Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    Ian Abercrombie, who plays Hammond's butler in TLW, can currently be seen playing another butler on the WB show "Birds of Prey". (From: Wallace)
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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction (Part17)
    By Crisco

    The door slowly opened into the small room holding Roland, Malcolm, Casey, Damon, Chris and Jane. All of them had been locked up for hours and they were getting weary, the lack of food and water for so long was getting to them and they needed sustenance.
    Dodgson wheeled in a TV on a cart; he made sure his guards were with him. He was ruthless man, but not alone. He really didn't have the guts to do anything big. He positioned the TV in front of Damon's cage, so that he, Malcolm, Casey and Roland had a view.
    Dodgson said nothing as he turned on the TV. He pressed play into the VCR, and began to walk out of the room. On his way out he looked back at Casey...and winked. She then stared intensely at the screen, which remained black for a while. Then a vague picture of foliage showed up. It was the edge of the jungle and grass and the wind howled. It looked dark, like it was night. A scream was heard throughout the forest. Casey jumped to the front of the cage, holding the fencing, staring intensely.
    A scraggly Old Spanish man ran through the foliage, bleeding and looking desperate. The man looks up and his mood changes, his eyes widen and he yells, "El bosque esta vive! Mi hijo esta muerte!" Casey was pointing to the screen, she realized her brother was dead, and started to cry, but she didn't blink or back away, she wanted to know about her father.
    Her father yelled in desperation, looking really high up. She concluded that it must be the wall, there were probably guards like when she came to it. Her father looked up like the guard was insane for not letting him in. He had tears running down his cheeks and he was confused. He yelled one last time, hoping the person knew he needed help, no-matter what language he spoke. Then the sound of a gun cocking was heard. Casey's eyes widened even more. Then she saw in slow motion her father getting shot over and over again, and he fell to the ground. He lay on the ground. It hurt her to se him, she touched the edge of the cage, not realizing he wasn't on the screen, she cried silently. Her father's body twitched in some places. Little green dinosaurs came out of the bushes and jumped on his body, his limbs moved slowly and his dying body let out a moan. Then the body stopped moving, but the lizards didn't they tore chunks of flesh from the man's body, while it lie in a pool of blood. Then the screen went blank. The TV sat in between the two rows of cages.
    Chris and Jane had heard the whole scene from behind the TV. Chris felt bad for the young woman who was weeping. Jane heard the scene as if it were her father, and she too began to cry.
    Casey took her shirt and wiped her eyes. She was enraged. She looked at Malcolm and Roland and said, "I got dibs on that bastard." She laid back and leaned against her bent legs. She put her head between her legs and closed her eyes. She rocked back and forth. There was no way to ease the pain, or the anger...she hated Dodgson with a passion, even if he didn't directly kill her father. She made a promise to herself, that her first priority was to kill that man.

    Sarah Harding heard talking in the distance; she started running through the trees, jumping over a log when she abruptly stopped. What if it wasn't Malcolm? She walked quickly but cautiously towards the noise. Sarah removed a leaf from her view to see a huge steel wall; she looked to the top and saw two figures silhouetted against the stars. They were talking to eachother. She stepped back into the forest and traced her thoughts. She hit her head on a tree and bit her tongue. She felt behind her on the tree, there was a knob, but it was covered. Covered with a piece of cloth. "Ian." She whispered to herself. She gained a new confidence and thought how to get past the guards. She knelt down and felt for a rock, she found one and opened the foliage boundary, revealing the wall. There was a black machine on the side of the wall, which looked like a security camera. She could slightly see because from behind the wall, there was a faint glow.
    She squinted her eyes and as best she could, she hurled the rock and it hit the camera, sending it to the ground, "Yess!" she said to herself. Both guards heard the noise and shone their powerful flashlights into the foliage, which was shaking.

    "Must be those little ones, they piss me off." One of the guards said.
    "Yea, Mike from the west side said that his partner got an infection from one of them critters." the other said.
    They turned their flashlights off and continued talking.

    Sarah came back through the foliage "wall" and stayed perfectly still, to not attract attention. Once the guards stopped talking she whipped out her hatchet and started cutting away at a juvenile tree. When the tree was about to fall Sarah climbed as far up it as she could and fell with it as it slammed against the steel wall. Sarah jumped on to the walkway quickly and turned to the left and upper-cutted the guard, leaving him unconscious. The other guard grabbed at her throat, choking her. Sarah was gasping for air and struggling with the man, he was much stronger than her and could easily over power her. She kept backing away from him, and she lost her footing, and fell. The man, holding on to her fell along with her and they both hurled to a frosted glass dome, it was made so that light went through, but you couldn't see what was inside. Sarah fell to the ground; the guard had already regained balance and looked around. His eyes were wide with fear. Sarah was puzzled why he was so scared. He got up and ran, yelling to the door of the room. Sarah looked around. It was like she was outside again, except that she was really inside. She had a feeling of what might be inside here, and quickly scrambled up a tree.
    The guard was running to the door. He reached it and started pounding on it, screaming at the top of his lungs. Then from the brush an Allosaur ran toward the man, who looked back and screamed. He held on to the door handle with all his strength as the allosaur clamped on his legs, pulling him away from the door. The allosaur wasn't making a lot of progress and started to roar in the air, and soon another allosaur helped the first one tear at the full grown man who was screaming like a young girl. They soon tore his abdomen from his torso and greedily at it first and the man, near death fell to the floor. His eyes rolled back and Sarah turned away as the two allosaurs devoured his body.

    Sarah knew from the way the guard acted as if there was no way out but that door, she thought he was probably right, why would they have multiple ways to get close with lethal animals?
    Sarah held onto a branch and swung her body onto a small ledge right above the door, she faced the opposite side of the door, her back against the wall, and legs crouched on the small ledge. She pulled out a rubber band and tied her hair back. and took off her utility vest, it had blood on it from getting cut on the rocks in the ocean, and she thought it might be good bait for the allosaurs. She figured feeding time was soon and waited on the ledge until it came.

    3 hours later, a fat Latino man came whistling down a hallway, pushing a cart with red meat inside. He didn't look like he was happy, it looked like he was more whistling out of nervousness. He came to a door and opened it cautiously, the allosaurs were nowhere insight, he saw a man's torn carcass lying in front of him and pulled an alarm on the side of the wall, With the smell of meat the allosaurs came running but as soon as they came into view, Sarah jumped off the ledge and crawled over the kart of meat, leaving her vest behind. The man ran behind Sarah, away from the open door and kart. The Allosaurs began ravaging the bloody meat and one looked up into the air and roared. Within seconds the alarm went off.

    Malcolm was just dozing off to sleep when a piercing noise rang through the air. Everyone plugged their ears, and he looked confused. Jane looked at him and yelled, "Alarm" His eyebrows sprung up and he said, "Sarah."

    PLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEE! Write me back something! I have never even bothered to check my comments and i did to every single chapter and i only had a couple from my prologue, i dont care if u liked it, didn't or didnt care, just let me know u read it and help me out PLEAASSSEE!

    2/5/2003 9:35:48 PM
    (Updated: 2/6/2003 5:54:05 PM)

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