Jurassic Park Trilogy DVD
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    To convince Spielberg to go with CGI dinosaurs instead of stop-motion effects, the ILM team animated a herd of dinosaur skeletons running across a field. (From: 'Vader')
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    Lost in the World of Jurassic Krap part 5
    By CeratosPit

    Out in the African Savannah, a couple of young male lions try to take down a water buffalo. The large beast becomes angry and charges the two cats. The lions run, but one of them trips in an aardvark burrough. The feline stumbles and get's back up on his feet, but the water buffalo is 3 feet away. KABOOM! The buffalo explodes. The lions are startled, but the smell of fresh blood is to great too resist. As they devour the scattered organs, Roland Tembo stands by his jeep, polishing his Rocket launcher.

    Roland: Eat up, you two. A kill that huge will attract every predator in this area within minutes.

    *In the jeep, Roland's hunting partner Ajay Sidhue is getting off the phone*

    Ajay: Yes. Yes sir. Thank you, call again.

    Roland: So who was that, Ajay? Nash, Cooper, Udesky?

    Ajay: Oh, no Roland. This was a business man with an intriguing proposition.

    Roland: He wants me to sleep with his wife?

    Ajay: No.

    Roland: Then call him back and tell the bloody bastard I'm not interested.

    Ajay: Oh, I think you will be Roland, I think you will be...

    *Roland notices a bull elephant chasing the lions away from the buffalo parts. Elephants are jerks*

    Roland: Excuse me, Ajay.

    *He walks up to the elephant, who threatens to stomp him. But the Great White Hunter grabs the Pachyderm by the trunk and flips him over. The elephant lies on it's back, writhing in pain and Roland retuns to the jeep*

    Ajay: You flipped that elephant by the nose and broke it's back for no other reason than out of boredom, didn't you, Roland?

    Roland: Well, we ARE poachers, Ajay.

    Ajay: I'll drink to that!

    2 B Continued...

    3/24/2002 9:21:29 PM

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