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By Michael Crichton
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    Joe Johnson originaly expressed interest in directing 'The Lost World'. When Speilberg decided to direct the film, however, he promised Johnson could direct Jurassic Park 3.
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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction (Part14)
    By Crisco

    The flare pitched a red light around the 11 people, who had fallen into the cavern below. Malcolm looked intensley into the darkness, trying to make out what was stalking them. James, one of the took a step ahead of the group, into the darkness. He pulled a small flare from his pocket and held it close to his face. He lit it and a bright red light glowed. As he lit it the light showed a velociraptors head , 2 ft away from his own, staring at him. He dropped the flare and his screams echoed throughout the cavern. The rest of the team stood up as raptors circled them. More flares were lit , creating a even larger range of veiw, but it still wasnt enough to fill the whole cavern.
    Casey, Malcolm, Roland and Damon all still had their hands bound. They stood in a circle and were ready to kick some raptor ass. Turner and his men were spread and aimed their guns into the darkness. The attack started when Matt fired his machine gun into the dark. A raptor scream was heard and it fell into the light, bloody and twitching. The other raptors jumped in and pounced on Travis, ripping his head off. Natayla was surrounded by Malcolm and crew, being protected but she yelled at them to get away from her. She had the grenades with her and she wanted to get a clear shot. Her leg was bleeding profusely and she ly in a puddle, her white bone stuck out the side of her leg and she tried not to look at it.
    Casey and her group were backed up against a wall, and under a ledge. Damon heard a echoeed screech and looked up, a raptor was falling towards him, with claws down, he ducked out of the way and Roland turned around. He kicked the raptor to the ground, next to Natalya. She grabbed it's head and rapped her leg around it's upper torso, then with a huge snap she twisted the raptors neck. It lay beside her, tongue lying out of it's head.
    Malcolm yelled for Turner and the others to set him loose. But they were too preoccupied. Natalya got out her buck knife and cut their bindings. They thanked her, but still kept their protective circle around her.
    Matt was away from Carlos, Alex and Turner. He tried to run towards them but a raptor blocked his path.He looked the other direction but another raptor skidded into veiw. He then looked ahead to see two raptors leaping towards him, and without looking behind him he ran, with gun in one hand and flare in the other. He ran away from the noise of gun shot and yelling of the group. He ran through a door like opening, and kept going. He looked behind him, to find he was nolonger being persued. He heard chirping and growling still though and looked around him. in rock circles there were eggs put closely together. Some baby raptors had already hatched, and some were 4 ft tall, but all had small sharp baby teeth, and small sharp claws. A mother raptor was sitting on a pile and hissed at Matt as he backed up to a wall. He turned around and put 50 bullets in her head and it only made the juveniles chirp louder, some could walk, and were causing Matt to back up against the wall. He looked all around him at the curious young babies, who were going to eventually grow up into lethally intellgent killers. His eyes were wide with fear and a 4 ft. raptor was in fron of him, hissing like the mom had, it hunched low to the ground tail, up for balanced, and with grace flew into the air, and landed on Matt who was soon grounded. He looked up at the raptor's snout and eyes, who's heavy hot, stinky breath was blowing into his face. The raptor then put it's head back and chirped. It moved it's head to the side and lifted one of it's legs, it then with it's massive claw torn Matt's face apart. He was still concious when the smaller raptors started to eat his flesh and tear open his stomach, but he couldnt make a sound, and within 30 sec. his whole world faded to black.

    Alex, Carlos,and Turner were almost finished with the raptors, Alex turned to the side and threw his firewood axe, hitting the last raptor smack in the face. They were finished. The flares were going out, and Turner lit some new ones, handing them to Malcolm Casey and Damon. He just wanted to get out of the cave alive.
    Damon said, "Shut up!" and waved his hand in the air. Everyone stayed quiet and a faint hooting echoed through the door like opening, on the other side of the cave there was another, were a rushing soudn could be heard. Turner looked at Natalya and walked towards, her he put his arm around her back and tried to lift her, but she pushed him away. "You have to get out of here." She said, taking the grenades out of her pack and lining them in front of her. The hooting calls sounded closer and Casey said, "We Have to Leave." Turner looked into her eyes and nodded, signaling Alex and Carlos, "Move Out" They all ran through the opening and left Natalya to fend for herself. Casey stopped and looked back at her, she had her eyes closed as she prepared the grenades in front of her. Damon ran back and pulled Casey, "Lets go" he said. She turned and followed the group, they came to the edge of a river, running through the cave, "this will lead us to the outside" Turner said. The 7 people then jumped into the water and let the current sweep them downstream. As they jumped in, a large BOOM was heard and fire and rock came from the hole, they had came from. The cave started to rumble as they floated in the water.

    1/16/2003 7:37:52 PM

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