Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction (Part12)
    By Crisco

    Ian Malcolm, Roland Tembo, Julio Gutierrez, Damon Black and Casey Moreles all sat on a long log with thier hands bound. There were seven BioSyn gaurds with them. the sun was setting and the team had started to make a fire. They were roasting their packaged meals over the fire and setting up tents.

    "What makes you think that the dinosaurs can't come and get us with this fire telling everyone on the island where we are..?" Damon asked.

    "Well, thats not a problem...we've set up a perimeter, it's a laser fence 20 ft. around our site, anything coming here would set the alarm, and we would be able to shot it down before it came."
    Brent Turner said. "Besides, it wouldnt matter that much if one of you got eaten, Dodgson didnt even know you were on the island."

    "Well who were they looking for?" Malcolm asked.

    "Some young girl and the head of security, they wanted to leave, but they've probably already have been caught, we are only one of the 3 search teams out looking for them." Turner replied.

    "Who do you work for?" Malcolm inquired.

    "Lew Dodgson, CEO of BioSyn, i'm with his special task forces, and this is my team." Turner said, lighting a cigarette.

    "Lewis was the man who hired the fat guy, who turned the power off Nublar, that man almost got me killed." Malcolm said.

    "Almost, but if you dont keep your mouth shut he will...." Turner said looking at Malcolm through the fire.

    Casey looked at the group, there was Brent Turner, the leader and 5 guys. They all kept their masks on most of the time, but now they were siting in the tent playing cards and drinking. There was one woman though, She had blonde hair, It stuck to her head very tightly and was a short pony tail, that she kept behind her shirt, she obviously didnt want any guff jsut because she was a woman. That was one thing, the only thing Casey admired about her. But she had beaten up Damon,and Casey had grown closer to him in the past couple of hours. After he had defended her she knew she could trust him, and in the last day she knew trust is a big issue. One thing that discouraged her was Julio. He hadnt stuck up for her, he turned his head away when she had coughed up blood, and he hadnt even looked at her for awhile.
    Casey stared at the blonde woman who couldnt have been in but her late twenties, she was cleaning her shotgun top to bottom in every crevice.

    It was 5 am now and Turner had retired to his tent. A low murmer was coming from the large guard tent, they we all hald drunk and rambling. The blonde woman was still awake, gun in her lap, she was stoking the fire and watching the prisoners.
    Malcolm, Damon, and Julio were asleep, but Roland and Casey were awake.

    "How long have your brother and father been missing?" Roland asked, turning to Casey.
    "Three weeks, Julio and I found their boat on the reefs outside the island. "
    "I hate you break it to you, but theres a 90% chance they're not alive." Roland said looking at Casey.
    "I know, but i need closure, they are the only family i've got except for my grandmother."
    "Understandable." Roland nodded.
    Then a remote on the she-guard's went off and a large beeping noise was heard.
    "Shit!" The blond woman said as she cocked her gun.
    THe other guards got out of their tents and put their packs on. Roland started slapping the others on the face, getting them ready...to run.
    A roar was heard close by, it sounded like a T-Rex. Malcolm instantly woke up and started jogging away. Then suddenely a t-rex head burst through the foliage. Casey Roland Damon and Malcolm were already running away with the guards. The blond woman was still at the campfire and the rex walked towards Julio who was frozen with shock. Julio backed away, he fell of the log and couldnt be seen , but the rex's head lowered down and Julio's screams could be heard through the crackling of the fire.
    Casey, who was running through the woods, half carrying Malcolm, who's leg had been bothering him, turned around and stopped.
    "Julio....." She said, looking back in the direction of the campfire.
    "We can't stop now.." Roland said.
    The blonde woman shot her gut at the rex's head, hitting it in the neck. She shot again but missed and hit the tail. The T-rex roared in pain and ran towards the woman, who turned around and ran for her life.
    The group was running from the Trex, who was closing on them. Damon, yelled and started running sideways in a different direction. The group followed, even Brent, who had been in the lead. They all were running and came to a Cave opening. They ran inside and so did the trex, who could only fit the first half of his body inside the cave. It twisted and turned and roared with frustration, causing stalagtites to fall from the walls, causing the group to walk further into the cave. Bats hanging from the walls all flew down and towards the Rex, flapping in his eyes, he snapped his jaws at some of them, but they kept coming, and he backed his head back out, into the morning mist.

    1/5/2003 5:28:15 PM

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