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    The traveling museum exhibit, 'TLW: The Life Death and Death of Dinosaurs' opened in New York the day TLW came out, and is still touring the country today. All proceeds from the tour are donated to scientific organizations which fund dinosaur research.
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    Jurassic Park IV: Extinction (Part11)
    By Crisco

    Casey Morales was thrown back onto the jungle floor by a tall man in a black jumpsuit, he had a utility belt and vest with pockets, all full with different things, Malcolm, Roland, Damon, Julio and herself were al lying under the 7 people with their guns aimed.

    "Put your hands up and stand in a line." one of the men said.
    Malcolm and crew all compied. Then the masked guards tied their hands together so all they could do was walk. Then an older man with greying temples walked up to the crew and said,
    "I am Brent Turner and I will be returning you to BioSyn headquarters a day and a half's walk west from here. You will do as I say or i will kill you without hesitating."
    "Why are you doing this?" Malcolm asked.
    "I follow orders, but I know that you are not suppose to be on this island." Turner said.
    Malcolm shook his head.
    "Who do we have here.." he said,advancing towards Casey and holding her head up to his face. She looked up at him and smiled, then spat in his face. He wiped it off and pulled his hand back and slapped her. Her head spun and she coughed up a little blood.

    "BASTARD!!" Damon said and he jumped at Turner, hands still bound, and started kicking him. A guard walked up to him, she was a blonde with blue eyes, she had her hair pulled into a tight pony tail and with no emotion took out a stick and started wailing on Damon, until he stopped and got up, bleeding and bruised.

    "No more of the Please, this fighting could go on forever." Turner said. "We have a bigger common threat we have to worry about, now lets get moving."

    They slowly walked into the jungle.

    Jane and Connors had slept on the side of the road for the night. It was morning now and Connors was filling up the tank. A Whirring sound was coming from the distance and he looked up....
    "Helicopters" Jane said.
    Chris ran into the car and started driving. Jane looked through the back window and saw the copter advancing on them. They were driving at top speed and saw a building up ahead...
    A machine gun started shooting at the car, one of the back tires blew, but the car kept pushin on. The other back tire blew and Chris and Jane were forced to leave the car, they headed for the building up ahead, it looked like a hotel, it was probably a place where the InGen geneticists lived.
    Jane looked up and saw the Helicopter filled with people looking down at her. Chris and Jane walked in the front door and headed up the stairs, they felt the house shake and people jumping on the ceiling and they headed in the opposite direction, down the stairs..
    The came to a closet and Chris pushed Jane into it. She kept quiet. Chris stood behind a pillar and waiting for the guard to run past him. Chris then took out his buck knife and plunged it into the guards stomach as he ran past. The guard fell to the floor, but blew his whistle before he died.
    Chris pulled Jane out of the closet as more guards walked down the stairs. They ran out of the back door and into the shed. There was a broken table on the floor, and an InGen logo on the wall. The window was broken and glass was strewn on the floor.
    Jane walked in and said, "There's only one door."
    Connors nodded and they ran into the foliage. They climped up a tree and watchedthe gaurd run out of the house in the distance. Jane looked below the tree and her eyes widened. She tugged at Chris' shirt and pointed down. Below the trees was a brown/tan carnivore with a horn above each eye. It stood, entangled with leaves, with it's jaws gaping. It heard the shouts of the guards and it's skin slowly turned to the color of the foliage, until it was almost completely camoflauged.
    A lone guard entered the forest and was beneath Chris and Jane. It looked side to side and didnt see anything. Then Jane sneezed and he looked up at the pair in the tree, he pointed to them, and was about to shout when the carnotaur revealed itself and bit the man's head off, it ignored Jane and ate the man's body.
    Soon more of the guard stepped through the wall of plants and saw the carcass of one of their own. They all aimed their guns at the carnivore and shot it, it roared in pain, and fell to the ground. Even the mighty predator couldnt escape the fast machines. It bleed profusely and it's eyes glazed over as it died. The guards then looked around and foudn Connors and Jane, who lifted their arms in the air.
    Jane was thrown into the copter forcefully by a BioSyn gaurd. The helicopter was ready and they lifted off as the last guard took hold of a rope. They then headed off back to headquarters, under the bright sun.

    12/31/2002 3:19:32 PM

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