By Michael Crichton
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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction (Part15)
    By Crisco

    Black Smoke bellowed out of the great mountain's peak. An eerie cry of the pteranodons echoed through the air as they circled the bloated mountain. Brachiosaurs and Pechycepholosaurs grazed along the plain and parasopholosaurs and stegosaurs waded in the swampy ponds underneath the great volcano. Two adult male Triceratops were by the pond, horns racking against eachother. They were battling for mating rights. A smaller ombnivore ran among the nests, trying to grab eggs from the mother parasohpolosaurs. The scene was truly a piece of art. Noone could deny how awesome the landscape was, this was a land where time had no meaning, and the world stopped spinning and just let the creatures be. They all were in their own groups, doing their own things, all minding peacefully, there were trumpeting sounds of communicating stegosaurs and grunts of the triceratops locked in battle.

    Malcolm stood by the river bank, with Roland,Damon,Casey, Turner and his two men, Carlos and Alex. They all were observing the managerie of beauty, astounded by how real it all was.
    "I can't beleive what I'm seeing." Damon said.
    "It is as dangerous as it is awesome." Malcolm said. They all looked at him and shrugged. They knew he was right and started moving along the river. Turner got out his tracking system and said that they were about a days walk to the compound.
    For once, Malcolm was actually releived that he was going to have an encounter with BioSyn. He was sick of being in the wilderness.

    Sarah Harding was exhausted, she had been jogging and walking off and on for a long time. She had been trying to go to the interior of the island, that's where Malcolm and Roland would be she thought. She had back tracked 5 miles all because of that stupid spinosaur, but she didnt have to worry about him anymore, all she wanted was to See Malcolm. She needed to get to the Visitors center in two days, with him and his crew, then the chopper fleet would pick them up, and they would return to safety.

    Malcolm and crew had been walking along the banks of the river for miles, they came to a huge lake, and walking around it would take forever. There was a shed right next to them, that extended over the water. Turner signaled everyone to walk in the shed, and they did. Casey opened a door to find a docked rowboat, extended over the side of the lake, there were two oars on the walls. She picked them up and threw them into the boat and everyone hopped in. Damon and Turner took the oars and the others filled the benches. Halfway to the end of the lake Carlos bumped into Turner while Turner adjusted his seat and Turner let go of his oar, which surprisingly sunk, the metal handle must have not been hollow.
    "Damn it Carlos!" Turner said. Carlos started to take off his shirt to get ready to retreive the oar.
    "Don't worry I'll get it." Casey said. She had grown up on boats her entire life, she was used to this kind of stuff.
    "Let Carlos, he's an ex Navy Seal." Turner said, taking Carlos' pack.
    Carlos looked at the water below, it was lake water that filtered into the next part of the river. It was still murky and he would probably have a hard time seeing. He dove in, it was cool and greenish. Once he got 4 ft deep there was no light whatso ever, he strained to see a sinking oar. Suddenly something sticky touched his back. He turned around to see some plants. He was releived. He swam further down and saw something twitching.
    Spinosaurs are fish eaters, indicated from their crocodilian snout. Spinos being heavy, bulky creatures on land have an advantage in the water, they use this to capture unsuspecting fish. Some snapping turtles have an extra lobe of skin attached to the tongue. This skin can twitch on it's own to attract small fish and water insects which the turtle lures into his mouth. Recent theories have indicated Dinosaurs may be related to bird, but all scientists never doubt that dinosaurs, like the spinosaur are indeed reptilian.
    Carlos swam to what he thought was the oar, it was actually a lobe of the spino's tongue, throbbing to attract prey. Carlos was that prey. Carlos was running out of breath and didnt think the lake could be any deeper, he decided to surface and take another trip. As he turned around, the spinosaurs jaws snapped and a dark cloud of mud rose up to Carlos. Who swam full speed towards the boat which was floating at the surface.
    "What's taking him so lon--?" Alex began to say, when suddenely Carlos flew out of the water and landed into the boat. The spino's snout rose above the water and it gasped for air. It had been under for 10 mins. and it was regaining it's bearings. It had bumped Carlos into the air as it resurfaced and that bump moved the boat, revealing the oar which was underneath the boat the whole time. Roland grabed the oar and put it in the lock and rowed away, and the spino swam after them.

    Carlos, Casey, Damon, Roland, Turner, and Malcolm all jumped off the boat and swam for shore, but Alex lay in the boat shivering. Scared stiff. The spino ducked beneath the water once more while the others made it to shore. Alex lay in the boat for 10 min. While the spino was no where to be seen. The others wanted to say something to Alex, but they couldnt find the words. He might not make it if he stayed, and he might not make it if he left. Alex finally got the courage to look over the side of the rowboat and he couldnt see a thing. He peered over the other side and didnt notice anything either. He stood up at the side of the boat and jumped. As soon as his feet left the boat the spino's head appeared above the water and started ravaging the boat. It tore the wooden planks while Alex made it to the shore. Everyone was releived.

    The group had been walking for two hours when they reached the wall. The steel wall that housed the BioSyn facility. Turner identifed himself and the guards let them in. Malcolm not knowing what would happen to them tied a piece of his shirt to a tree, in hope that Sarah might find it. he knew the chances were slim, but it made him feel better that it was out there. They all were escorted through allyways into a building, then a room, then cages. Malcolm and Roland were placed in one cage, while Damon and Casey were in another. They were all tired so they fell asleep.

    1/18/2003 3:28:52 PM
    (Updated: 1/18/2003 3:46:03 PM)
    (Updated: 2/21/2003 1:59:03 PM)

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