/2003 11:01:03 AM)
    (Updated: 2/8/2003 11:02:09 AM)

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