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By Michael Crichton
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    Since much larger dinos have been discovered, many new books leave off "Rex" from "Tyrannosaurus", as it means "king". (From: 'Justisaur2')
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    Jurassic Park IV: Exctinction (Part8)
    By Crisco

    Sarah Harding tried to lift herself to the surface but she was out of air. When she dived she went really deep and she ws having a hard time reaching the surface, but even though her lungs were firing she kept pushing for a breath of fresh air. When she surfaced she let the current take her. She was tired but she knew she had to keep going. If she got to close to the cliff, she would b like a rag doll and get slammed against it, and the undertoe would suck her down.
    She had to swim parallel with the cliff until she found a beach. That could be miles she thought, but it was her only chance. She rolled into a ball when a huge wave came, she knew she couldnt have fought it and she let herself get knocked into a rock. She started coughing blood when she got to the surface, but she kept going. She started to get weary and saw the entrance to a cave. she pushed herself a few more strokes and let her body flow with the water in the cave.
    Chris walked down the hallway of the "jailhouses". They weren't actually jailhouses, it was just a nickname among the scientists. All of them were crammed into one "motel" and each got a small room. He knew that Tao's stuff was going to be collected soon and he wanted to make sure he got his daughter's number before the janitor's took it away. When he opened the door with his card, he was surprised to hear noise. When he walked in the doorway the noise stopped. He looked around the small apartment. There were cheetos and clothes strewn about, there was a nintendo hooked up to the TV and Connors just shrugged. He then looked through Tao's desk but there weren't any numbers, but he did find a sport's bra in the drawer, "What the hell" he mumbled to himself. Then he felt the cold steel of a knife press against his throat. A low voice said, "put the clothes down and close your eyes" Chris didnt close his eyes and took the arm of his assailant and twistedit, freeing himself. He then took the knife and quickly put it to the person's throat. The person was a girl, maybe 5.5 ft tall with brown eyes and black hair, she was oriental and held a voice morpher to her mouth.
    "Are you Jon Tao's daughter?" Chris asked.
    "The girl nodded"
    "Ok..I'm not going to hurt you just calm down and we'll talk..Ok?"
    She nodded again and threw his arm off her and punched him in the nose. She then ran to the door, but he was quicker and stopped her from running into the hallway.
    He then raised his hands and said, "You got me, now let's talk"
    She squinted her eyes at him and sat down. on their couch. He sat on the desk chair and looked down at the floor for a minute.
    "What's your name?" Connors asked.
    "Where's my dad?" the girl said.
    "I'm fine thank you" Chris said.
    "My name's Jane and i want to know were my father is."
    "I'm afraid he died on one of the missions yesterday."
    "noooooooooo youre lying!" Jane said and she burst into tears. Shee knew full well it was true but she didnt want to face it, her dad had been so great to her and worked hard.
    After a few minutes and Jane had stopped screaming she asked, "How?"
    "I'd rather not tell you" Connors said.
    "But his last words were to tell you that he loves you"
    "I would rather he told me himself."
    I know, but he cant know, and i am really interested in how you are staying here.
    "Well, my mother died giving birth to me and my dad was the only family i got, he had to sneak me here and for the past 3 months i have been in this apartment the whole time, he was so nice though, he gave me everything, he knew how hard it was, he promised we would be out of there as soon as we could, but i guess he wont be....now.."
    She burst into tears and Connors sat next to her and patted her back. He could only imagine how hard it was living in that room. He looked at the walls as he continued to pat her. He thought about how he felt he was cooped up in the whole facility, which was a couple of miles around. He shook his head.
    "How did you manage to get past security?"
    "His cooworkers knew about me, they've been shoving food through my door, here and there and waiting for him to return. I cant beleive this has happened, waht am i suppose to do?"
    "I'm getting tired of this place anyway"
    jane wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at him. "you'll get me out of here?"
    "If i can "
    "I'll have to make a plan, but we'll need a boat or helicoptor or somthing.. and i doubt we can just waltz up to one"
    jane nodded, "Where will i go afterwards?"
    "Let's just focus on getting off this damn island." Connors said. "First you'll need to pack, and so will i so jus be ready for me to come at anytime, and make sure you dont tell anyone, ok?"
    Jane nodded and Chris left the room, on his way out he looked back and said, "I'll try my best."
    She smiled behind the tears and said, "thanks"

    Malcolm, Roland, Damon, & Dr. Soloman treked through the jungle, they stayed alongside the plains so that they didnt get lost. They came to a creek and heard....snoring. Dr.Soloman looked up and saw a T-Rex's head looming, blocking out the sun. He stayed still and began to sweat. His knees were knocking together and he was mumbling to himself. Damon snapped and Dr. Soloman looked back. "Shut the fuck up" Damon lip-sinked. Dr. Soloman nodded and looked up at the sleeping tyrannosaurus. It drooled and splatered on his hat. Malcolm wouldve smiled if he didnt know how serious this actually was. Dr. Soloman's knees buckled and he fell on the leaves. His body hit the ground like a thud and the trex's eyes opened...and it let out a low growl from it's throat.

    Hold on!! I know i know, i am using a huge load of sceens from the books but you need to remember that this is a movie sequel not a book one! i hope you've like it so far, and the plot it about to pick up VERY sooon!

    12/17/2002 8:57:44 PM

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