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By Michael Crichton
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    Jeff Goldblum once directed a short film called "Little Surprises" which was nominated for an Academy Award. (From: 'Troodon')
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    Jurassic Krap 3: part 19
    By CeratosPit

    Taking a shower in the Rain, sPykosaurus comes across his little human friends again. He inadvertantly trapped the Kirbys in S.S.Bowman and knocked Dr.Grant overboard. Now sPyko is faced with a tough decision; which Kirby to eat first*

    sPyko: Let's see here... I think I'll go with... you. *pointing to Paul*

    Paul: Oh, sure, I bet you eat guys all the time, eh? Frickin' queer.

    sPyko: Ah yes. You make that point again. I shall take the little blond number then.

    Amanda: Oh, come on! I'm not supposed to die here, I'm a woman!

    sPyko: Hmm. Another set back. Then--

    Eric: Don't even think about it, you Pedophile!

    sPyko: Yeah, I'll stick with the blond chick. *picks up Amanda*

    Amanda: No! Wait! Paul! Eric!

    Paul: Sorry honey, you are the weakest link!

    Eric: Goodbye!

    Amanda: Paul, You Jerk! Please, No!

    *sPykosaurus lifts her up to his mouth, when-- CLANG!*

    sPyko: What in the... *he looks back to see a barrel of oil has been thrown onto his back sPikes and stuck on them*

    Grant: Hey, sPyko! Why don't you put the lady down, and have a taste of the 1990 Donkey Kong Champion?

    Amanda: Donkey Kong Champion?

    Grant: How do you think I learned to throw barrels?

    *We zoom out to see Dr.Grant standing atop a crane next to a small collection of Oil Barrels*

    sPyko: Is that a challenge? Well then I except, on one condition. If I eat you, you won't make any cracks about my sexual preferences.

    Grant: Deal.

    *He places Amanda back into the yacht*

    Paul: Are you alright, honey?

    Eric: Yeah, we tried to save you, Mom!

    *Amanda looks pissed off at them. Before she could say anything though, sPyko flips the yacht over*

    Grant: Hey! That wasn't part of the deal!

    sPyko: *wading over to Grant* Then you should have said something!

    *sPyko's about to snap up Grant whose stranded on top of the crane, when the Paleontologist gives his lower jaw an upper cut. The dinosaur falls back*

    Grant: You want some more of this? Then get up off your ass and take some!

    *sPyko, a little dizzy, get's back up. Meanwhile the Kirbys escape the overturned yacht and swim to shore. Eric looks over to see Dr.Grant bitch-slapping the sPykosaurus and then kicking him in the eye*

    sPyko: Owie!

    *Eric looks frightened*

    Eric: Dr.Grant's in trouble!

    Paul: *takes out a flare gun* Maybe this flare gun I found should scare him off...

    Grant: *stops beating up the sPykosaurus* Now, listen you! I don't believe in animal cruelty, but you have been nothing if not a jerk! So why don't you leave us alone and never bother us again?

    sPyko: You got it. I'll be good, now. *begins to walk away* If it means anything, I'm sorry for all of this.

    Grant: Apology accepted. Let's just... *looks over at Paul aiming the flare gun* Mr.Kirby? NO!

    *Paul fires the flare gun at the Oil Barrel on sPyko's back. The beast ignites, and runs around, on fire! Amanda, meanwhile, gets to the river's shore and miraculously finds the sat phone. She dial a number and... um, hold on guys, wait a sec. I got a phone call...

    2 B Continued

    2/28/2002 9:35:04 PM

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