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    A line performed by the late Notorious B.I.G. in Puff Daddy's song "Victory" goes: "trying to make dough like Jurassic Park did." (From: jurassiraptor)
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    Batman: The Frightening (Part1)
    By Crisco

    Detective Renee Montoya brushed some leaves out of her long black hair as she reached the cliff-side. Orange tape had already been set up around the perimeter, and CSI were trying to find evidence. Renee was 25, young for a detective. This was her 5th year in the GCPD and she lived for her job. She came from Italy as an immigrant with her family when she was seven and had picked up American ways very easily. Her brother was caught up in a gang shootout when he was 12 while coming home from a supermarket, she remembers finding him in a puddle of blood and milk and tred marks all over the street, along with bullet casings. Her brother's death is what inspired her to become a cop.

    The sky was gray and cloudy, it began to rain lightly, and it was only 12am. Renee heard the leaves crunching beneath her feet as she approached the car. She looked through the passenger seat at the teenagers. Her partner, Jack Smiley held his nose and turned away when he saw the juveniles.

    Linda Stewart approached them. "Carrie Strud, 16 lives in the Upper East Side, rich parents. Ryan Sutton, lives near the other vic, they were probably up here doing,'you know what' this place is notorious among teens."

    Det. Montoya raised, her hand, "I know" She put on some rubber gloves and rolled down the passenger seat window. Both victims had a mixture of blood and vomit on their chest and their eyes were rolled back, so all that could be seen was the whites. They both were sitting upright. Renee put her ear close to the victim’s mouth; she felt a little heat and warm air.

    “What the hell?” she said to herself.

    “What, what is it?” Jack asked, still holding his nose.

    Det. Montoya checked the pulse at the wrist.

    “They’re still alive, we need ambulances immediately!” She pulled the two bodies out of the seats and into rescue positions. They were un-responsive, but breathing.

    “Why the hell weren’t these bodies checked?” Jack asked Linda.

    “ I was called in about two corpses, from some campers.” Linda said sheepishly.

    “Well next time check whether they’re ALIVE or NOT!!” Jack said.

    The ambulance pulled next to the car, on the side was a big logo, “Liberty Hospital, Gotham City”

    “There is gonna be a TON of paperwork” Jack said, shaking his head.

    Bruce Wayne sat by his indoor pool while playboy bunnies in tight bikinis played water-volleyball.

    “Can I get you anything, master Bruce?” Alfred said, walking up to him.

    “No, I’m fine Alfred. Do you ladies want anything?” Bruce said, smiling at the women.

    “No thanks Bruce.” A blonde said.

    “I’ll have a martini,” A brunette said. Then she leaned over and kissed Bruce, “You know what I really want.” She whispered, then she pushed herself back into the clear light blue water.

    Bruce smiled and grabbed a towel. He started walking to his shower room. Bruce Wayne was a young billionaire of 24. He inherited his fortune from his parents who were brutally murdered while he was young. At this age in his life, he no longer thinks about his parents or misfortunes. He is in a state of denial. He has just graduated from college and has spent months lounging around the estate, and fooling around with women, which were always in stock at the mansion. He needed meaning to his life, but right now he didn’t care, he enjoyed being young and wealthy.

    Alfred handed Bruce, another clean towel as he walked out of the shower.
    “Do you really think the women are after anything other than your money?” Alfred said.

    “Oh, so it couldn’t be my looks or charm?” Bruce said, smiling at Alfred.

    “I don’t think they really care about those things, If I claimed to be Bruce Wayne, I believe they’d be fondling over me all the time.” Alfred said.

    “ Oh relax Alfred. I have everything I could ever want, and what’s the use of that if you can’t enjoy it? I’ll let them try to win me over for a couple more weeks then find new girls.” Bruce said, laughing to himself.

    “How mature, and honorable.” Alfred said.

    “Don’t be a stiff Alfred.” Bruce said, leaving the room.

    He walked to his elevator and pressed 3, for the 3rd floor. He walked out of the elevator and he heard whimpering. He pressed himself against the back of his door and listened…

    “ Where’s the vault?” a scruffy voice asked.

    “I don’t know, I’m sorry, I really don’t know!” a feminine voice answered.

    “Delia” Bruce said to himself.

    “Tell me or I’ll shoot!” the burglar said.

    “Believe me if I knew I’d carry you there” Delia said.

    Bruce dismissed the comment and busted through the door. The man in black had Delia a gunpoint and upon Bruce’s entering he pointed it at Bruce. He fired two shots. Bruce stepped to the side and missed both. He grabbed the man and threw him against the wall. He walked over to Delia…

    “Are you ok?” Bruce said, lifting her hand.

    “I’m fine, o did you hear anything?” Delia said, dawning a sickeningly fake smile.

    “Everything.” Bruce said.

    “Watch out! She said as she pointed behind him.

    The man was holding a chair, and he bashed it onto Bruce’s back.

    “AHHHHH!” Bruce yelled in pain.

    The man ran through the door and down the stairs.

    Bruce got up and chased after him, he looked back at Delia holding the bed sheets.

    “Don’t worry about me!” She said sarcastically.

    Bruce rolled his eyes and ran to the balcony to see the burglar running down the stairs. He picked up a saucer off a tray on desk in front of his room, and with excellent accuracy swung it at the man, it struck the man’s arm, he yelled in pain. Then Bruce jumped into the air and grabbed a hold of the chandelier. He swung high in the air, above the stairs, which the man frantically ran down. Bruce held onto a banner and swung to gain momentum. The man in the black was running to the front door. With one swift leap, Bruce jumped on top of the man and he crashed against the limestone floor, just feet away from the front door.

    “I’m sorry, real sorry Mr. Wayne, I don’t want any trouble, honest!” the man pleaded. Bruce had broken his nose, when he bashed him to the ground, and the man sputtered trying to breathe anything, but his own blood.

    Bruce didn’t pay attention to the man’s whining. He checked his pockets for anything; he might’ve stolen and found his favorite wristwatch. He turned the man over, pinned him down and looked deep into his eyes. Trying to find a reason for a man to steal from him.
    The man who wore all black just starred back at him, scared, whimpering like a puppy.

    Bruce shoved the watch into the man’s chest and said, “Don’t EVER come back here again.” Bruce then started walking back up the stairs to his bedroom.

    Comments are greatly appreciated, especially from Batman fans. If you have criticism it will be equally appreciated, just write ANYTHING to let me know someone actually reads this!

    3/2/2003 7:43:34 PM

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